



亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)在经历了漫长的欺凌行为后,失去了他的infowar,被各大平台禁止,这已经过去了近六个月。在此后的时间里,他吸引新追随者的能力被彻底削弱了——但这并不是因为他缺乏尝试。


Previously, Facebook would prevent administrators of banned pages from creating similar pages in the future. But the company found that some administrators have attempted to evade enforcement by repurposing pages that they had created before their bans in an effort to rebuild their online communities.

Today’s move marks the first time Facebook has removed pages in line with the updated policy. The company did not disclose all of the ways in which the freshly banned Jones pages resembled old pages, but said that they used similar titles. Jones is the creator of Infowars, which was kicked off platforms including Apple Podcasts, Twitter, and PayPal in addition to Facebook last summer.

这是Facebook今天采取的第一次重大执法行动。Pranav Dixit介绍了BuzzFeed中的第二个:

Facebook has banned four insurgent groups who have been fighting against Myanmar’s military from using its platform, according to a company blog post published Tuesday.

The banned groups include the Arakan Army (AA), the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDA), the Kachin Independence Army, and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army. Facebook said that all “praise, support, and representation” related to these groups will also be removed from the platform as soon as the company becomes aware of it.




“There is clear evidence that these organizati*** have been resp***ible for attacks against civilians and have engaged in violence in Myanmar, and we want to prevent them from using our services to further inflame tensi*** on the ground.”









David McCabe报道,Facebook产品合作副总裁Ime Archibong将于本周会见众议院和参议院的工作人员。

Archibong will brief staff members who work for members of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees — both of which will play a key role in the debate over a national privacy law — on Tuesday. Expect the company’s critics to take an interest: Sen. Ed Markey’s (D-Mass.) office confirmed his staff will attend the briefing.




Zusha Elinson报告说,为了使**拥有更安全,安全锁等设备被禁止在Facebook和谷歌上****:

Digital marketing giants including Facebook and Alphabet Inc.’s Google often reject marketing from companies like Zore, the maker of a high-tech, quick-release gun lock, due to policies intended to forbid ads for the firearms themselves, manufacturers of the devices say.

“It really blocked all the ways we wanted to get people,” said Eytan Morgenstern, Zore’s director of communicati***. “We’re selling to gun owners and they have to understand why it works.”


彼得·吉奥根(Peter Geoghegan)写到了支持脱欧的Facebook广告的神秘新支出:

A single pro-Brexit group with almost no public presence spent almost £50,000 on Facebook. Britain’s Future – which does not declare its funders and has no published address – is running hundreds of very localised targeted ads pushing for ‘no deal’.

Politicians and campaigners have called for greater transparency of political advertising. Labour MP Ben Bradshaw said: “We have no idea who these people are or where their money comes from. It shows again how unfit for purpose the rules are that govern online campaigning and the use of data.”


Pavel Polityuk报道了俄罗斯人在美国非选举季节所做的事情:

Serhiy Demedyuk told Reuters the attackers were using virus-infected greeting cards, shopping invitati***, offers for software updates and other malicious “phishing” material intended to steal passwords and personal information.

Ten weeks before the electi***, hackers were also buying personal details of election officials, Demedyuk said, paying in cryptocurrency on the dark web, part of the internet accessible only through certain software and typically used anonymously.





这基本上是两个(好!)里德·阿尔博格蒂(Reed Albergotti)关于Facebook的故事层出不穷——一个是关于用户补贴的无广告Facebook的概念,一个是关于Facebook外包内容节制的原因。简言之:为了保持行业领先的利润率:

By implementing this philosophy, Facebook was able to create an advertising business with margins similar to Google’s. Even as Facebook’s hiring soared, its profits rose faster, according to regulatory filings. Around the time of the IPO, Ms. Sandberg once said in an internal meeting that she wanted to turn Facebook into the most profitable company in history, according to a person in the meeting.

Mr. Zuckerberg, meanwhile, has a strong competitive instinct and relished the idea of outshining Google, according to people who know him.


