
蘋果公司決定拒絕新的電子郵件服務iOS應用程式的未來更新。在發給Hey creator Basecamp並由Verge獲得的一封信中,蘋果概述了App Store的規則,稱Hey應用違反了該規則,並建議公司如果Basecamp希望繼續在iOS上更新軟體或在Mac上釋出軟體,應遵守開發者指南。該公司還表示,拒絕在其應用商店中釋出Mac版的應用程式,這與蘋果早些時候承認其根本不應該批准iOS版的Hey...

蘋果公司決定拒絕新的電子郵件服務iOS應用程式的未來更新。在發給Hey creator Basecamp並由Verge獲得的一封信中,蘋果概述了App Store的規則,稱Hey應用違反了該規則,並建議公司如果Basecamp希望繼續在iOS上更新軟體或在Mac上釋出軟體,應遵守開發者指南。該公司還表示,拒絕在其應用商店中釋出Mac版的應用程式,這與蘋果早些時候承認其根本不應該批准iOS版的Hey應用程式相呼應。



信中寫道:“HEY Email應用程式在app Store上以電子郵件應用程式的形式銷售,但當用戶下載你的應用程式時,它就不起作用了。”。蘋果引用了三項應用程式商店政策——指南3.1.1和指南3.1.3(a)和3.1.3(b)——概述了公司對大多數應用程式的應用程式內購買的要求,例外情況僅限於Netflix和其他流媒體服務等“閱讀器應用程式”的一部分。



本週早些時候,隨著Hey的正式釋出,這場爭論開始了,它引發了一些重要的問題,比如蘋果對App Store的管理,以及iPhone**商是否透過其規定的30%的降幅和不一致的應用程式,對來自第三方開發者的競爭服務行使反競爭優勢應用商店規則。


繼Basecamp聯合創始人兼首席技術官David Heinemeier Hansson一系列直言不諱的推特和採訪後,Heinemeier Hansson稱蘋果為“黑幫”,遊戲開發商Epic和Tinder母公司Match Group等其他公司也紛紛出面支援Hey。

今天早些時候,眾議院反托拉斯小組委員會主席、眾議員大衛·西西林(D-RI)對《邊緣報》說,“由於蘋果的市場力量,它正在收取過高的租金— 基本上是高速公路搶劫— 強迫人們支付30%的費用或者拒絕進入他們的市場。” 他接著說,“它’它壓垮了那些能夠’靠這些錢是活不下去的。如果這個市場有真正的競爭,這是不可能的’不會發生的。”

蘋果信函的最後一段承認,Basecamp在App Store中提供了企業應用程式,這是目前App Store規則的另一個明顯例外,除了Hey的iOS應用程式之外,它不提供應用內購買或註冊選項。蘋果公司說,它這樣做沒有采取任何金錢的方式,聽起來不祥,它要求感謝免費搭車。但至關重要的是,蘋果似乎將Hey區分為一款似乎不符合應用內購買豁免標準的消費者電子郵件應用程式,儘管有證據表明其他應用程式(包括類似的電子郵件提供商,如Newton)在過去也做過同樣的事。

“據我們瞭解,Basecamp多年來為App Store開發了許多應用程式和許多後續版本,App Store已經向iOS使用者分發了數百萬個這些應用程式。信中寫道:“這些應用不提供應用內購買服務,因此,在過去8年裡,它們沒有為應用商店貢獻任何收入。”。“我們很高興繼續支援您的應用程式業務,併為您提供免費服務的解決方案—只要您遵守並尊重所有開發人員必須遵守的app Store審查準則和條款。”


Hello Jason,

We are writing to let you know the appeal results for your app, HEY Email.

The App Review Board evaluated your app and determined that the rejection was valid. Your app does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines detailed below. As you are aware, this is the reason your Hey Email app was rejected when it was submitted to the Mac App Store on June 11, 2020.

The HEY Email app is marketed as an email app on the App Store, but when users download your app, it does not work. Users cannot use the app to access email or perform any useful function until after they go to the Basecamp website for Hey Email and purchase a license to use the HEY Email app. This violates the following App Store Review Guidelines:

Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase

If you want to unlock features or functionality within your app, you must use in-app purchase. Your app requires customers to purchase content, subscripti***, or features outside of the app, but those items are not available as in-app purchases within the app as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

Guideline 3.1.3(a) - Business - Payments - “Reader” Apps

Reader apps may allow users to access previously purchased content and content subscripti***. Your mail app is not one of the content types allowed under this guideline for “Reader” apps (specifically: magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video, access to professional databases, VOIP, cloud storage, or approved services such as classroom management apps). Therefore, customers must be given the option to purchase access to features or functionality in your app using in-app purchase.

