凯文·哈特(kevin hart)如何在推特上辞掉主持奥斯卡的工作

凯文·哈特(Kevin Hart)是一位受欢迎的喜剧演员和演员,在周五上午之前,他一直被安排担任2019年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人。如果他没有违反网络生活中神圣不可侵犯的规则之一:永远不要推特,那么他仍然会是2019年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人。...

凯文·哈特(Kevin Hart)是一位受欢迎的喜剧演员和演员,在周五上午之前,他一直被安排担任2019年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人。如果他没有违反网络生活中神圣不可侵犯的规则之一:永远不要推特,那么他仍然会是2019年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人。

在他被任命为主持人后不久,BuzzFeed的迈克尔·布莱克蒙(Michael Blackmon)回顾了哈特疯狂删除的一些推文:

“Yo if my son comes home & try’s 2 play with my daughters doll house I’m going 2 break it over his head & say n my voice ‘stop that’s gay,’” read a 2011 tweet that Hart deleted sometime on Wednesday or Thursday.

Benjamin Lee, an editor at the Guardian, was one of the first to point out Hart’s old tweets following the Oscars announcement. “I wonder when Kevin Hart is gonna start deleting all his old tweets,” Lee tweeted, adding screenshots from some of Hart’s since-deleted tweets in which he said someone looked like “a gay bill board for AIDS” and called another person a “FAT FAG.”


在好莱坞度过了一年之后,你可能会认为奥斯卡在提名主持人之前可能已经在推特上搜索过了。就在三个月前,《银河系电影卫士》(Guards of Galaxy movies)的知名导演詹姆斯·冈恩(James Gunn)在一场虚假的运动中被解雇,这场运动旨在将他与2010年推特笑话中的恋童癖联系起来。


In an Instagram post from that morning, Hart appeared bratty, defensive, and completely di**issive of the growing pushback (he also seemed kind of drowsy, possibly because he filmed it from a bed). “Our world is becoming beyond crazy,” Hart complained, “and I’m not gonna let the craziness frustrate me … if you don’t believe people change, grow, evolve as they get older, [then] I don’t know what to tell you.” In the accompanying caption, he wrote, “If u want to search my history or past and anger yourselves with what u find that is fine with me. I’m almost 40 years old and I’m in love with the man I am becoming.”


显然,哈特作为奥斯卡颁奖典礼主持人的短暂任期是一个愚蠢的故事,到今晚《欢乐时光》的时候,我们都会忘记这个故事。但这让我想起了我最近在主板上看到的一篇关于推特行为的好文章:“互联网不需要文明,它需要道德,”由传播学教授惠特尼·菲利普斯(Whitney Phillips)和瑞安·M。米尔纳。


In biology, biomass pyramids chart the relative number or weight of one class of organi** compared to another organi** within the same ecosystem. For a habitat to support one lion, the biomass pyramid shows, it needs a whole lot of insects. When applied to questi*** of online toxicity, biomass pyramids speak to the fact that there are far more everyday, relatively low-level cases of harmful behavior than there are apex predator cases—the kinds of acti*** that are explicitly and wilfully harmful, from coordinated hate and haras**ent campaigns to media manipulation tactics designed to sow chaos and confusion.


This bottom strata includes posting snarky jokes about an unfolding news story, tragedy, or controversy; retweeting hoaxes and other misleading narratives ironically, to condemn them, make fun of the people involved, or otherwise assert superiority over those who take the narratives seriously; making ambivalent inside jokes because your friends will know what you mean (and for white people in particular, that your friends will know you’re not a real racist); @mentioning the butts of jokes, critiques, or collective mocking, thus looping the target of the conversation into the discussion; and easiest of all, jumping into conversati*** mid-thread without knowing what the issues are. Regarding visual media, impactive everyday behaviors include responding to a thread with a GIF or reaction image featuring random everyday strangers, or posting (and/or remixing) the latest meme to comment on the news of the day.







Cecilia Kang和Daisuke Wakabayashi表示,我们应该关注下周与Sundar Pichai举行的听证会,以了解民主党打算如何在众议院行使新权力的迹象:

The hearing will provide an early glimpse of how Democrats plan to approach Silicon Valley giants in the coming year as they assume control of the House of Representatives. And the testimony from Mr. Pichai, who is appearing before lawmakers after initially resisting, may provide clues about how he and the company will approach them.

