免疫球蛋白的差异(differences between immunoglobulin)和抗体(antibodies)的区别



 Ever wonder 为什么? we don’t get sick easily even if the surroundings are more polluted than before? It’s because we have tiny soldiers inside our body, and they are called immunoglobulin. There has been confusion that immunoglobulin and antibodies are different things. However, as I do my research on the Internet, immunoglobulin and antibodies are pretty much the same when it comes to their function.An antibody is a Y-shaped protein which has the 任务 to determine and neutralize certain bacteria and viruses that try to invade our immune system. Immunoglobulin is also a protein that carries the same function as antibodies. In this regard, the terms immunoglobulin and antibodies are often used interchangeably.The Y-shape of the antibody enables its key to unlock it and release the antibodies inside the immune system. This key is known as an antigen. The antigen helps the antibody to determine the foreign object within our body. It also comes in the shape of a “Y” enabling the antibody to activate and perform its neutralizing function. In this case, the antibody or immunoglobulin will be found in the bloodstream, tissues, and other bodily fluids.  The antibodies or immunoglobulin come from the 等离子体 细胞 which can be derived from the免疫系统的B细胞。The B 细胞 become pla**a 细胞 when an antigen binds to its structure. Sometimes, the T cells help the B cells to activate.

There are five types of immunoglobulin: IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE. These immunoglobulin, or antibodies, have similar, basic structures. They contain four polypeptide chains which are fused together by disulfide 债券 forming a symmetrical molecular structure.

The immunoglobulin, or antibodies, can really work wonders. When activated, they 信号 other cells of the immune 系统 to be on the alert whenever there are invading foreign bodies like bacteria and viruses. The antigen plays a very important role in the activation of the antibodies. Without it, we would always catch a cold, flu, and other types of diseases.

If you have seen TV commercials that encourage mothers to let their toddlers play in muddy terrains or seemingly dirty surroundings, that is one way of boosting the child’s immune system. As long as they  properly clean their children after playing, they don’t have anything to 担心 about. And because the body has immunoglobulin, or antibodies, a child cannot easily catch 感冒 and the flu. The immunoglobulin, or antibodies, work day and night to keep you out of reach of bacteria and viruses.

But under certain conditi***, foreign bodies can still make you sick. This is where you need to eat plenty of nutritious foods and Vitamin C rich foods like citrus fruits to enhance your immune system. To be able to get the most out of our little soldiers’ protection, you also need to take care of them through eating the right 食物 and drinking plenty of fluids.Remember that our immunoglobulin, or antibodies, can also get sick if we don’t take care of them. As a resp***ible person who always keeps an eye on your health, you have to properly take care of your body.


  1. 免疫球蛋白和抗体可以互换使用。
  2. 抗体,或免疫球蛋白,是一种Y形的蛋白质,有助于与我们体内的疾病作斗争。
  3. 抗体或免疫球蛋白通常存在于我们的血液、组织和其他形式的体液中。它们是由免疫系统的浆细胞产生的。
  4. 在抗原的帮助下,抗体或免疫球蛋白可以发挥其功能。抗原就像开启抗体的钥匙。
  5. 由于抗体的存在,人们不容易得病。

  • 发表于 2021-06-24 10:53
  • 阅读 ( 87 )
  • 分类:健康医疗


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