
周三,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)记者吉姆·阿科斯塔(Jim Acosta)在新闻发布会上就移民问题与总统进行了有针对性的交流,导致特朗普政府禁止他入主白宫。在交流过程中,特朗普的一名助手试图将麦克风从他身边夺开。今天,一场党派之争爆发了,这场战争的焦点是这一事件的视频到底显示了什么——这样做似乎预示着一个时代的到来,在这个时代中,被操纵的视频进一步侵蚀了真假之间的界限。...

周三,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)记者吉姆·阿科斯塔(Jim Acosta)在新闻发布会上就移民问题与总统进行了有针对性的交流,导致特朗普**禁止他入主白宫。在交流过程中,特朗普的一名助手试图将麦克风从他身边夺开。今天,一场党派之争爆发了,这场战争的焦点是这一事件的视频到底显示了什么——这样做似乎预示着一个时代的到来,在这个时代中,**纵的视频进一步侵蚀了真假之间的界限。

Aaron Rupar以Vox为舞台布景:

When Trump insulted Acosta at the press conference, a White House intern approached him and tried to physically remove a microphone from his hands. Their arms touched as the woman reached across Acosta’s body to grab the microphone he was holding in his hand.

Looking back at the video, it does not in fact show Acosta “placing his hands” on the woman. But about 90 minutes after she posted her string of tweets, Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson tweeted out a video of the incident that was doctored to make it look like Acosta chopped the woman’s arm with his hand.

Less than an hour later, [Press Secretary Sarah] Sanders tweeted out the doctored video, writing, “We will not tolerate the inappropriate behavior clearly documented in this video.”

Vox的头条新闻称这段视频是“假信息战视频”,是吗?查理·沃泽尔(Charlie Warzel)给沃森(Watson)发了一封短信,沃森告诉他,他只是放大了一段视频,但没有放大,就照原样放了下来。这引发了关于视频帧速率的简单改变是否会改变视频,使其看起来好像Acosta是侵略者的争论。正如沃泽尔所指出的,这很复杂:

Watson’s defense is an issue of semantics — that he altered the video but did not “doctor” it to show something that wasn’t there. Unfortunately, establishing just how the video was changed is complicated. The original video file was created by Watson from a gif file that the Daily Wire tweeted. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that the image was distorted by that process. More importantly, the process of converting videos to gifs often results in losing frames from the original video file (in the case of the Daily Wire gif, that means there’s likely frames missing from the original CSPAN video it was made from).

It’s all confusing. There’s even an example in which all parties are mostly correct. Watson’s clip is different than the CSPAN clip because it was taken from a gif and thus missing frames, which could cause the Acosta movement to look faster than it actually was. In that case, one can argue that the video was made faster. If that’s the case, there’s also an argument that Watson is telling the truth — he didn’t personally speed up the video, he just took a clip that was missing frames.

与此同时,“社交媒体情报”公司Storyful的记者Shane Raymond进行了逐帧分析,得出结论认为Sanders分享了经过修改的片段,以使某些帧重复。《*****》的德鲁·哈威尔引用了其他各种分析,也写道这些录像带是被篡改的。帕里斯·马蒂诺(Paris Martineau)也一帧接一帧地讲述了这段视频,他巧妙地指出,这段视频使这一事件看起来比主要通过重复三次更具戏剧性。



但这次选举表明,可能给我们带来最大问题的是真实的视频,而不是伪造的视频。简·利特维年科(Jane Lytvynenko)本周写了一篇关于一段误导性视频的文章,该视频据称显示选民欺诈。实际上,它显示了卡纸。Facebook和Instagram因违反规定而删除了该视频;推特把它放在一边,它已经被浏览了95000多次。

最近离职的Facebook安全总监Alex Stamos表示,在可预见的未来,贴错标签的视频可能比篡改的视频问题更大。”他在推特上写道:“与没有虚假技术指标的错帧视频相比,深度假货有太多的风险。”没有[机器学习]算法来查找故意贴错标签的视频。”





库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)指出,无论Facebook在选举日表现得多么出色,它真正的问题直到几个月后才显现出来,当时该公司和记者都可以深入了解选举结果(萨尔·罗德里格斯在这里也提出了类似的观点。)

The problem, of course, is that Facebook appeared to be fine the day after the 2016 election, too. CEO Mark Zuckerberg even di**issed the idea that so-called fake news was a real problem. It wasn’t until months later that people, Facebook included, fully realized the extent to which Russian trolls were using the service to try and sow political discord among U.S. voters.