朱莉·贝克(Julie Beck)写道,她认为Facebook的核心功能是:不自然地保留脆弱的社会关系:

The social network is 15 years old this Monday, and in taking stock of the effects of its decade and a half of existence on people’s social lives, this is what stands out the most: Facebook is where friendships go to never quite die.

The site has created an entirely new category of relati***hip, one that simply couldn’t have existed for most of human history—the vestigial friendship. It’s the one you’ve evolved out of, the one that would normally have faded out of your life, but which, thanks to Facebook, is instead still hanging around. Having access to this diffuse network of people you once knew can be pleasant—a curio cabinet of memories—or annoying; if those good memories get spoiled by an old friend’s new posts; or helpful, if you need to poll a large group for information. But it is, above all, new and unusual.



These children are aware of Facebook from the youngest of ages, and as they grow up, it becomes something they have to actively negotiate with their parents. Rather than the classic 21st-century worry about what kids are doing online, Facebook use requires a sort of role reversal. For the families who spoke to WIRED, it’s often the teens asking the parents to limit what they post, or how much time they spend on the site. While a few teens mentioned broader privacy issues and the impact Facebook is having on society, most focused on more immediate concerns—what their parents were posting about them.

Jordyn, a 19-year-old who has had her own Facebook account for a few years, recently discovered with horror that her mom had posted a photo of her from middle school “after a particularly traumatic haircut.” “I was super mad about it for sure. I had super curly hair and had to get it cut very short after I burnt some off!“ she told WIRED over Twitter DM. “She teased me about it but took it down pretty quickly, so I didn’t mind much. I personally chose any photo she posted of me for almost a month after that.”


Sam Harris的播客是Jack Dorsey正在谈论的2019年播客巡演的最新一站。亮点:可编辑的推文可能会有不同的形式,这取决于您是在纠正错误还是试图澄清旧推文。多尔西还说,like按钮是空的,具有破坏性(多尔西还录制了一段YouTube上与我完全不认识的加德·萨阿德的对话。)


关于Reddit的反弹,我们谈得够多了吗?它似乎已经打压了社区中最糟糕的部分,同时也增加了广告收入,而且总体上是人们在线闲逛的一个充满活力的地方。Josh Contine报告称,投资者已经注意到:

As more people seek esoteric community and off-kilter entertainment online, Reddit continues to grow its link-sharing forums. Indeed, 330 million monthly active users now frequent its 150,000 Subreddits. That warrants the boost to its valuation, which previously reached $1.8 billion when it raised $200 million in July 2017. As of then, Reddit’s majority stake was still held by publisher Conde Nast, which bought in back in 2006 just a year after the site launched. Reddit had raised $250 million previously, so the new round will push it to $400 million to $550 million in total funding.




周六,一位EDM DJ在一个视频游戏内举办了一场音乐会,可能有1000万人同时观看了这场音乐会。这里的来源有点不稳定,但是如果有人怀疑Fortnite和我在这里写的任何其他地方一样,是一个社交空间,那你就去吧。


Facebook Messenger有一个未发送的功能



莎拉·佩雷斯(Sarah Perez)报道说,YouTube正在扩大其对探索页面的测试,该页面实际上只是Instagram探索页面,但适用于YouTube。




Brendan Nyhan说我们不应该太担心假新闻:

More than two years later, we can now evaluate these claims. And it turns out that many of the initial conclusi*** that observers reached about the scope of fake news c***umption, and its effects on our politics, were exaggerated or incorrect. Relatively few people c***umed this form of content directly during the 2016 campaign, and even fewer did so before the 2018 election. Fake news c***umption is concentrated among a narrow subset of Americans with the most c***ervative news diets. And, most notably, no credible evidence exists that exposure to fake news changed the outcome of the 2016 election. […]

Many important concerns about online misinformation still remain, including the influence of the fake news audience, the difficulty of countering fake news at scale, the dangers of Facebook’s size, and the threat of YouTube-based radicalization. But none of these questi*** can be adequately addressed without creating a reality-based debate that puts fake news in context as just one of the many sources of misinformation in our politics.


