



I think the most important part is that second part. ["What are you determined to maintain."] Apple is this unique company, [this] unique culture that you can't replicate. And I'm not going to witness or permit the slow undoing of it because I believe in it so deeply. Steve [Jobs] grilled in all of us over many years that the company should revolve around great products and that we should stay extremely focused on a few things rather than try to do so many that we did nothing well. We should only go into markets where we can make a significant contribution to society — not just sell a lot of products. And so these things along with keeping excellence as an expectation of everything in Apple. These are the things that I focus on because I think that those are the things that make Apple this magical place that really **art people want to work in and sort of do not just their life's work but their life's best work.

There's no better thrill than to look out at audience - I can't see anything because of these lights - look at the audience and see people using iPhones" [And people at the gym using iPods, people at Starbucks using iPads] "These are the things that bring a **ile to my face. There's no replacement or substitute for that. And so we're always focused on the future. We don't sit and think about how great things were yesterday. I love that trait because i think it's the thing that drives us all forward. Those are the things I'm holding onto. it's a privelege to be a part of it.

  • 發表於 2021-04-21 08:30
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  • 分類:網際網路



... 當時,蘋果CEO蒂姆·庫克在接受採訪時被問到,如果他處於扎克伯格的處境,面對危機,他會如何應對庫克說:“我不會陷入這種境地。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-26 15:00
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...調查正在進行中。雖然蘋果沒有受到正式調查,但執行長蒂姆•庫克(timcook)去年夏天在參議院司法委員會科技反壟斷聽證會上作證。與此同時,歐盟委員會正在對蘋果應用商店和蘋果支付進行兩項反壟斷調查。 蘋果已經在週...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 09:23
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...告中說。 “為了支援小企業和創作者,Facebook至少在明年不會從付費線上活動中收取任何費用,”Simo補充道。“在我們推出Facebook Pay的國家,對於網路交易和安卓系統交易,小企業將保留100%的線上付費活動收入。”Simo在週五與...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-18 06:28
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...。數字媒體行業協會digital Content Next週四致函蘋果執行長蒂姆•庫克(Tim Cook),該協會包括《****》(New York Times)和《*****》(Washington Post)等報紙以及眾多雜誌、廣播公司和網站(Verge的母公司Vox media也是成員)。這封信問蘋...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-18 07:56
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蘋果公司贏得了對一名涉嫌跟蹤騷擾CEO蒂姆·庫克和其他公司高管的男子的臨時限制令。 根據OneZero揭露的法庭檔案’戴夫·格什岡,拉凱什“多石的” 夏爾馬開始給蘋果高管打電話,然後離開“令人不安的” 語音信...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-20 06:28
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...會得到這些。 蘋果的股東們會獲得巨額股息嗎?執行長蒂姆•庫克(timcook)會宣佈一項轟動一時的收購嗎?明天早上我們會知道更多的訊息-請繼續關註,我們會現場報道新聞。

  • 發佈於 2021-04-21 16:32
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...從7月1日開始,回購預計將持續三年。 執行長蒂姆•庫克(timcook)指出,該公司已經在基本面上進行了大量投資,他表示: We have used some of our cash to make great investments in our business through increased research and development, acqu...

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 蘋果執行長蒂姆•庫克(timcook)表示:“我們對6月份ipad創紀錄的銷量感到興奮。”我們還剛剛更新了整個MacBook系列,將於明天釋出Mountain Lion,並將於今年秋天推出iOS 6。我們也非常...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-23 12:30
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...們非常認真地對待此事,史蒂夫•喬布斯(Steve Jobs)和蒂姆•庫克(Tim Cook)會見了三星的高管。” 在內部,蘋果的專利組合分為三個部分:標準基本專利、蘋果計算專利和蘋果獨特的使用者體驗IP。”與我們必須許可的標準不...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-23 17:48
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 11:20
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