
上周,我们讨论了为什么Facebook禁止Alex Jones,而Twitter没有。Facebook发现琼斯已经违反了该平台的任何规则,他没有改造自己的意图。推特首先说琼斯没有违反任何规则;然后——在CNN的奥利弗·达西(Oliver Darcy)向该公司展示了一系列令人不快的推文之后——他有,但还不足以被禁止。...

上周,我们讨论了为什么Facebook禁止Alex Jones,而Twitter没有。Facebook发现琼斯已经违反了该平台的任何规则,他没有改造自己的意图。推特首先说琼斯没有违反任何规则;然后——在CNN的奥利弗·达西(Oliver Darcy)向该公司展示了一系列令人不快的推文之后——他有,但还不足以被禁止。


在推特联合创始人兼首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)看来,这次停职代表了琼斯反思其不良行为的机会。”我觉得任何停赛,无论是永久停赛还是临时停赛,都会让人思考他们的行为和行为,”多尔西在周三接受NBC新闻的莱斯特·霍尔特(Lester Holt)采访时说。


在引入这一轮折衷措施后,多西与《*****》的托尼·罗姆(Tony Romm)和伊丽莎白·德沃斯金(Elizabeth Dwoskin)坐下来宣布,他正在“重新思考推特的核心工作方式”




多尔西说,推特正在探索的一个解决方案是用事实背景来围绕虚假推特。本周早些时候,一个账户发布了一条推特,称总统为“疯子”,该推特模仿了因其反特朗普短信而遭解雇的FBI特工彼得·斯特佐克(Peter Strzok),并获得了56000多条转发。多尔西说,更多关于推特的内容,包括“称其为明显虚假的推特”,可以帮助人们“为自己做出判断”。





但随着该公司犹豫不决,其用户正在组织起来。本周,Grab Your Wallet创始人香农·库尔特(Shannon Coulter)在推特上发布了一条病毒式的推特线索,建议推特用户采取具体行动,**琼斯在该平台上的持续存在。库尔特组织了一个包含《财富》500强推特手柄的列表,然后将其作为一个集体阻止列表提供。**者只需点击几下就可以安装阻止列表,一旦他们这么做了,这些公司的任何广告都不会出现在他们的推特时间表上。




路透社的史蒂夫·斯特克洛(Steve Stecklow)就Facebook在缅甸的不幸事件发表了迄今为止最全面的报道。他的文章揭示了蜜獾行动(Operation Honey Badger)的存在。蜜獾行动是埃森哲代表Facebook经营的一家专注于亚洲的内容调节商店。尽管有大约60名主持人的努力,路透社还是很容易在Facebook上找到了1000条反罗兴亚人的仇恨言论。


In Burmese, the post says: “Kill all the kalars that you see in Myanmar; none of them should be left alive.”

Facebook’s translation into English: “I shouldn’t have a rainbow in Myanmar.”

那么接下来会发生什么呢?Vice的大卫·吉尔伯特(David Gilbert)报道说,Facebook正在进行一项人权审计,“以评估其在促成针对罗兴亚***少数民族的种族暴力和仇恨言论方面的作用。”





Zeynep Tufecki提供了一个简明的历史,说明了作为和平**工具的社交媒体的乐观情绪是如何演变为对生存的担忧的。值得全文阅读:

First, the weakening of old-style information gatekeepers (such as media, NGOs, and government and academic instituti***), while empowering the underdogs, has also, in another way, deeply disempowered underdogs. Dissidents can more easily circumvent censorship, but the public sphere they can now reach is often too noisy and confusing for them to have an impact. Those hoping to make positive social change have to convince people both that something in the world needs changing and there is a c***tructive, reasonable way to change it. Authoritarians and extremists, on the other hand, often merely have to muddy the waters and weaken trust in general so that everyone is too fractured and paralyzed to act. The old gatekeepers blocked some truth and dissent, but they blocked many forms of misinformation too.


