
今天的問答環節是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一個分支,它是一個由Q&a網站組成的社群驅動分組。...

有限的wi-fi通道是否限制了網路可用性?Wi-Fi protocol supports 13 communication channels; how do these channels relate to the volume of devices you can have on the network and the quality of the connection? Read on learn more about Wi-Fi channel usage.

今天的問答環節是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一個分支,它是一個由Q&a網站組成的社群驅動分組。



As ********* reference, 802.11 standards (which defines Wi-fi networks) tell us that wireless networks works with 13 different channels on OFDM (depending on the release, a, b, g or n). From this I was wondering, if I have more than 13 machines on the same room (one room work for example with 50 notebooks), it would be impossible to connect all of them to internet at the same time? I mean, each device would use one specific channel to communicate with the acess point, limiting the acess point to 13 permanent connecti***.

How does all this stuff really work?




First of all, the U.S. only allows 11 of those 13 channels. Additionally, the original wifi developers made a mistake, of sorts, and signals within channels bleed over to their neighbors… there are really only 3 channels you should use: 1, 6 and 11.

That said, you can have far more than 3 devices on wifi at a time, because devices will share time on each channel. It’s just like having someone listen to several conversati*** taking place at once in a crowded room: not everyone is talking all the time. If two people talk at the same time, the listener may have to ask one or both to repeat themselves. The more people you add to the room, the less total information you can pass around, because people will c***tantly interrupt one another at an increasing rate. A good rule of thumb is around 25 devices per channel for casual browsing, but this can drop significantly for non-casual traffic like gaming, p2p file sharing, video streaming, and large file transfers.

In networking parlance, we say a wifi cell is unswitched and half-duplex, making it very sensitive to collisi***. Wired networks typcially don’t have these weaknesses (switched and full-duplex), and so while wifi is a “good enough” technology to use at home, serious networks always like to push as many people to a wired connection as possible.

I run the campus network at a **all college, and it’s sad to see how many new students arrive this year who have never used a wire for network access. They think the notion of needing a wire is quaint, and don’t understand the physical limitati*** involved, and why 80 devices (nearly 2 per student on average) in dorm space the size of their parents’ house doesn’t work so well. Re-educating them about this is hard.


Just adding my 2 cents:

  1. All Access points, and devices are sharing the channel. So if there are 10 access points and 200 devices on channel 6 (regardless of if they are yours or not) are sharing the capacity of the channel. For the G protocol that would be ~50 Mbps, for N ~150Mbps.
  2. Devices and access points (or routers) time share sending and receiving data on the channel. Each device on the channel takes turns sending and receiving data.
  3. Some advanced routers can communicate on 2 and 3 channels at once! This requires more compute power of course but it is possible. The really advanced devices are able to filter out devices that are not on its “network” and improve speed performance for it’s devices.
  4. Wireless N uses the 5Ghz frequency spectrum which is newer, which relates to less devices being on those frequencies.

To answer your question in short: You could have thousands of devices on your network; theoretically. All of the 13 computers (devices) will be able to access the internet at the same time.

有關調整路由器和Wi-Fi頻道的實用方面的更多資訊,請檢視我們以前的How To Geek文章綜述,主題是:保護網路安全和最佳化路由器的最佳Wi-Fi文章。


  • 發表於 2021-04-12 04:19
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  • 分類:網際網路



...次。較新的藍芽裝置還可以識別“壞”(當前正在使用)通道並避免這些通道。但是干擾仍然會發生,所以請嘗試將路由器從藍芽裝置移開。 ...

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...,因為每個頻道的頻率都與相鄰頻道的頻率重疊。因此,通道1、6和11是唯一不重疊的通道。 ...

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...容易使用。有一個圖表顯示了所有Wi-Fi網路在不同的網路通道上是如何重疊的,這可以讓您很好地瞭解最擁擠的通道。 ...

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...,因此您應該使用vpn。但大多數vpn都是花錢的,或者資料有限。然而,Aloha提供免費、無限制和加密的VPN。這還包括對公共Wi-Fi熱點的特定保護。只需點選一個按鈕,您將使用VPN。 ...

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...i網路分析和管理的應用程式。它具有網路連線工具、Wi-Fi通道頻譜圖、手動Wi-Fi連線優先順序列表和其他一些有用的工具。應用程式會自動顯示本地Wi-Fi訊號的列表。每個條目包括訊號強度、Wi-Fi通道、Wi-Fi安全型別等。 ...

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... 路由器使用幾個Wi-Fi通道中的一個連線到internet。有時路由器的當前通道會受到干擾或擁塞。因此,當您遇到連線問題時,更改Wi-Fi頻道會有所幫助。 ...

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...的連線,這是可以接受的,但隨著今天的網際網路越來越有限。 ...

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...的採用速度很慢。802.11n在2.4GHz和5GHz上執行,並且支援多通道使用。每個通道提供的最大資料速率為150Mbps,這意味著該標準的最大資料速率為600Mbps。 ...

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...容的網站都是禁區。航空公司Wi-Fi提供商的工作頻寬極其有限,必須為其他乘客保留可用資料。 ...

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什麼是wi-fi 6?您需要新的路由器嗎?

...譜分配中的一個塊上廣播的所有裝置。當多個裝置在一個有限的區域內使用同一頻譜上的同一通道時,最終會導致網路擁塞。 ...

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