和我一样,凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)认为Facebook在选举日后面临的最大风险之一是它会变得自满:

Facebook has shown, time and again, that it behaves resp***ibly only when placed under a well-lit microscope. So as our collective attention fades from the midterms, it seems certain that outsiders will need to continue to hold the company accountable, and push it to do more to safeguard its users — in every country, during every election season — from a flood of lies and manipulation.



EU competition chief Margrethe Vestager is weighing up whether there are grounds to open a probe into Facebook’s European tax arrangements as she deepens her multinational investigation into sweetheart tax deals, two people close to the case said Wednesday.

Countries giving preferential tax deals to big companies — particularly in the tech sector — have been a European Commission priority since 2014, and Vestager ruled in 2016 that Ireland would have to claw back €13 billion in unpaid taxes from Apple. In a novel crackdown against tax avoidance, the EU has started to treat preferential tax arrangements as a form of state aid — essentially declaring that countries are giving illegal subsidies to businesses.




One of Google’s key changes is making arbitration optional for individual sexual haras**ent and sexual assault claims, so employees could take misconduct claims to court instead of privately settling them. Pichai also promises to provide “more granularity” in internal reports about haras**ent at Google. Google will also update and expand its mandatory sexual haras**ent training, and it will start docking the performance review scores of employees who don’t complete the training.


道格·麦克米伦(Doug MacMillan)撰写了皮尤研究中心关于儿童和YouTube的最新数据:

Amid concern from children’s advocacy groups that the Google-owned video website is profiting from advertisements targeted at minors, the survey from the Pew Research Center shows that more than four out of five parents with children 11 and younger have given them permission to watch a YouTube video. More than one-third of those parents let their children watch videos on the site regularly, according to the results of the survey published Wednesday.

The survey also showed that the majority of parents whose children watch YouTube say their children have seen disturbing content on the site.



Arguably the most interesting figure from the company’s latest How Google Fights Piracy report relates to YouTube’s Content ID. Indeed, Google revealed that it has spent more than $100 million on the technology since its inception, including computing resources and staffing, up from $60 million two years ago.

And it has also now doled out more than $3 billion to rightsholders, up from “over $2 billion” in 2016 and $1 billion two years before that.


David Meyer报告称,俄罗斯正在迅速接近其监控所有公民通信的合理结论:

When someone signs up for a messaging service, the operator of that service will need to verify their registration data through their mobile operator.

The mobile operator will have all of 20 minutes to respond to each request for information and will have to record information about the messaging apps that each customer uses.



The technology has its limitati***. In the videos above and below of the English-speaking anchor, it’s obvious that the range of facial expressi*** are limited, and the voice is clearly artificial. But machine learning research in this area is making swift improvements, and it’s not hard to imagine a future where AI anchors are indistinguishable from the real thing.

This will strike many as a disturbing prospect, especially as the technology is being deployed in China. There, the press is c***tantly censored, and it is nearly impossible to get clear reports of even widespread events like the country’s suppression of the Muslim Uighur community. Creating fake anchors to read propaganda sounds chilling.



As their names imply, mini programs allow files up to only 2MB. They load faster than native apps — which means users may tend to reinstall them in the future — but they also compromise certain features, which could undermine user experience.

Of the hundreds of app verticals, games take up 28 percent of all mini programs, followed by life services and e-commerce, according to QuestMobile.



丹·塞弗特(Dan Seifert)评论了今天开始销售的Facebook门户视频电话。他和其他评论员表示,该门户网站在视频通话的预期用途方面做得很好,但在其他方面,它做得不够,因此不值得购买,特别是考虑到隐私风险:

Facebook is saying all the right things about privacy, but I’m not sure that will be enough to convince the skeptics. There’s already been mixed messaging from Facebook on whether it will be able to use data from the Portal for advertising purposes, so people are right to be skeptical.

Beyond that, unless you are a heavy user of Facebook’s Messenger calling, the Portal doesn’t currently do enough to justify its existence.


Facebook硬件主管安德鲁·博斯沃思(Andrew Bosworth)为莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)提供了硬推销门户网站的机会。他说,这“不是一个数据收集操作”(很好的包装宣传语!)但它将用于广告目的:

“If there’s an ad-targeting cluster on Facebook for people interested in video calling, that might be a cluster that now I’m going to be a part of,” he said.






Facebook和谷歌正在疯狂建设数据中心和其他建筑Kevin McLaughlin报道:

Facebook and Alphabet, the parent company of Google, boosted their capital expenditures the most of any of their peers, more than doubling such investments during the first nine months of the year from the same period in 2017, according to an ****ysis by The Information. Microsoft and Intel also increased their spending significantly during the period. The growth is a sign that the biggest players in tech are sufficiently bullish on future growth opportunities that they are willing to plow cash from their booming businesses, along with savings from corporate tax cuts, into infrastructure.