Sheera Frankel在Facebook上一个被删除的名为Black Elevation的页面上报道,该页面组织**,发布视频,并公开谈论种族主义。事实上,这是Facebook上个月披露的影响力行动的一部分:

The Black Elevation organizers may have been trying to slide into the real world by hiring event coordinators or trying to persuade real activists to identify themselves as members of Black Elevation.

Mr. Nimmo said all of the pages Facebook recently removed were aimed at left-wing activists in the United States. It is possible, he added, that a similar influence campaign has been focusing on right-wing activists.


Daniel Funke报道了盖洛普和骑士基金会发布的一项新调查。

The report, based on web surveys from a random sample of 1,203 U.S. *****s, found that 85 percent of Americans don’t think the platforms are doing enough to stop the spread of fake news. Additionally, 88 percent want tech companies to be transparent about how they surface content, while 79 percent think those companies should be regulated like other media organizati*** — a common trope among journalists.

That’s despite the fact that the majority of people surveyed (54 percent) said social media platforms help keep them informed and that they’re concerned about those companies making editorial judgments.



A 12-year-old transgender student in a **all Oklahoma town near the Texas border was targeted in an inflammatory social media post by the parents of a clas**ate, leading to violent threats and driving officials to close the school for two days.

It all started on Facebook. Jamie Crenshaw, whose children attend public schools in the town, Achille, complained in a private Facebook group for students’ parents that the transgender girl, Maddie, was using a bathroom for girls.




After WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum announced he was leaving Facebook Inc. FB -0.87%in late April, he has continued showing up at least monthly at the social-media giant’s headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif. His incentive for making the appearances: about $450 million in stock awards, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Koum’s unusual arrangement with Facebook is one of the more lucrative examples of a Silicon Valley practice sometimes called “rest and vest,” in which the holders of stock grants are allowed to stick around until they qualify to collect a sizable portion of their shares.



Kathy Kostrub-Waters and Bryan Denny estimate they’ve spent more than 5,000 hours over the past two years monitoring Facebook to track down and report scammers who steal photos from members of the US military, create fake accounts using their identities, and swindle unsuspecting people out of money.

During that time they reported roughly 2,000 fake military accounts, submitted three quarterly reports summarizing their findings to Facebook, and even met with Federal Trade Commission, Pentagon, and Facebook employees to talk about their work.


克莱尔·巴伦丁(Claire Ballentine)报道称,谷歌-Facebook广告双头垄断导致了广告技术行业的整合。


Karissa Bell报道说,俄罗斯正在对个人Instagram账户进行某种形式的攻击:

Megan and Krista’s experiences are not isolated cases. They are two of hundreds of Instagram users who have reported similar attacks since the beginning of the month. On Twitter, there have been more than 100 of these types of anecdotal reports in the last 24 hours alone. According to data from ****ytics platform Talkwalker, there have been more than 5,000 tweets from 899 accounts mentioning Instagram hacks just in the last seven days. Many of these users have been desperately tweeting at Instagram’s Twitter account for help.


据Lucas Shaw报道,亚马逊旗下的Twitch正在与YouTube展开激烈竞争:

Amazon in recent months has been pursuing exclusive livestreaming deals with dozens of popular media companies and personalities, many with large followings on YouTube. Twitch is offering minimum guarantees of as much as a few million dollars a year, as well as a share of future advertising sales and subscription revenue, according to several people who’ve been contacted by Twitch.



Birthday fundraisers in the News Feed are more than just an engagement hack — they’ve also raised $300 million for charity in a year, Facebook said today. The company also announced some user interface upgrades along with the announcement that show you more information about the nonprofits you’re donating to.


约翰·赫尔曼(John Herrman)表示,推特关于全球公共广场的概念是没有希望的:

On Twitter, it may seem that you are talking to friends or peers, and that the space is controlled or even safe. But it’s not: It’s shared with and extremely vulnerable to those with a desire to disrupt or terrorize it. In order to function, Twitter must make its users feel at home in the most public space devised by humankind. The platform can’t easily say what **aller intentional forums can: “We don’t want this here; you’re violating the spirit of our community; go away.” It is too big, with too many people present for too many different reas***, to be a site for any one sort of conversation. It exercises absolute authority over its service, of course, but must pretend to do so carefully, sparingly and only when forced to.

