



閱讀這些評論很明顯,如果你花時間用其他東西來替換Windows資源管理器,那麼你就真的完成了你的功課。讀者們對他們最喜歡的探險家的選擇相當熱情。Shawn Murdock向我們詳細介紹了他為什麼喜歡XYplorer:

XYplorer – just the best; and I have used pretty much everything listed here by everyone. XYplorer is c***tantly being developed – almost daily. It can be configured to look like windows explorer, a dual pane norton commander clone, or a tabbed explorer; or some hybrid. It also has a build in scripting language that allows you to do anything. You can, for example, write a script, and assign it to a button, that switches between various configs of the toolbar. You can write scripts to manage files, change the explorer itself, pretty much anything.

Its also completely portable. You can also have portable file extensi*** (totally awesome). Example: define the extension PDF to open PDFXchange viewer off or your u** stick running XYplorer.

The mini tree is really cool. This allows you to have a **aller, cleaner, directory tree made up of only directories you use, or are interested in at that moment; no more giant structures to scroll through looking for things.

The user butt*** can run apps, run scripts, open folders, almost anything and are portable aware. XYplorer has colored files by extension, custom color file tags, colored branches of the directory tree, an excellent search system, custom labels, favorite files / folders. Just so many features that make this the best explorer for anyone. It can be as complicated and techy as you want; or just as simple as you want.

As for the price, just watch Bits Du Jur. It comes up for sale every couple of months. I have seen it twice since I bought it early this year. You can get a lifetime license for 50% off. I really did not want to spend money and I really liked Qdir and Cubic but I needed more. The scripting system allows me to automate my home config and my u** config and keep them in sync. This has saved me t*** of time. I highly recommend!



Directory Opus, again and again and again. Its superb. I’m a sys admin and hate the single pane (pain) explorer view, source and destination is what I need, with multiple trees if required, and the ability to macro command anything I need. print the DIR, easy, change all the file names to caps and lower case, format the text remove the _ and . , easy one mouse click, Double click the desktp, a new lister appears, Cmd line from this DIR, easy, I know its expensive for the initial outlay, but I will never dessert it. I’ve tried XYplorer and other alts over the years, I just keep going back to Opus for sheer customization and configuration. Love it to bits.


xplorer2 since I can’t remember when. I don’t understand why Microsoft has not incorporated a dual pane model into Explorer. When I’m explaining to friends and family how to move files from, say, a digital camera to their computer, it’s much easier with dual panes (triple pane if you count the file tree, I suppose). For me, xplorer2 is essential.


  • 發表於 2021-04-12 18:00
  • 閱讀 ( 33 )
  • 分類:網際網路



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