


首先,这一违规行为可能影响了其他使用Facebook Connect身份平台的第三方服务。一些大型互联网服务严重依赖Facebook登录,包括Spotify、Airbnb和Tinder。任何对用户帐户拥有完全访问权限的人都可以登录到这些服务,可能未被发现。值得注意的是,这些FacebookConnect用户中没有一个对违规行为对其自身服务的影响有过多的评论,可能是因为他们仍在调查。Tinder是个例外,他说Facebook只分享了有限的信息,并呼吁它分享更多信息。


第二,违约的法律后果日益明显。集体诉讼以惊人的速度提起。Sam Schechner在《华尔街日报》上报道,尽管Facebook似乎在《一般数据保护条例》要求的72小时内披露了违规行为,但欧盟隐私监督机构仍可能对Facebook处以高达16.3亿美元的罚款。另外,爱尔兰数据保护委员会周一表示,该漏洞受害者中只有不到10%居住在欧盟(《世界报》称这一数字不到500万。)

这种违约行为正是GDPR旨在防范的。因此,这是自今年早些时候生效以来对法律的第一次真正考验,Russell Brandom报道:

No one has accused Facebook of negligence yet, but the basic facts of the case have yet to be nailed down — and with lawmakers already hostile to Facebook, plenty of privacy commissioners will want to try their luck. Because the law is so fresh, no one knows for sure how such a case would play out, but Facebook is already preparing for what could be the fight of its life.

The new breach is a real contrast with previous GDPR fights, which have largely had to do with policy decisi*** and terms of service. Both Facebook and Google have already come under fire for having Terms of Service that violate the regulation, although the suits were brought by a third party and haven’t made much progress. Scandals like Cambridge Analytica present another front in the fight, in which apparent violati*** of user privacy stem from user choices, sidestepping most legal definiti*** of a breach. But this recent breach is far simpler. Facebook shouldn’t have given these hackers access to the accounts — it wasn’t a data-sharing project or an API gone wrong — so it’s hard to read the fallout as anything other than a breakdown in Facebook security. The only question is how much Facebook will be punished for the lapse.


最后,这一违约行为给了世界新的机会来评估其对Facebook的信任。在周五的新闻发布会上,两名记者问马克·扎克伯格,为什么人们应该继续用他们的数据信任这个平台。正如威尔·奥雷姆斯(Will Oremus)所述,他回避了这些问题:

“This is a serious issue and we’re very focused on addressing it, which is why we patched the vulnerability and kind of taken additional security measures,” he said. Perhaps sensing that wasn’t enough, he hesitated, then dredged up a familiar talking point about how “security is an arms race, and we’re continuing to improve our defenses.” Facebook has “a lot of talented people working on this and, I think, doing good work,” he added, unconvincingly. “This is going to be an ongoing effort, and we’re going to need to keep focusing on this over time.”




托尼·罗姆(Tony Romm)报道说,桑达尔·皮猜(Sundar Pichai)对华盛顿的访问似乎相当平静。但他确实同意在众议院就对保守派的“偏见”作证。

Weeks after President Trump accused Google of having “rigged” search results, the company’s leader paid the White House a visit, meeting on Friday with Larry Kudlow, one of the president’s top economic advisors, a spokeswoman for the White House confirmed. During the private session, which focused on “issues impacting internet platforms and the economy in general,” Pichai agreed to attend an upcoming “roundtable with the President and other internet stakeholders,” the White House announced.

The spokeswoman said details would be forthcoming, including other tech giants invited to the meeting. Previously, Kudlow said the Trump administration was open to regulating search results but the president later seemed to distance himself from the idea.



The tweet implied, without any proof, that the prosecutor Republican senators retained to question Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, one of the women accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, stopped asking Kavanaugh questi*** because she determined that he lied. It falsely sourced the information to the Wall Street Journal and was soon amplified by reporters and commentators on Twitter, racking up thousands of retweets and likes.


格雷格·贾菲(Greg Jaffe)写道,两位**在对布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)和特朗普(Trump)总统任期的对立观点中努力保持朋友关系,而Facebook是她们如此多讨论的背景,这一点值得注意。而且并非总是为了更好:

When she returned home from work in the evening, the testimony was finished. So, she flipped on Fox News and checked her Facebook feed. One of her friends had posted a short video that was circulating online of an African American woman passing an envelope to one of Ford’s lawyers. The post suggested that it could be a clandestine payment of some sort. Laynette wasn’t sure what to believe, but from what she knew about Washington it seemed ­possible.

“I bet they know a heck of a lot more than the rest of us,” she said, thinking of the hearing room packed with lawmakers and journalists. “To be honest, we don’t trust the media to tell us the truth anymore.”


关于WhatsApp引发的暴力是技术问题还是社会问题,最近有很多很好的讨论。Rohan Venkataramakrishnan对这一主题有一个很好的、很长的观察,其中包含一位未具名的WhatsApp发言人关于一位前微信员工的建议的令人难忘的投诉,该员工建议该公司试图通过分析其元数据来屏蔽假新闻:

“It’s unsurprising that a former WeChat employee would support monitoring on a private messaging app,” the spokesperson said. “We strongly disagree with their approach as it would seriously weaken people’s privacy – with important global implicati***.” The spokesperson went on to say, “There are also several inaccuracies, the most glaring of them is that we do not retain a log of all messages being sent and their claim that WhatsApp ‘reads and stores parts of metadata of every message being sent on its platform’ – is just flat wrong.”

