
週三晚上,r/WallStreetBets subreddit自己的版主將它保密了不到一個小時,Reddit向大家證實了這一點——但現在,它又回來了,版主們自己發了一篇新帖子,並沒有完全解釋它為什麼一開始就消失了。隨著GameStop股價的快速上漲,論壇上的交易員在一定程度上推動了GameStop股價的上漲,subreddit最近幾天的關注度顯著上升。...

週三晚上,r/WallStreetBets subreddit自己的版主將它保密了不到一個小時,Reddit向大家證實了這一點——但現在,它又回來了,版主們自己發了一篇新帖子,並沒有完全解釋它為什麼一開始就消失了。隨著GameStop股價的快速上漲,論壇上的交易員在一定程度上推動了GameStop股價的上漲,subreddit最近幾天的關注度顯著上升。





We are experiencing technical difficulties based on unprecedented scale as a result of the newfound interest in WSB. We are unable to ensure Reddit’s content policy and the WSB rules are enforceable without a technology platform that can support automation of this enforcement. WSB will be back.




當r/WallStreetBets第一次被私有化時,資訊上寫著“like 4Chan found a Bloomberg Terminal”,這是subreddit被私有化之前的描述。





We have grown to the kind of size we only dreamed of in the time it takes to get a bad nights sleep. We’ve got so many comments and submissi*** that we can’t possibly even read them all, let alone act on them as moderators. We wrote software to do most of the moderation for us but that software isn’t allowed to read the Reddit new feed fast enough and submit resp***es, and the admins haven’t given us special access despite asking for it.

We’re suffering from success and our Discord was the first casualty. You know as well as I do that if you gather 250k people in one spot someone is going to say something that makes you look bad. That room was golden and the people that run it are awesome. We blocked all bad words with a bot, which should be enough, but apparently if someone can say a bad word with weird unicode icelandic characters and someone can screenshot it you don’t get to hang out with your friends anymore. Discord did us dirty and I am not impressed with them destroying our community instead of stepping in with the wrench we may have needed to fix things, especially after we got over 1,000 server boosts. That is pretty unethical.

To add to this, people are co-opting our name on twitter. I won’t mention their accounts, but lots of handles with “w**” and “wallstreetbets” in them are pretending to speak for us. They’re saying things that we don’t agree with, driving traffic to derivative communities and shitty pixelated merch stores, and generally making it harder for us to define who we are. There’s also too much political bullshit in a community that was never ever political. The only way I want to occupy Wall St is in a suit myself or rent-free in the mind of a blown up short.

That is why I’m throwing my support behind the Twitter handle in general. We need a way to PUBLICLY reach out to the staff of the infrastructure that is failing us so the world can see that we aren’t doing anything wrong here if they don’t respond. We need to be able to respond directly to a reporter that is lying to the world about our clubhouse. We can’t be expected to meet any expectati*** when we aren’t given the tools we need.

That’s not to say I approve of every message or will even be in the loop for all of them, but it’s clear to me we can’t do nothing and we need a megaphone.

http://twitter.com/w**mod aka @w**mod is the only Twitter handle whose statements are directly from some part of the team.

We’ll do our best not to pretend to speak for you, but to try to speak with the volume our name now seems to command to get shit done for us.


  • 發表於 2021-04-16 21:42
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  • 分類:網際網路



r/WallStreetBets,GameStop股票狂潮背後的Reddit社群,有了自己的超級碗廣告。Reddit建立了一個簡短的5秒廣告,以尊重WallStreetBets的意志和純粹的決心。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-26 19:07
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... 故事的核心是r/WallStreetBets的快速增長,這是一個Reddit社群,以其在市場上的一系列高風險交易而聞名。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-27 04:35
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macos 11.0 big sur的新增功能,現已推出

...程式的改進,我們將在下面進行介紹。 狩獵:更快,更私密 Safari在macos11.0的速度、隱私特性和擴充套件方面都得到了重大升級。在WWDC2020的主題演講中,蘋果聲稱,當載入經常訪問的網頁時,新的Safari將比GoogleChrome快50%左右。...

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...夾的空白區域,並從選單中選擇自定義此資料夾選項。 現在選擇“自定義”選項卡,然後選擇“圖片和影片”作為資料夾型別。 顯示“檔案”選單,或者按住Alt鍵,然後您將能夠取消選擇“隱藏檔名”選項,該選項將立即顯...

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“類人猿一起堅強”是Reddit的r/WallStreetBets社群的格言之一。現在,金融機構subreddit的成員們透過向支援野生大猩猩的慈善機構捐贈數十萬美元來利用他們最喜歡的模因之一。 雷迪託一家慷慨捐助的最傑出的接受者是...

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reddit阻止rogue r/wallstreetbets mods接管社群


  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 08:28
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...100%後,該網站似乎已經下跌。Reddit最具爭議的社群之一r/WallStreetBets一直支援該股,在股價飆升後表現得非常活躍。目前,尚不清楚兩者是否有關聯,但在Reddit開始崩潰之前,subreddit似乎已經有了大量的流量。 截至下午5點...

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《邊緣報》本週廣泛報道了subreddit r/WallStreetBets是如何導致GameStop股價飆升的,以及隨後的混亂局面。 在本週的Vergecast節目中,Verge的Nilay Patel、Dieter Bohn和Elizabeth Lopatto試圖將這種混亂編成一個事件的時間軸,同時也...

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...rch預測股價將下跌,但一直對該股產生興趣的Reddit board r/wallstreetbets成員在Reddit留言板上批評了Citron,並繼續在社交媒體上讚揚該股。 r/wallstreetbets的炒作幫助GameStop的股票形成了所謂的“空頭擠壓”。做空的效果是這樣的:一...

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...們正把注意力轉向陷入困境的電影院連鎖AMC。Reddit board r/wallstreetbets最近幾天幫助GameStop股價升至創紀錄水平,僅昨天一天,該股就上漲了92%。這是一場混亂的、由模因推動的努力的一部分,這種努力旨在**一場有組織的空頭擠壓...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 21:16
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