






Calibre offers a stand-alone server, which is run through Command Line.

Once Calibre is installed it is as simple as writing a Batch file in notepad specifying a few details.

An example of this is:

calibre-server –port 8080 –with-library C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Calibre\Nameofyourlibrary\

This will run the server portion of Calibre only, freeing up resources( I run two instances of the server, one for me and one for my wife, and notice no performance decrease by doing so).

The only downside to this is a DOS window will stay up if you are running windows, on a linux distro you can add the command –daemonize , which will allow the server to run silently in the background.

As a work around for the DOS window staying up, you can download a little program called Batch To Exe Converter, which has an option to run in background. Then you simply place the .exe wherever you would like, I put mine in the startup folder so Windows would run the exe automatically on startup. No more dos window, and the server runs in the background, always available for when you need it!





I saw your article the other day about the inflated price of hard drives after the Thai floods. Here’s a great way to score a big hard drive on the cheap. I wanted to upgrade my media center with a few extra large capacity drives but, as luck would have it, I made this decision once the hard drive prices had sky rocketed. What was going to be a sub-$400 purchase of a couple 3TB drives became far too cost prohibitive—there’s no way I was going to spend $350-400+ a piece on a 3TB drive.

None the less, I ended up with 2 3TB drives for a mere $240! Even though bare drives and drive kit prices went through the roof, the price of external hard drives has stayed fairly stable. I picked up two 3TB drives on sale for $120 each. I cracked them both open and found a nice big fat drive inside. It’s not covered under warranty of course and it’s a rather slow drive (5400 rpm) BUT for storing video in what amounts of a glorified TiVo, I’m more than happy with it.




Carl在文章中為那些對Windows 8設計選擇感到惱火的人提供了一個建議:

I’ve been playing around more and more with Windows 8 and there a few things that really irritate me. What I really wanted was to enjoy the start menu style from Windows 7 but without having to totally abandon the Metro UI. I found this great little portable app called Metro Cheat. It enabled the classic menu in the Metro UI. The only complaint I can log is that in order to use it you have to turn down the UAC protection, although this seems more like a Windows issue than anything the developer has control over.


有什麼小竅門可以分享嗎?給我們發郵件[email protected]在頭版找你的把戲。

  • 發表於 2021-04-12 15:02
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  • 分類:網際網路



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