





How To Geek reader Mark分享了一個有趣的使用內建Windows工具的技巧,很多人甚至都不知道:

A few months ago I stumbled upon a really useful little application tucked away in Windows 7. There’s an app called “Problem Steps Recorder” that allows you to record your screen as an HTML slide show. It’s really handy when you don’t need the overhead of a full out recording and audio track.

You just start it, and then do whatever it is you want to record. Every time you use the mouse or keyboard it snaps a screenshot. When you’re done you can add comments to the slideshow you’ve made. It’s super easy to use. I use it to make tutorials for my coworkers and relatives and I’ve trained my relatives to use it before bugging me with a problem they have. It makes trouble shooting way easier!





I have two tricks I use for getting more juice out of my batteries before throwing them away. The first is “the swap” and the second is “the conveyor”. I’m not sure why this works (maybe the individual terminals in electronic devices don’t have equal pull from the batteries?) but if you simply remove the batteries from a device and rotate their position within the battery compartment you can often get more juice from them. I do this with my remote controls and just changing the batteries around often gets me a month or more extra use!

The other trick I use, the conveyor, is where I move batteries from high-energy use items to low-energy use items. Batteries that were in my camera flash almost always have more than enough life to power my wireless keyboard for months after they’ve become too weak to power the big capacitor in the flash anymore. If you think in terms of a battery being a person who is fatigued and able to do less instead of in terms of it either being on or off, you’ll start to see places where you can put the battery to work!





I love CCleaner. Sometimes I run it even when I probably don’t need to just to see all those temp files go shooting into the proverbial ash can. Unfortunately CCleaner only, be default, works with so many programs. I recently discovered a great add-on that extends the reach of CCleaner called CCEnhancer. You install it and it adds in almost 300 new programs to the CCleaner cleaning database! After I installed it and ran it for the first time I freed up an additional 3GB of hard drive space just from miscellaneous files generated by programs I’d never have even thought to look (like DVD burning software caches). It’s great!


有什麼好建議可以分享嗎?給我們發郵件[email protected]我們會盡力把它登上頭版。

  • 發表於 2021-04-12 23:26
  • 閱讀 ( 36 )
  • 分類:網際網路



... 那麼,如何延長智慧**電池的壽命呢?這裡有一些簡單的提示。 ...

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...**,那麼啟用Naptime就很簡單,只要啟動應用程式,然後在提示時授予根使用者訪問許可權。它應該適用於所有執行棉花糖或更高版本的植根**,它也適用於優秀的Magisk植根方法。 ...

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...不對勁,它會說很快就要換了。這是你把Mac送到服務站的提示。 ...

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... 要生成電池報告,請開啟命令提示符並鍵入powercfg/batteryreport。此命令以HTML格式將電池報告儲存到 ...

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android doze如何最佳化電池(以及如何禁用)

...會在後臺殺死你的Android電池。Doze透過提供有限的“維護視窗”來幫助解決這個問題,允許應用每隔一段時間(而不是經常)進行一次簽入。**休眠時間越長,這些視窗之間的時間越長。 ...

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...你。這裡有幾種方法可以讓你的Android**實現自動化,從而延長電池壽命。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-20 12:23
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...間不夠長,你需要檢查電池的健康狀況,或者使用我們的提示來節省Android上的電池續航時間。你甚至可以自動化你的Android**以延長電池壽命。 ...

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... 專業提示:要臨時授予Android許可權,請嘗試Bouncer。它可以在您離開某個特定應用程式時自動撤消許可權。 ...

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... 電源歷史記錄是一個高階功能,可以幫助您獲得有用的見解。當電池消耗超過某個閾值時,它會顯示動態功耗圖和波束通知。 ...

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如何節省ps5 dualsense控制器的電池壽命

...nse有一系列消耗電池壽命的功能。禁用這些選項不會大幅延長控制器的電池壽命,但如果您將電池壽命優先於花哨的功能,則會有所幫助。 ...

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