Gupta said he too is not in favour of breaking encryption. He said he was a supporter of Apple when it refused to give up data on a locked iPhone to American investigators in 2016, and that he would not have written this paper that year. But, with people dying, he said he sees the danger of companies like WhatsApp refusing to do anything about it, since it gives the government an excuse to intrude.


Facebook任命长期高管亚当·莫塞里(Adam Mosseri)为Instagram的新总裁


半相关的是,才华横溢的莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)今天宣布,她正在写一本关于Instagram历史的书。Frier是Facebook上最优秀的记者之一,这本书将是必读的。特别是如果Systrom和Krieger合作的话。




麻省理工学院(MIT)教授比较媒体研究的克里斯·彼得森(Chris Peterson)在推特上发表了一些女权主义学术研究,并因此被停职。他推测,这是因为推特错误地将他的推特标记为包含“非人性化”言论,因为这些言论是按性别来指代人的。推特什么也没说,但在博因博因写下此事后,他改变了方向。


JK Trotter讲述了一个拥有900万订户的YouTuber的故事,他成功地将一堆令人厌恶的废话偷运到视频中,即使在“限制模式”下,儿童也可以观看这些视频

But when Cook got around to watching SML for himself, he was alarmed by what he found: an array of racist stereotypes, misogynist humor, homophobic jokes, and worse, **uggled into videos that are clearly aimed at children. A character named Jackie Chu, for example, is portrayed by a puppet who, as his Fandom entry explains, “pronounces things wrong such as ‘Cacurus’ (Calculus), ‘Rawn’ (Wrong), ‘Crass’ (Class)… and cannot see as well as others, due to his eyes being squinted too tightly.”


Santanu Chakraborty和Ameya Karve报告称,在WhatsApp消息在交易员中传播后,印度Infibeam Avenues Ltd.单日市值下跌71%,引发了对在线iPhone和iPad零售商会计实务的担忧。




Google is expanding its use of lucrative search-based advertising tools on YouTube, to help advertisers target potential customers as they search for everything from products to movie trailers on the video site. The news, announced this morning at Advertising Week and reported by CNBC, marks a shift in how Google treats YouTube. Increasingly, the company is relying on YouTube as an extension of its core search engine instead of a separate entity. To help drive home the point, Google representatives told the crowd at Advertising Week that YouTube is the second most popular search engine in America, behind Google Search.

Facebook最近离职的首席安全官亚历克斯·斯塔莫斯(Alex Stamos)就要求Facebook在72小时内宣布违规行为如何防止其抓获坏人一事发表了看法。这是一本很好的读物,有助于捕捉围绕这一违规行为的一些内部争论:



一家营销机构出租并装修了一套公寓,设计成Instagram的终极背景,并将其借给有影响力的人。Sapna Maheshwari有一个令人难忘的故事,讲述了一个完全人造的空间以及需要它工作的人们:

There is also the “rah-rah-Instagram-slash-feminist-wall,” an area filled with photographs of Instagram influencers and messages of female empowerment.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 16:31
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所以你不在乎谷歌,亚马逊,Facebook和三星偷听你。但是你对网络罪犯监听你的卧室谈话有什么感觉?维基解密的Vault 7文件显示,你可能很快就会成为不速之客的主人。 ...

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... 仅在美国,Facebook Messenger的用户平均每月就超过1.36亿,是2016年迄今下载量最大的应用。我们已经习惯了它的易用性和实用性,但当它第一次推出时,Facebook的成员们都很怀疑:毕竟...

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大约5000万Facebook用户的账户可能被访问,这是一次重大安全漏洞的一部分。这是由于一个或多个未知方利用Facebook代码中的漏洞并因此窃取访问令牌。 ...

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...Beats Powerbeats Pro与自己的AirPods竞争。等等,什么? 5.4亿facebook用户记录、密码、评论等被泄露 在过去一天里,最引人注目的事件无疑是Facebook的另一次泄密。这一次,密码等敏感数据是泄漏的一部分,但也包括Facebook id、评论...

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...发生在坏人领先于好人的时候,用我们根本不知道存在的漏洞攻击我们。当我们没有时间准备防御时就会发生这种情况。 软件易受攻击 软件并不完美。你正在阅读的浏览器——无论是Chrome、Firefox、internetexplorer还是其他什么—...

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5.33亿Facebook用户的个人数据在网上泄露。这占世界人口的很大比例,所以你应该检查一下你的账户或电话号码是否受到影响。我们会给你看,这样你就可以保护自己了。 什么facebook数据被偷了? 你可能想知道的第一件事是发...

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...,我们想确保您拥有所有最新的开发。 第二,在Facebook发布年度多元化报告之际,我很高兴与Facebook首席多元化官Maxine Williams分享我本周的一次谈话。我想知道为什么在这个问题上很难取得进展,她现在向谢丽尔·桑德伯...

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在本周拉斯维加斯举行的Defcon黑客大会上,Facebook不仅招募了新的安全专家,而且还传播了关于它发放奖金的消息——用自己的漏洞。”Facebook安全团队成员弗雷德·沃伦斯(Fred Wolens)告诉《边缘报》(The Verge),互联网充满敌...

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