Guideline 3.1.3(b) - Business - Payments - Multiplatform Services

Apps that operate services across multiple platforms may allow users to access content, subscripti***, or features they have acquired in your app on other platforms or on your website, provided those items are also available as in-app purchases within the app. Your HEY Email app does not offer access to content, subscripti***, or features as in-app purchases within the app. In fact, the app does not function as an email app or for any purpose until the user goes to the Basecamp Hey Email website to start a free trial or purchase a separate license to use the app for its intended purpose.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app such that it does not violate any of the App Store Review Guidelines and terms.

There are a number of ways that you could revise your app or service to adhere to the App Store Review Guidelines. Customers who have previously purchased access to content, subscripti***, or features elsewhere may continue to access these items in your app, as long as new iOS customers are given the option to purchase access using in-app purchase as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

If you would prefer not to offer users the option of in-app purchases, you could c***ider having the app function as marketed — an email client that works with standard IMAP and POP email accounts, where customers can optionally configure the Hey Email service as their preferred email service provider. This would allow the app to function as an email client without requiring an additional payment to use its features and functionality. Under this approach, what you sell on your website is clearly an email service separate from the function of your app as distributed on the App Store.

We are here as a resource as you explore these or other ideas to bring the Hey Email app within compliance of the App Store Review Guidelines and terms.

Thank you for being an iOS app developer. We understand that Basecamp has developed a number of apps and many subsequent versi*** for the App Store for many years, and that the App Store has distributed milli*** of these apps to iOS users. These apps do not offer in-app purchase — and, c***equently, have not contributed any revenue to the App Store over the last eight years. We are happy to continue to support you in your app business and offer you the soluti*** to provide your services for free — so long as you follow and respect the same App Store Review Guidelines and terms that all developers must follow.

We hope to assist you in offering the Hey Email app on the App Store.

Sincerely, App Review Board

  • 發表於 2021-04-19 03:44
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... 你是一個與蘋果iCloud生態系統有聯絡的Android使用者嗎?選擇一個支援iCloud的電子郵件應用程式,然後閱讀如何在Android裝置**問iCloud。 ...

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你不再需要在iPhone或iPad上處理蘋果的電子郵件應用程式。只要您執行的是iOS 14、iPadOS 14或更高版本,現在就可以將第三方電子郵件客戶端設定為預設客戶端。更喜歡Gmail?讓我們開始吧! 首先,前往應用商店下載最新版本的Gmail...

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...iPhone或iPad上的“設定”應用程式。如果找不到,請使用蘋果內建的聚光燈搜尋工具。 在Settings(設定)選單中,向下滾動並找到要使用的電子郵件客戶端的列表。例如,如果您正在查詢Outlook,請轉到“設定”>“Outlook”。嘿...

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蘋果的郵件應用程式不能很好地控制它使用多少儲存空間。它想下載和儲存大量電子郵件,以便它們可以被索引和搜尋聚光燈。但郵件應用有時可能會佔用大量空間,在儲存容量有限的16GB iPhone上尤其繁重。 這類似於Mac上的郵...

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...問Gmail,或者從outlook.com-你不用擔心這個。就行了。 微軟拒絕在Windows8附帶的郵件應用程式中支援POP3,需要解決訪問POP3電子郵件帳戶的問題。雖然這是有爭議的,但他們至少把人們推向了正確的方向——從POP3轉向IMAP(或Exchange...

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以下是ios 14允許您設定為預設的電子郵件應用程式

蘋果iOS 14和iPadOS 14本週釋出,為該公司的智慧**和平板電腦引入了大量新功能——包括將預設瀏覽器和預設電子郵件應用程式更改為Chrome或Outlook等服務的選項,以在預設情況下處理連結,而不是蘋果的原生Safari和郵件應用程式。...

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週二,美國國會透露,它是否認為亞馬遜、蘋果、Facebook和谷歌處於壟斷地位。在某些情況下,答案是肯定的。 但同時,一位應用程式開發商向國會透露,它和WordPress一樣,被迫將一款基本免費的應用程式貨幣化。這...

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蘋果釋出了應用程式商店的新規則,試圖解決蘋果對iPhone裝置數字店面的治理出現的許多問題,遊戲流媒體服務的更新,線上課程的新規則,免費電子郵件應用程式的應用內購買限制更少,這是蘋果之前與Hey爭論的焦點。 ...

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...其設定為ios14裝置的預設電子郵件應用程式。 蘋果上週釋出的ios14增加了一個選項,使用者可以將第三方電子郵件應用程式設定為執行蘋果最新版本作業系統的iPhone和iPad裝置的預設應用程式。但真正增加對該功能的支...

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...es、Spotify、Basecamp、Match Group、Tile、Blix和Deezer在內的幾位蘋果最大的批評者聯合起來成立了App Fairity聯盟,這是一個新的組織,旨在“為應用程式企業創造一個公平的競爭環境,讓人們在裝置上自由選擇” 儘管大多數...

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