
周二,在公众要求禁止Alex Jones和Infowars进入Twitter的压力下,首席执行官Jack Dorsey呼吁记者提供帮助。”“琼斯”这样的报道常常会耸人听闻,散布未经证实的谣言,”多尔西在推特上写道,“因此,关键是记者直接记录、验证和反驳这些信息,以便人们形成自己的观点。这才是最有利于公众对话的。”...

周二,在公众要求禁止Alex Jones和Infowars进入Twitter的压力下,首席执行官Jack Dorsey呼吁记者提供帮助。”“琼斯”这样的报道常常会耸人听闻,散布未经证实的谣言,”多尔西在推特上写道,“因此,关键是记者直接记录、验证和反驳这些信息,以便人们形成自己的观点。这才是最有利于公众对话的。”

记者们大声抱怨被要求代表Twitter进行无薪内容审查。但本着服务于公众对话的精神,CNN的奥利弗·达西决定记录一些关于亚历克斯·琼斯的未经证实的谣言。在浏览琼斯的推特历史时,他发现了20起针对桑迪·胡克枪击案受害者、帕克兰枪击案幸存者、***者、***以及CNN的布莱恩·斯特尔特(Brian Stelter)的攻击,他将其称为“地狱深渊的字面恶魔之子”,一个“微笑的斜视恶魔,“和一袋堕落的反人类垃圾。”








Facebook今天在其“难题”系列中有另一个条目,这个条目集中在仇恨言论这个及时的话题上(同时还有一个小组讨论会,由一位前记者、一位活动家、一位加州大学伯克利分校教授和Facebook产品政策和反恐负责人莫妮卡·比克特(Monika Bickert)参加

Hate speech too can c***titute harm because it creates an environment of intimidation and exclusion and in some cases may have dangerous offline implicati***. It is perhaps one of the most challenging of our standards to enforce because determining whether something is hate speech is so dependent on the context in which it is shared. Even in countries where there are very detailed laws about hate speech, like Germany, there is disagreement. A German court recently ordered us to restore a statement which seemed to compare migrants to “vermin” and “parasites” that we had previously removed under our hate speech standards. The court viewed the statement differently and felt it related to the conduct of specific individuals and not migrants generally.



The move comes amid a rush by states to block these instructi*** from being posted. A July settlement between the State Department and Defense Distributed, an open-source organization that created the first completely 3D-printed gun, cleared the way for the group to publish the gun code. However, that was stalled when a federal judge on July 31 granted a temporary nationwide injunction that prevented Defense Distributed from uploading the plans.

In the meantime, Facebook is taking its own stand. “Sharing instructi*** on how to print firearms using 3D printers is not allowed under our Community Standards,” Facebook said in a statement. “In line with our policies, we are removing this content from Facebook.”


拉塞尔·布兰多姆(Russell Brandom)报道说,Gab是一个Twitter,面向那些在Twitter上被炒鱿鱼的人和那些希望仍能在Twitter上发推的人,它可能会因为一些纳粹帖子而失去其网站主机:

Microsoft has threatened to cease hosting services for the alt-right social network Gab over two anti-Semitic posts, according to an email published by Gab founder Andrew Torba. The email claims the posts violate Microsoft policy and requests that Gab “promptly take appropriate action to resolve the complaint…within two business days” or hosting service will be suspended. If Gab is forced off Azure, Torba says service “will go down for weeks/months” as the company secures a new provider.

The named posts were written by Patrick Little, a Senate candidate who was ejected from a GOP convention in May for anti-Semitic views. The named posts, which are more than three weeks old, also express intense anti-Semiti** and meet any reasonable definition of hate speech. Little has pledged to remove the posts, but described the complaint as “a violation of our rights as Americans.”


