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超級使用者讀者E M想知道不受信任的USB驅動器可能有哪些危險:

Suppose someone wants me to copy some files to their USB drive. I’m running fully-patched Windows 7 x64 with AutoRun disabled (via Group Policy). I insert the USB drive, open it in Windows Explorer, and copy some files to it. I do not run or view any of the existing files. What bad things could happen if I do this?

What about if I do this in Linux (say, Ubuntu)? Please note that I’m looking for details of specific risks (if any), not “it would be safer if you don’t do this”.



超級使用者貢獻者sylvainulg、steve和Zan Lynx為我們提供了答案。首先,sylvainulg:

Less impressively, your GUI file browser will typically explore files to create thumbnails. Any pdf-based, ttf-based, (insert Turing-capable file type here)-based exploit that works on your system could potentially be launched passively by dropping the file and waiting for it to be scanned by the thumbnail renderer. Most of the exploits I know about are for Windows though, but do not underestimate the updates for libjpeg.


There are several security packages that allow me to set up an AutoRun script for either Linux OR Windows, automatically executing my malware as soon as you plug it in. It is best not to plug in devices that you do not trust!

Bear in mind, I can attach malicious software to pretty much any sort of executable that I want, and for pretty much any OS. With AutoRun disabled you SHOULD be safe, but AGAIN, I don’t trust devices that I am even the slightest bit skeptical about.

For an example of what can do this, check out The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET).

The ONLY way to truly be safe is to boot up a live Linux distribution with your hard drive unplugged, mount the USB drive, and take a look. Other than that, you’re rolling the dice.

As suggested by others, it is a must that you disable networking. It doesn’t help if your hard drive is safe and your whole network gets compromised.


Another danger is that Linux will try to mount anything (joke suppressed here).

Some of the file system drivers are not bug free. Which means that a hacker could potentially find a bug in, say, squashfs, minix, befs, cramfs, or udf. Then the hacker could create a file system that exploits the bug to take over a Linux kernel and put that on a USB drive.

This could theoretically happen to Windows as well. A bug in the FAT, NTFS, CDFS, or UDF driver could open up Windows to a takeover.


有什麼要補充的解釋嗎?在評論中發出聲音。想從其他精通技術的Stack Exchange使用者那裡瞭解更多答案嗎?在這裡檢視完整的討論主題。

  • 發表於 2021-04-11 11:48
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  • 分類:網際網路



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