美國可卡獵犬的區別(differences between an american cocker spaniel)和英國可卡犬(an english cocker spaniel)的區別



 Do you love dogs, or do you specifically love Cocker Spaniels? If you are an avid fan of Cocker Spaniels, then you probably know the differences between the American Cocker Spaniel and the  English Cocker Spaniel. If you are still a new fan of the spaniel breeds, then this article is important for you. Not all people can actually tell the differences between these two spaniel breeds since they are very much alike. For now, let us determine their minute differences and become the best, know-it-all spaniel owner.

Generally, the Cocker Spaniel breeds are friendly dogs. Because of this trait, families love to take care of these dogs. They are outgoing, lovable, and well liked by several children. Despite their cute and cuddly nature, they are sporting dogs. They can be trained since they are very intelligent. Even though they can be trained, they don’t like military training or rough training. If I was a dog, I would also hate it. Cocker Spaniels can be trained doing field work, showing off, and, of course, to be good pets.

The American Cocker Spaniel looks very much like the English Cocker Spaniel because it was developed from it during the 19th century. At the beginning, both breeds of dogs were bred to be gun-dogs. Cool, right? Despite their appearances, they are good breeds of gun-dogs and sporting dogs. During previous times, these dogs were used to sniff and find **all in the forest. They were like hunting dogs. But when it comes to hunting ability, the English Cocker Spaniel has a greater edge than the American Cocker Spaniel.

When compared with their size, the American Cocker Spaniel has a **aller build than the English Cocker Spaniel since it’s larger. The American Cocker Spaniel is medium in size, but it is still the **allest Cocker Spaniel of the gun-dog types. Its **all build enables it to have good endurance and   great speed. Being **all makes it tougher.

If you will look closely at the head of the American Cocker Spaniel, it has a round shape. On the other hand, the English Cocker Spaniel has a head which is slightly rectangular in shape. When comparing the muzzle of both breeds, the muzzle of the English Cocker Spaniel is longer than the American Cocker Spaniel. If you will compare their eyes, the American Cocker Spaniel’s 眼睛 are projected forward and slightly wider than its cousin the English Cocker Spaniel. Also, the American Cocker Spaniel looks “sadder” than the English Cocker Spaniel because its lips hang down more. With regards to their fur, the American Cocker Spaniel has longer fur than the English Cocker Spaniel.

These beautiful creatures can live many years. The American Cocker Spaniel can live up to 11 years while the English Cocker Spaniel can live up to 15 years.


  1. 美國可卡犬比英國可卡犬小。
  2. 這兩個品種都是很好的槍狗和**,儘管他們脆弱的外觀。在狩獵能力方面,英國可卡犬更具優勢。
  3. 美國可卡犬的頭部呈圓形,而英國可卡犬的頭部略呈矩形。
  4. 美國可卡犬的鼻口比英國可卡犬短。
  5. 美國可卡犬的眼睛比英國可卡犬略寬。
  6. 美國可卡犬的嘴脣比英國可卡犬的嘴脣下垂得更遠。
  7. 英國可卡犬的皮毛比美國可卡犬短。
  • 發表於 2021-06-24 10:50
  • 閱讀 ( 26 )
  • 分類:動物


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