你有多少时间,Daniel Funke???他写道,该公司对其他社交平台所接受的事实调查工作漠不关心:

While there’s ample reason to doubt that Facebook and Google’s efforts are working, Twitter doesn’t even have any comparable programs, aside from aiding a collaborative fact-checking project during the recent Mexican electi***. And it’s not like the company isn’t aware of efforts at other companies — fact-checkers have repeatedly asked Twitter for similar partnerships.

“(Agência) Lupa has its Twitter account as the most active social media and has reached (out to) Twitter many times for partnership,” said Cristina Tardáguila, director of the Brazilian fact-checking project, in a WhatsApp message. “Unfortunately, we haven’t managed to establish a partnership. We (have worked) with Google and Facebook for over a year, but not with Twitter.”


托尼·罗姆(Tony Romm)和伊丽莎白·德沃斯金(Elizabeth Dwoskin)统计了那些对虚假事件“感兴趣”的人。这里的问题:我有时只是因为被邀请而对活动“感兴趣”。这个数字有可能被夸大了吗?


伊西·拉波斯基(Issie Lapowsky)写道,一个非营利组织的实验表明,Facebook上的内容很可能不像宣传活动希望的那样具有说服力(正如她所指出的,这就是为什么特朗普竞选集中于直接回应广告,而不是广泛吸引选民的原因。)



Russian operatives have “penetrated” some of Florida’s voter registration systems ahead of the 2018 midterms, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson said Wednesday, adding new urgency to concerns about hacking.

The state, however, said it has received “zero information” supporting his claim.




Facebook refuses to let users opt out of PYMK, telling us last year, “An opt out is not something we think people would find useful.” Perhaps now, though, in its time of privacy reckoning, Facebook will rec***ider the mandatory nature of this particular feature. It’s about time, because People You May Know has been getting on people’s nerves for over 10 years.



According to research published Wednesday in Science Advances, people tend to initiate online conversation with people who are at least 25 percent more desirable than they are, based on how many initial messages they they received from other users and how “desirable” those users were themselves. Men tend to be even more aspirational than women when sending a first message. But there is only up to a 21 percent chance that the woman a man messages will write back, and that number drops as the desirability gap widens.

The paper ****yzed data from heterosexual users of an unspecified “popular, free online dating service” in New York, Boston, Chicago, and Seattle from January of 2014. The highest ranked person in all four cities was a 30-year-old woman in New York City, who received 1504 messages during the period of observation, the equivalent of one message every 30 minutes for the entire month.






Early users of the mentorship feature include Mama Drag***, a group focused on providing support to Mormon parents of LGBTQIA children; and a group focused on learning how to make soap. (Yes, soap.) Mentorship product manager Gabriel Cohen said that the kind of help that mentors will be providing will vary widely, from helping new Group members “learn the ropes” in the Group, through to providing more direct support and guidance in whatever the specific area might be.








Kara Swisher告诉Twitter禁止Alex Jones:

Values would require that Twitter make tough calls on high-profile and obviously malevolent figures, including tossing them off as a signal of its intent to keep it civil.

And Mr. Jones is not even an edge case: His bilious lies, including that the murders of the Sandy Hook Elementary children were “synthetic, completely fake, with actors,” clearly sully the platform. Besides, let’s be clear: Twitter can change its rules to ban whoever it wants anytime, because it is not a public trust but a for-profit company.


Charlie Warzel表示,信息战传奇的教训已经在科技巨头身上消失了:


For some, Jones’ partial de-platforming offered a sliver of hope that big tech companies were perhaps finally ready to make the difficult decisi*** necessary to transparently and c***istently crack down on behavior that stifles speech of others, endangers users, and is potentially harmful to broader discourse. But while Jones’ speech is frequently vile, it feels like there’s little to celebrate. Many of tech’s biggest platforms took c***equential action against what can only be described as an edge-case offender — an outlet led by a 30-year c***piracy veteran whose content not only frequently crosses the boundaries of decency but is quite literally designed to stoke outrage. More importantly though, none of these platforms used the opportunity to provide a transparent roadmap for enforcement in a post-Jones platform era. In a number of cases (including Apple’s), we’re left with more questi*** about c***istent enforcement than we had at the outset.