Democratic lawmakers, angry about Russian misinformation online during the 2016 campaign and concerned about the expanding influence of tech’s biggest companies, are expected to target the industry in the next Congress. Some have already raised concerns about potential antitrust and privacy violati***, showing more willingness than Republicans to regulate an industry viewed as an engine of economic growth.


Patreon正在从该服务中删除更多引人注目的极右翼人物,David Gilbert报道:

The accounts of British c***piracy theorist YouTuber Carl Benjamin, better known as Sargon of Akkad, and U.S. far-right political commentator James Allsup, were removed Thursday.

The ban will be a particular blow for Benjamin, who was earning more than $12,000 a month from the crowdfunding site.



Responding, Watson-Gandy told the court that Carroll “was not a qualifying floating chargeholder, he had not served a winding-up petition, he was not any of those who are the traditional respondents to an application [for administration].”



Of those who were aware of Amazon’s decision, 67 percent of respondents in the U.S. said they would have been happy if Amazon had chosen their home area for an HQ2. Those people overwhelmingly cited jobs (92 percent) as the reason for their approval, while nearly 60 percent said investment in public works and infrastructure improvements was their reason.

Some 44 percent had a favorable view of Amazon’s decision to split its new headquarters between two cities, while 47 percent were indifferent and just 9 percent had a negative opinion.



He says he has raised several hundred thousand pounds via online donati***, some of which were solicited via the Facebook donate button. Robinson has said he plans to use the money to launch a European version of the rightwing c***piracy website Infowars, and to sue the British government over his prison treatment.

But the tool is meant for charities alone. When the Guardian alerted Facebook to this, the social media company switched off the function within hours.


阿拉伯之春经常被引用为一个事件,它让大型科技平台相信,它们将主要用于造福人类。但我还没有看到太多关于他们到底是如何促成这一事业的学术研究。普林斯顿大学的Killian Clarke和Korhan Koçak发表了一篇新论文,试图对这一想法进行严格的解释(他们还使用“动员”一词(学术界!)

Drawing on evidence from the 2011 Egyptian uprising, we dem***trate how the use of two social media platforms – Facebook and Twitter – contributed to a discrete mobilizational outcome: the staging of a successful first protest in a revolutionary cascade, or, what we call “first mover mobilization.” Specifically, we argue that these two platforms facilitated the staging of a large, nationwide, and seemingly leaderless protest on January 25, 2011, which signaled to hesitant but sympathetic Egyptians that a revolution might be in the making. Using qualitative and quantitative evidence, including interviews, social media data, and surveys, we ****yze three mechani**s that linked these platforms to the success of the January 25 protest: 1) protester recruitment, 2) protest planning and coordination, and 3) live updating about protest logistics. The paper not only contributes to debates about the role of the Internet in the Arab Spring and other recent waves of mobilization, but also dem***trates how scholarship on the Internet in politics might move toward making more discrete, empirically grounded causal claims.


Facebook 2018年回顾


Lean-In的Sheryl Sandberg问题


Inside, surrounded by wall art reminding women to be bold, the Lean In staff has a singular message: Ms. Sandberg now has little to do with the group she founded.

“I don’t want to take anything away — how could I? — from Sheryl as the inspiration for the work that we do,” said Rachel Thomas, the president of LeanIn.org. “But the book came out six years ago. It’s become less and less about Sheryl with every passing year.”



In China, ByteDance is a media and content powerhouse that operates more than 10 apps, including two blockbusters—personalized news-feed app Jinri Toutiao and short-form video app Douyin. The new venture fund could help the company build new strategic alliances with startups, expanding its platform further beyond its own products. It could enable ByteDance to gain access to new technologies and content instead of relying entirely on its own teams to develop them.

ByteDance executives and investors have attributed the company’s success to its heavy emphasis on AI technology that connects users with personalized streams of articles and videos as well as ads. But as the company tries to attract more users and expand its platform globally, it needs to accumulate a broader range of content covering its users’ diverse interests. Investments in startups could play a role in such efforts.


