什麼是向量(a vector)





A vector can be written down in several ways. One method is to use bold characters e.g.  . You can also use an underline ( ) or an arrow drawn on top of a letter ( ). If the symbol for a vector is written without these, it is taken to be the magnitude of the vector.

Two vectors that have the same length and direction are equal. In the diagram below,  .

什麼是向量(a vector)



For example, on the diagram below, the component of the vector  along the  -axis is  and the component along the  -axis is  . 

什麼是向量(a vector)



Generally, if a vector with magnitude makes an angle  to a given direction, then the component of the vector along that direction is  , and the component of the vector in the direction perpendicular to that direction is  .



The speed of the shadow is the component of the plane’s velocity along the runway. Since the plane is travelling at an angle of 15o to the runway, the speed of the shadow is then  km h-1.



A lawnmower is pushed along the ground, with a force  exerted along the handle. The vertical and horizontal components of the force are 30.6 N and 25.7 N respectively. Find a) size of the force    and b) the angle  that the lawnmower makes with the ground.

什麼是向量(a vector)



The angle is given by 


If the components of a vector  along the  ,  and  axes are  ,  and  respectively, the vector can be written as  .

什麼是向量(a vector)


Magnitude refers to the size of the vector, without taking into c***ideration its direction. The magnitude of a vector  is written as  . If the letter is simply written as  , this is also taken to indicate the magnitude of the vector.

If a vector  , then its magnitude .


The electric field vector at a point is given by  N C-1. Find the magnitude of the electric field.

N C-1.

什麼是單位向量(unit vectors)?

A unit vector is a vector with a magnitude of 1 unit. Unit vectors are often written with a ‘hat’ above the letter. e.g.  . The unit vector along the direction of a vector  , is defined as:

In particular, on the Cartesian coordinate system, the unit vectors along the  ,  and   axes are written as , and respectively.

Using these unit vectors, a vector in the 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system can be written as a sum of 3 vectors along the  ,  and  directi***. This is done by taking components of the vector along  ,  and  axes, and multiplying each component by the unit vector of the corresponding axis.

For example, the vector  can be written as  .


  • 發表於 2021-06-27 02:59
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