Shira Ovide对Facebook不断将其支持全球民主的努力与2012年成功构建移动应用程序的努力相比较感到恼火:

Facebook’s 2012 **artphone reboot was a cinch compared with its current challenges. Facebook now wants to protect electi*** around the world, weed out misinformation and encourage online behavior that unifies people. Nothing in Facebook’s history shows it’s up to this set of challenges.

The stakes are simply higher for Facebook today. This moment is different from the time when users initially revolted against Facebook’s news feed in 2006, or when people grumbled about a separate app for chats. And this time is different from Facebook’s reboot in resp***e to the **artphone threat. Facebook was right in those moments, but that doesn’t make it infallible.


凯尔·拉塞尔(Kyle Russell)就是其中之一,他在Twitter.com上玩得很开心。他写下了他决定把今年读到的每一本书都发出去,以及由此发生的一切:

By framing my interaction on the platform around something I c***ider good for me, I’ve been able to have that rush compel me not toward starting fights but to deepen my understanding of the world and the history leading up to its current state. I can both see and feel the compounding of this effect: as the thread gets longer and the included books more diverse, I get more eyes on the entire thread with each new book, and more likes on all previous posts, and so I am rewarded for the new, latest book and all the work I’ve done so far. This effect is scary when it leads to the radicalization of someone giving into the effects of having outrageous, combative, misinformed behavior receive systemic incentivization, but it’s deeply appreciated when it’s simply keeping me from slowing down something I’m proud of and want to do more of despite my personal tendency toward procrastination and letting projects fall to the wayside as I focus on professional matters.


目前我最感兴趣的一个问题是,一个分散的社交网络,即la Mastodon,能否避免大型科技平台遇到的一些问题。例如,联邦化的内容调节策略可能更好地平衡语音和安全性。阿维夫·奥瓦迪亚(Aviv Ovadya)在这里写道,光靠权力下放不足以解决问题:

What decentralization does is re-distribute power. That can sometimes be exactly what is needed—but in other cases it can exacerbate the original problem! In the case of misinformation and haras**ent, it re-distributes power from platform governance—e.g. Facebook rules and algorithms; to “publishers”—in this case misinformers and harassers.






Emile Ratelband, 69, argues that if transgender people are allowed to change sex, he should be allowed to change his date of birth because doctors said he has the body of a 45-year-old.



向我发送提示、评论、问题和明显伪造的视频:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 12:23
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  • 发布于 2021-03-12 11:25
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...—在这种情况下,推特仍然没有得出结论。不过,他还是美国的总司令。我想他脑子里还有更重要的事情。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-13 01:15
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...能看到推特的人提供更多的背景信息”。 推特在11月3日美国总统大选前开始对含有选举错误信息的推特贴上“有争议”和其他警告标签,并限制与这些推特的接触。它宣布,过早宣称获胜的推文将被贴上标签,意在煽动干扰选...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 02:38
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... “就是这样。一个典型的例子这样写道。“我已经成为美国公民54年了,在我成为美国公民的所有时间里,我从未见过一次选举如此糟糕。我受够了,直到你修复这个国家。我要收拾行囊去英国,在那里他们真的知道如何管理一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:11
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...。“正如预期的那样,今年的选举结果花了更长的时间。美国有法律、程序和既定的机构来确保我们选举的完整性,”贴在他视频剪辑帖子上的标签写道。 更新8:50AM美国东部时间:添加了来自Twitter的声明。

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...小时后就被贴上了标签。 星期六,总统在推特上宣布在美国东部时间上午11:30在费城举行“律师记者招待会”,但这条推特上没有标明。这变成了与总统的律师鲁迪朱利安尼举行的记者招待会,朱利安尼声称宾夕法尼亚州存在未...

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...煽动干扰选举或选举结果的推文,以及追随者超过10万的政治人物(其中包括特朗普总统)被贴上“误导”标签的推文现在更难获得 推特(Twitter)将特朗普的几条推文贴上标签,称其违反了其关于**纵的媒体和公民及选举诚信的...

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...上了“基于我们的合成和**纵的媒体政策”的标签。截至美国东部时间周日晚上10:45,这条带有**纵视频的tweet似乎已经从Scalise的账户中删除。 这段视频最先被《*****》记者戴夫·魏格尔注意到。 在最初的视频中,巴肯问拜登...

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...伪装成Barstool劳工运动,显然是为了排挤工会支持者。在美国,雇主威胁要报复加入工会的雇员是违法的。 这场争论是在8月12日振铃公司的员工宣布他们计划成立工会后不久产生的。当天晚些时候,波特诺伊再次发布...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-23 15:09
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