Kirthiga Reddy是Facebook在印度的第一名员工。现在她是第一位成为软银1000亿美元愿景基金合伙人的**。


Predictim因滥用Facebook和Twitter的API而与Facebook和Twitter发生纠纷,它试图向Brian Merchant解释为什么它认为他的保姆“有风险”(简短的回答似乎是:种族主义!)

My wife and my son’s grandmother, who, apart from the occasional incensed political post, have very clean profiles—they both work at universities, where they interact with research subjects and students, and are both white—got the ‘Lowest Risk’ ratings on each of the four categories. Kianah, a musician who babysits part-time, has never been anything but kind and respectful, and was enthusiastically referred to us by friends, was flagged as a “Moderate Risk” (3 out 5) for “Disrespectful Attitude” and a “Low risk” (2 out 5) for “Bullying / Haras**ent.



The photograph in the Facebook post is pretty: piles of red rocks balanced at the edge of a cliff, suggesting a miniature mirror of the jagged rock face opposite. The stacks look like **all shrines to mountain solitude, carefully balanced at the edge of a precipice. But when Zion National Park posted the photo, in September, the social-media coördinators for the park included a plea: “Please, enjoy the park but leave rocks and all natural objects in place.” The post noted the “curious but destructive practice” of building **all stone towers, and said, “stacking up stones is simply vandali**.”



YouTube Rewind是一个关于YouTube上当年发布的最著名视频的年度视频。但今年,最著名的事情都被忽略了,朱莉娅·亚历山大报道:

Most creators would probably point to Logan Paul’s controversy surrounding his time in Japan’s Aokigahara forest, a multimillion-dollar boxing match between some of YouTube’s most prolific individuals, and the seemingly never-ending battle between PewDiePie and Bollywood production company T-Series. There were also multiple breakups between adored YouTubers, the rise of Johnny Johnny Yes Papa as a phenomenon, and Shane Dawson ruling the digital space by reimagining what YouTubers could create.

None of these moments appear in YouTube Rewind, the streaming service’s year-end wrap-up video, but that isn’t too surprising. YouTube Rewind is an annual look back at the trends, creators, and moments that YouTube executives and employees c***ider the most noteworthy. It’s a presentation of what makes YouTube unique, specifically designed to market its creators to advertisers in the hopes of securing large deals. The lack of these moments reiterates the divide between how the platform wants to be seen and the actual culture that creators participate in.


汤姆·弗里德曼(Tom Friedman)表示,监管大型科技平台应该是2020年总统竞选的中心议题:

Just one person — Mark Zuckerberg — controls Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. The fact that he has shown himself to be much more interested in scaling his platforms than combating those who abused them for political and economic gain — and that his lieutenants were ready to go after their high-profile critics, like George Soros — should make breaking up or regulating Facebook a front-and-center issue in 2020. But just the raw political weight of behemoths like Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Apple needs a closer look.


Cates Holderness庆祝Tumblr,并预测即使没有世界上最大的在线色情收藏,Tumblr也会很好:

The 2018 internet is dominated by three giant platforms — Twitter (Do you like Nazis and being harassed for having the audacity to exist? Have I got a site for for you!), Facebook (Your elementary school best friend is getting divorced and your uncle just learned to take selfies, enjoy!), and Instagram (Here’s what your friends were doing without you three days ago when everyone said they just wanted “a quiet night in,” buy this laxative tea while you weep about how lonely you are, then feel guilty for laughing at this meme that got reposted without attribution.). And the joke’s on you — you HAVE to be on all three of them! Happy 2018!!!

This internet feels **all, and it’s shrinking every day as its algorithms make everything feel increasingly the same. Amid all this, Tumblr has been a safe harbor of delightful, weird, and deeply human stuff, presented using the radical system known as reverse chronological order. This shouldn’t be rocket science, and yet here we are: Somehow, Tumblr is the only social media platform I use that just shows me the posts from people I follow, in order of when they were posted. The further I scroll, the older posts get. And that’s beautiful. Algorithms don’t try to anticipate what I want to see, and neither is my feed determined by the whims of a random group of people who can up- or downvote things into oblivion.