Brian Feldman说,Elliott Tebele开创了在Instagram上窃取他人笑话并将其货币化的艺术,他创建的meme账户是对其主机平台的控诉:

As far as I can tell, however, Instagram has never punished a major meme account for sharing content that was not “authentic.” During the holiday season late last year, many meme accounts were purged, but Instagram told The Atlantic that the purge was to punish people for selling or trading their accounts, not for content theft.

It has been more than three years since the Fat Jew was first called out for systematically stealing jokes. In that time, some meme accounts have instituted policies of self-regulation in which they promised to credit those they rip off, even if they don’t get permission to repost others’ work. Those policies still fall short of Instagram’s own. The policy that Tebele announced over the weekend — only posting things he gets permission to put up beforehand — is literally Instagram’s own official policy. Yet Instagram has, as far as I can tell, never taken substantial action against meme accounts like @****jerry.



亚历克西斯·马德里加尔(Alexis Madrigal)的文章中有一个有趣的细节,讲述了Facebook最早的时代,当时它只存在于哈佛大学,年轻的马克·扎克伯格问院长哈里·刘易斯(Harry Lewis),他是否能将刘易斯描述为婴儿网络的中心节点:

“I had a very interesting reaction,” Lewis told me recently. “I told him, ‘It’s all public information, but there is somehow a point at which aggregation of too much public information begins to feel like an invasion of privacy.’ So ‘invasion of privacy’ was actually in the very first email that I wrote to Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 in resp***e to the first glimpse of the prototype.”



给我发送提示、评论、问题和Alex Jones的秘密页面:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-27 19:04
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... Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体网络对这种媒体控制幻觉至关重要。他们提供无限的流量,全球观众,几乎不担心数字报复。恐怖组织对社交媒体的持续利用,使得一些平台遭到了推倒...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 00:50
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... 在印度尼西亚雅加达的一次活动上宣布了在全球范围内对转发邮件实行这一限制。WhatsApp负责政策和传播的副总裁维多利亚•格兰德(Victoria Grand)表示,“从今天起,我们将在全球范围内限制五条信息”。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 04:03
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Facebook正在采取更为激进的策略,打击与2020年美国总统大选有关的错误信息。这个平台现在使得分享选举错误信息变得更加困难,同时也限制了可能包含关于选举的虚假声明的内容的范围。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 19:09
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...k上不断涌现的抗疫苗组织,以及对即将推出的COVID-19疫苗越来越持怀疑态度。 该公司在一篇博客文章中说:“我们的目标是帮助广大人群了解疫苗的安全性和有效性,同时禁止带有可能损害公共卫生工作的错误信息...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 14:19
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 02:17
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Facebook周一发布了一份新的报告,详细说明了它如何结合人工智能和人类事实核查员和版主来执行其社区标准。这份名为《社区标准执行报告》(Community Standards Enforcement report)的报告通常包含了前三到六个月的数据和调查结果...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 07:34
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...出现了。 这使得一些人得出结论,当局正在Facebook和Twitter上追踪该市的卡车,许多供应商利用Facebook和Twitter在某一天公布他们的位置。Sweet Ride面包店老板卢皮塔·库里(Lupita Kuri)说,她甚至在服务第一位顾客前一天...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 01:19
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 09:29
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...仇色情”的出现,近来肯定受到了更多的关注。随着骚扰越来越明显,那些主要科技公司的负责人已经受到了更多的审查。今年2月,Twitter首席执行官迪克•科斯托洛(Dick Costolo)承认,“我们在处理虐待问题上很差劲”,Twitter...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 11:32
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埃及逮捕了47个Facebook页面的管理员,埃及称这些页面由***兄弟会运营。这些逮捕行动是在2011年阿拉伯之春反对胡斯尼·穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)起义五周年之际进行的。胡斯尼·穆巴拉克在统治埃及30年后被推翻。埃及的ahramonline...

  • 发布于 2021-05-03 02:43
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