





We're steadily improving OnLive Desktop at all levels. Some of the changes are visible (e.g. we rolled out a much-improved on-screen keyboard), and some are behind the scenes and would only be picked up by technical people. These have all been in the works for a long time, and it looks like the only reason a change was noticed was because of the keyboard, but there have been many updates since launch.

As you know OnLive is the only technology that seamlessly delivers Windows with video and Flash on any device (tablet, PC, Mac, thin client), over almost any network, including cellular 4G and Wi-Fi. OnLive works with all versi*** of Windows and Linux as well, and our cost per user is far less than existing remoting technologies, none of which support media at all and often are barely usable on tablets and c***umer networks. With OnLive, remote feels local, and OnLive's advantages across the board have not gone unnoticed. We've been overwhelmed with requests from enterprise, SMB, organizati***, government, schools—all seeking to replace their current remoting technology with OnLive as quickly as possible. Literally, milli*** of seats.

What you are seeing with the OnLive Desktop c***umer product updates are features we are trialing with enterprise customers who are looking to displace their current remoting technology with OnLive (it happens fast because the change is in the data center for the corporation, not device-by-device, like a Blackberry being displaced by iOS or Android). The change in the corporate world will be tectonic. When you see the names with 10s of thousands of remote seats that are dropping remoting technology they've been using for over a decade for OnLive, that will be the big news. So, these changes in our c***umer offering is a preview of what's coming, and needless to say, we need to support all the versi*** of Windows (and Linux) these corporati*** use.



We're pleased to have been told that the OnLive Desktop application is now accessing our software by hosting it on Windows Server, an important step in delivering any Microsoft-licensed desktop-like service to the public. Based on this information, we will work with OnLive to take a closer look at its service and ensure it is operating according to its license like thousands of other partners and utilizing our standing pricing and licensing terms."
  • 發表於 2021-04-21 22:25
  • 閱讀 ( 26 )
  • 分類:網際網路



... 因為現在大部分系統都打了補丁,所以風險就降低了,對吧?嗯,不完全是。 ...

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... 安裝DockSTARTer後,現在可以開始使用容器設定Docker。從打字開始 ...

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windows和windows server有什麼區別?

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如何將windows server試用期無縫延長到240天

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...許Perl指令碼從web伺服器執行。只需稍加配置,就可以在WindowsServer2008系統上配置IIS7,以便透過CGI提供Perl指令碼。 複製perl二進位制檔案 在完成任何IIS安裝之前,必須將Perl二進位制檔案提取到系統中。下載ActiveState Perl分發包(...

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...為在執行apacheweb伺服器的Linux系統上使用,但您可以透過windowsserver2008系統上的iis7部署PHP應用程式。 配置php 為了讓Windows執行PHP程式碼,需要將PHP二進位制檔案複製到系統中。不需要安裝,但是必須進行一些配置才能正常執行...

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