这里有一位前(我想是吧?)推特员工贾里德·高特(Jared Gaut)有一条值得一读的帖子,关于他为什么在亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)相关的不作为事件后暂停服务:



Dan Amira问Jerry Seinfeld为什么不在Twitter上讲笑话:

I don’t hear the laugh. Why waste my time? It’s a horrible performing interface. I can’t think of a worse one. I always think about people that write books. What a horrible feeling it must be to have poured your soul into a book over a number of years and somebody comes up to you and goes, “I loved your book,” and they walk away, and you have no idea what worked and what didn’t. That to me is hell. That’s my definition of hell.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 04:30
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...COVID-19追踪器的设备。 琼斯发布了一系列有关这一事件的推特,包括一段警察持枪进入的视频。 佛罗里达州执法部门(FDLE)向《迈阿密先驱报》和塔拉哈西民主党人证实,警方持有搜查令,并扣押了她的设备。以下是该部...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 01:06
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...议的嘉宾出席。本周,他与《信息战》主持人、阴谋论者亚历克斯·琼斯以及喜剧演员蒂姆·狄龙进行了交谈。这一集的音频和视频在Spotify和YouTube上都可以看到,此前Spotify的员工对Rogan之前的剧集和transphobic内容表示担忧。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 17:39
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...会扩散,尤其是在Twitter这样的平台上’很容易转发一条病毒性的信息,结果证明是不真实的,甚至是有害的。 越来越断章取义— 或者“花招” — 客户们正在研究如何在水里航行。在那里’说出来是一种责任,但也有责任不与...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 00:43
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...nfowars Android应用程序。此举消灭了臭名昭著的阴谋理论家亚历克斯·琼斯最后一个主流据点之一。在琼斯发布了一段视频,对在某些地方进行社会疏远和避难的必要性提出质疑之后,这起事件发生了。(莉莉·海伊·纽曼/连线) ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 23:58
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  • 发布于 2021-04-20 06:41
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 琼斯在推特上的时间比大多数人都长——他的第一条推特发布于2007年3月22日。”我与@blanket签约是因为我有一家**公司,现在还有一个名为blanket Statement Producti...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 06:23
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...这一点;我尝试了许多解决方案,但没有一个能阻止我的推特流中不断涌出的仇恨。哈珀的新工作正在进行中。她是这样解释的:“Shields Up旨在缓解推特泛滥的问题,当一个帐户公开提到他们的twitter句柄时,推特就会淹没用户...

  • 发布于 2021-04-30 11:22
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莱斯利·琼斯(Leslie Jones)过去曾在推特上发挥了巨大作用,但这位喜剧演员今晚却面临着最糟糕的微博服务,数百人用种族主义和侮辱性的推特炮轰她。大量恶意的种族主义信息促使琼斯做出回应,她在自己的一系列推文中说...

  • 发布于 2021-05-06 12:28
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...)发帖称,他之所以决定离开,主要是因为平台拒绝禁止亚历克斯琼斯(Alex Jones),他们已经承认琼斯违反了他们的官方政策。琼斯长期以来一直在向他的许多追随者传播阴谋论,并鼓励桑迪胡克受害者的父母继续受到骚扰。...

  • 发布于 2021-05-14 18:11
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病毒uber dj的指南,创造伟大的播放列表

...了蓝牙扬声器。所以我向大学生Tj Jones求助,他今年2月在推特上疯传了一条消息,当时他们分享了11个播放列表,这些播放列表是他们用来对所有Uber和Lyft乘客进行分类的,比如“安静的ppl”、“他妈的潮人”和“看起来像说唱...

  • 发布于 2021-05-14 21:54
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