关于Facebook的最高**,我无法得到足够的推测性讨论,伊芙琳·杜克(Evelyn Douek)就围绕它如何运作的许多问题发表了一篇精彩的文章:

Though Zuckerberg appears to be seriously pursuing the idea, currently his conception of the independent body is more soundbite than substance. When he says that the SCOF will “ultimately make the final judgment call on what should be acceptable speech in a community that reflects the social norms and values of people all around the world,” he sets an impossible goal. There is no homogenous global community whose norms can be reflected in the decisi*** of a single body deciding contentious issues. But that doesn’t mean the proposed body cannot be an important development in online governance, creating a venue for appeal and redress, transparency and dialogue, and through which the idea of free speech in the online global community develops a greater substantive meaning than simply “whatever the platform says it is.”

How the independent body is set up will determine whether it furthers or hinders rights to freedom of expression and due process. There is a rich literature in comparative law showing that decisi*** of institutional design can have significant impacts not only on outcomes but the entire stability and legitimacy of a governance structure. These choices give substance to the idea that the body is “independent.” The question of how Facebook defines the body’s jurisdiction is particularly important. Presumably it will cover any take-down decision, but what about the decision to demote content and limit its distribution and engagement, a tool Facebook has said it is using to deal with more and more problematic content? These decisi*** are particularly opaque and controversial and have generated controversy. If the independent body cannot review these decisi*** as well, Facebook will be left with a large degree of control over what claims get ventilated and reviewed, and will be able to determine the ambit of the body’s promise of due process.


Tumblr宣布将从本月晚些时候开始禁止**内容,这开创了一个新的激动人心的游戏。在这个游戏中,博客作者试图确定Verizon所拥有的网络的确切界限。今天通过查佩尔·埃里森(Chappell Ellison)在推特上发布的调查结果表明,只有在猫头鹰戴帽子的陪伴下,**男人的胸部才是可以接受的。



向我发送提示、评论、问题和周末计划:[email protected]. 星期天我要烤一只鸡!

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 22:54
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 17:22
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:41
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tiktok ceo请求instagram、facebook帮助对抗tiktok禁令

...则”的时候了。帕帕斯的这一表态正值Instagram联合创始人凯文·希斯特罗姆(Kevin Systrom)正在谈判接替最近离职的TikTok首席执行官凯文·梅耶(Kevin Mayer)的传言甚嚣尘上之际。 出于数据安全考虑,特朗普**今年早些时候呼吁禁...

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linkin park提出版权投诉后,twitter禁止特朗普转发视频

...人在周日发给The Verge的一封电子邮件中说。 该乐队周六在推特上表示,正在推行“停战”,并没有授权在视频中使用其歌曲:“林肯公园没有也没有支持特朗普。” 版权声明已经发布到非营利组织透明倡议流明数据库。 白...

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第92届奥斯卡颁奖典礼(又称奥斯卡)将于今晚2月9日播出。它’这是一个行业的庆祝和一年之间的摊牌’世界上最大的电影,电影**人,以及所有让他们与众不同的人,包括演员,编剧等等。 我们将深入了解您何时...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 01:57
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纳斯卡车手布拉德·凯塞洛夫斯基(brad keselowski)在推特上发布了来自方向盘后面的图像

... 凯塞洛夫斯基的推特在整个比赛过程中都在继续,他在推特上贴出了更多燃烧的喷气式卡车的照片,因为他更进一步地通过了这辆卡车。由于在比赛后期遭遇意外,他继续获得第35名,但他可能仍然认为这是一场胜利:在这...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 12:15
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 惊奇漫画尚未证实这一消息,不过惊奇漫画总裁凯文·费格(Kevin Feige)早就想把这个角色搬上大银幕。

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 13:41
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 2013年6月,在每周播客播出11分钟左右,导演凯文·史密斯(Kevin Smith)介绍了一个他在Twitter上遇到的奇怪故事。这是一个公寓租赁网站上的列表,在某些条件下,它提供了一个在漂亮房子里的免费房间:房客有时不得...

  • 发布于 2021-04-27 12:11
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  • 发布于 2021-04-27 20:28
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...产品总监吉恩·卡姆达尔(Jinen Kamdar)说或者想想艾伦·奥斯卡的**。一旦有了视频,奥斯卡会是什么样子呢?“但这不仅仅是新闻:正如卡姆达尔指出的那样,推特上**了大量的公众人物、运动员和名人,他们中的许多人可能都...

  • 发布于 2021-04-28 18:45
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