



今天的問答環節是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一個分支,是一個由社群驅動的問答網站分組。

截圖由John M(Flickr)提供。



I was reading through a Net Nanny article that mentioned the various ways its web filter could be bypassed by kids.

I saw this among the methods listed:

  • One way that teens can get around the filter entirely is to install a program that runs a virtual machine on the computer, essentially a computer within the computer. So, for example, if your computer’s operating system is Windows, the crafty teen can download a program that runs a virtual Windows operating system that will not have Net Nanny installed, and then surf the web with no filter.

Now I was wondering if this might still be possible if the hosts file on the host OS has blocked access to all unwanted websites. Assume for the moment that such a huge, regularly updated hosts file does exist (including websites with ***** content, web proxies, P2P file-sharing, etc.).

Would it be possible to visit those blocked websites using a web browser running in the virtual OS? Also, assume that no VPN or TOR is used, nor Google’s “cached” view of the webpage.



超級使用者貢獻者Darth Android為我們提供了答案:

Yes. The hosts file does not block anything, it just tells the computer where it can find named websites. When you try going to google.com, the system will check its hosts file for that name, and if it exists, it will use the IP address there instead of looking up the IP address from a DNS server.

A virtual OS has its own hosts file, and performs its own name resolution (i.e. checking its own hosts file and contacting its own DNS server) independent from the host OS.

Even if you redirected google.com to (a common way of blocking a website), you can still get to Google simply by typing into your web browser instead.

Additionally, IP-based filters on the host OS may be useless depending on how the virtual OS network is configured. Usually, the virtual OS is bridged with the host’s networking, meaning that all incoming traffic is duplicated and sent to the virtual OS so that it can see the same network traffic that the host OS does. Even if the host OS is configured to block or filter certain IP addresses (such as with a firewall), the virtual OS will still get to see its copy of the data, which will allow the virtual OS to browse the internet and ignore a filter installed on the host OS.

Remember the cardinal rule of computers and security: If I can physically touch a computer system, then given time I can have full control over it. Kids have lots of free time, and by no means are they an exception to this rule. It is trivial to reboot a system into safe mode and remove Net Nanny or any other piece of software installed upon it.

If you wish to filter/restrict/monitor what your kids do on the Internet, you need to do so at the network level, not the system level. Look into what features your router supports (such as Net Nanny Integration like @Keltari suggests) and if it will support alternate router firmware such as DD-WRT, which can do a scheduled disconnect of the child’s computer (such as 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. each day).

Even then, network filtering is often a game of Whack-A-Mole, and often easily thwarted by proxies like Tor. It is next to impossible to stop someone from accessing the Internet if they really want to (just ask China or other countries with massive firewalls that ultimately do not work perfectly).

With kids, you either have to talk with them and explain the perils of the Internet, then have enough trust that they will not intentionally seek out the bad sites (using Net Nanny merely as a backup to stop accidental navigati***), or you refuse to let them use a connected computer unsupervised.

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  • 發表於 2021-04-11 07:56
  • 閱讀 ( 59 )
  • 分類:網際網路



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