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超級使用者閱讀器Suvarna Amar想知道硬碟的格式化次數是否有限制:

Is there a limit to the number of times that I can format a hard-disk drive? I looked for this information on Wikipedia, but was unable to find an answer.




With the exception of CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs (collectively called “optical media”), formatting is not a special action and is fundamentally the same as any other disk operation. Formatting a storage device (whether it is a hard-disk drive (HDD), solid state drive (SSD), or flash drive) just involves regular old reads and writes to the disk.

The only matters of concern are:

  • Are you performing a quick format or a full format? A quick format just overwrites the core file system data structures with a new file system and usually only involves a few megabytes of writes (compared to many gigabytes or terabytes of total disk space). A full format only writes a **all amount of data, but reads from every part of the disk to make sure the disk is okay.
  • Usually after you format a disk (if it is your primary storage), you are going to install an operating system on it. This usually causes 2 – 25 GB of disk writes at first, plus another several gigabytes to install programs and updates.

All this writing of new data (which will vary in quantity depending on what type of format you performed and what you are going to do after you format it) can cause wear on SSDs and, to a lesser degree, the mechanical parts of HDDs. The amount of wear is proportional to the amount of data that is being read and/or written, with SSDs largely unaffected by reads, but HDDs being affected roughly the same by reads and writes.

I am not going to delve into the topic of disk endurance and how certain quantities and frequencies of reads and writes affect the endurance (wear level) of different types of disks. This is a very complex topic that is completely independent from the subject of disk formatting.

Just know that the operation of reinstalling Windows on a hard-disk drive is basically doing the same thing to your disk as copying several gigabytes of movies or pictures or music. Just the act of using a computer involves very frequent disk reads and writes.

The only difference is that formatting a disk and then using it often incurs a fairly large amount of reads and writes compared to what a typical user might do in a day.

Analogy: If you normally drive 8 km to work every day in your car and then take a holiday trip of 200 km, this is fundamentally the same action, you are just driving further. Formatting causes more wear on your disk, just like driving further causes more wear on your car.

If you want to know how reading and writing data impacts the endurance of your particular type of disk, you can either ask a new question, search for existing questi***, or use Google to find this information.


有什麼要補充的解釋嗎?在評論中發出聲音。想從其他精通技術的Stack Exchange使用者那裡瞭解更多答案嗎?在這裡檢視完整的討論主題。

  • 發表於 2021-04-11 00:49
  • 閱讀 ( 51 )
  • 分類:網際網路



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...Windows 10中使用NTFS。添加捲標,並確保未選中“執行快速格式化”。點選下一個。 完成。 ...

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...的300mb/s寫入速度和350mb/s讀取速度。另外,它是在exFAT中格式化的,可以與Windows或Mac開箱即用,不需要額外的工具。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-13 05:04
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...淨了。或者可能驅動器是為其他作業系統(如Mac或Linux)格式化的,在這種情況下,它可能無法在Windows上使用,或者至少可能導致相容性問題。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 14:49
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...並執行上述診斷工具之一。如果已備份資料,還可以嘗試格式化驅動器並重新安裝作業系統。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-18 00:44
  • 閲讀 ( 61 )


... 使用蘋果的免費磁碟應用程式,你可以很容易地格式化驅動器,給它一個標籤,甚至分割槽,從一個驅動器建立多個卷。讓我們看看您的選項,哪種檔案系統適合您,以及如何讓您的驅動器準備好使用。 ...

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... 固態硬碟沒有任何活動部件,所以它們可以比硬碟小。因此,大多數固態硬碟的外形尺寸為2.5英寸。如果您需要將SSD安裝到3.5英寸機櫃中,該怎麼辦?有一些介面卡可以將2.5英寸驅動器轉換為3.5英寸驅動器。 ...

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有關xbox one外部硬碟的所有資訊

...音樂和電影,但這並不是大多數人所追求的,所以請選擇格式化儲存裝置。 ...

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...**系統,因此避免使用任何USB集線器。一旦連線,你需要格式化它(除非你買了一個為PS4預先格式化的驅動器)。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-18 17:17
  • 閲讀 ( 60 )