美国进步中心(Center for American Progress)在一份新的白皮书中写道:“需要一个促进包容性和多样性的进步数字议程,以应对这一最新变化,缓解仇恨和暴力。”

Halting the spread of violent white nationali** online will require nonprofits and private sector companies in the media and technology industries to devote substantial resources toward research and the development of best practices to address this threat. This research should seek to fully identify and understand patterns of behavior; platforms for communication and indoctrination; and mechani**s for exchanging money and weap***.

In the meantime, media and technology companies should begin implementing clear terms-of-use policies, expand enforcement mechani**s, and put in place measures to ensure transparency and accountability.


格拉夫顿·坦纳(Grafton Tanner)从左翼批评了这场花费了大量时间的运动:

In a time when free-market capitali** is the only game in town, massively centralized tech companies have virtually unfettered reign. Yet the technocrats never mention capitali**. They rarely talk about the surveillance state or the problems with data privacy. They fail to attack the attention economy at its roots or challenge the basic building blocks of late capitali**: market fundamentali**, deregulation, and privatization. They reinforce neoliberal ideals, privileging the on-the-move individual whose time needs to be well spent— a neatly c***umerist metaphor. Competition is the name of the game, and when our technology has us by the brain stem, according to Harris, “[w]e have to change what it means to win.“


我计划写一篇关于我对Instagram TV的分析的博客文章

在我看来,如果你是一个有影响力的人,并且从不停止向别人传授如何成为一个有影响力的人,那么在谈到IGTV这个话题时,你有两个选择。这些选择是(1)写下来,(2)不要写出来。Gary Vaynerchuk不知何故发明了第三类,那就是让他的团队写一篇关于为什么他没有写任何关于它的文章。经过数百个词的热身,包括几句他说自己对IGTV理解不够而无法发表评论的话,他提出:

I’m a little surprised that Instagram decided to launch a completely separate app as opposed to just including long-form video in Instagram itself; long-form video in Instagram would have crushed, and I still believe that to be the case.



向我发送提示、问题、评论、Gab帐户,以便跟进:[email protected]

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 03:30
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...的更能说明该党的未来。 自2016年以来,共和党已经从与亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)等阴谋海报几乎发生争执,到在国会大厦与他们共用办公室。共和党人在保守的互联网生态系统中进进出出,其中一个生态系统集中了错误信息...

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...了办公室竞争、裙带关系和怪异的同事。演出还没开始就分崩离析了。而且,这是惊人的不有趣。 即使你来到太空部队怀疑它的做法,意识到它的笑话是多么少土地是令人震惊的,当你考虑到人才参与。虽然奈尔德与史蒂夫·卡...

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谷歌因冠状病毒造假而禁止了infowars android应用

...该应用被删除的原因很明显是因为电台主持人、阴谋论者亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)发布了一段视频,视频中说,“对社交距离的必要性提出了异议,并在适当的地方设置了庇护所,隔离措施旨在减缓新型冠状病毒的传播。”在...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 22:07
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...)发帖称,他之所以决定离开,主要是因为平台拒绝禁止亚历克斯琼斯(Alex Jones),他们已经承认琼斯违反了他们的官方政策。琼斯长期以来一直在向他的许多追随者传播阴谋论,并鼓励桑迪胡克受害者的父母继续受到骚扰。...

  • 发布于 2021-05-14 18:11
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...iPhone8的报道层出不穷,有的在到货时或在使用几天后就分崩离析了。**内部的电池正在膨胀,弯曲了**的前部,使其与**主体分离。到目前为止,还没有发生火灾-只是毁坏了**。 苹果公司就此事发表了简短声明:“我们已经意识...

  • 发布于 2021-05-30 08:54
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