什么是降价格式?(markdown formatting?)







  • 简单性:Markdown的核心本质上很简单,没有太多的语法需要记住。
  • 功能:如果您需要更高级的功能(例如脚注),它的扩展版本(如GitHub风格的标记和多重标记)提供了这一额外功能。
  • 平台支持:它在文本编辑器(例如,显示格式化文本的实时预览)和内容管理系统等应用程序中得到了很好的支持,在这些应用程序中,您可以直接在网页中键入标记。




, , and that reduce your productivity. These tags encompass the majority of the text, and if you type one of the tags wrong, the page won't display correctly.

So rather than applying markup to text, you should instead apply the opposite: Markdown. Markdown uses something similar to markup tags but in a compact and writer-friendly way. As an example, the above represented in Markdown would look like this:

One of the principles of Markdown is to be human-readable in source form. And looking at the above, it's clear what's what. The hash mark at the beginning designates a heading, and the asterisks mean emphasis (specifically bold). This convention is something many people do in text messaging, so it's easy to interpret. Even the image, which requires something a little more technical, is easier to understand than the HTML.

A Quick Markdown Formatting Primer

When writing for the web, you can get away with understanding a few main bits of Markdown:

  • Headings: Starting a line with a hash mark and a space indicates a heading. One hash means a Level 1 heading, two hashes mean a Level 2 heading, and so forth. Markdown supports up to five levels of headings.
  • Bold: Surround some text with double asterisks to make it bold.
  • Italics: Surround some text with single asterisks to make it italic.
  • Lists: Use dashes or asterisks plus a space for bulleted lists. Otherwise, use numbers with a period and a space. You don't need to order the numbers correctly. Markdown takes care of it on conversion.
  • Links: Links use the formula: [link address](the text to be linked). The hardest part is remembering which one gets which type of brackets.
  • Images: Images start with an exclamation mark, then hold the image's alt-text in parentheses, with a path to the image in square brackets at the end.

With this tiny bit of Markdown syntax, you have all you need to write an article like this one.

Using Markdown to Create Other Documents

The Markdown project provides a command-line tool to work with Markdown documents. However, this is a command-line utility, so it's not the most convenient. Also, it's written in the somewhat outdated Perl language.

Two other types of apps prove a bit more capable when dealing with Markdown input.

  • Pandoc: Among command-line utilities, Pandoc stands out as a virtual Swiss army knife for document conversion. It's worth spending the time to learn. With it, you can output your Markdown files in Word, OpenDocument Text, or PDF formats.
  • ReText: You can use any text editor to work in Markdown, but ReText allows you to work in Markdown a little more easily. It's a no-nonsense editor with multiple document tabs and a live preview of your Markdown. It won't export directly to Word format, but you can open an ODT file in Word and save it appropriately.

Markdown Is a Portable Format That's Easy to Work With

Markdown captures your writing wherever you are, regardless of the device you're on. It's best for when you need to focus on your writing, not on the appearance of the final document.

The plain text format is small with respect to file size, portable, and gets you out of the habit of fiddling with fonts until it's time to publish it somewhere. By learning its easy syntax, you'll be equipped to write in content management systems for the web, convert school assignments into attractive PDFs, and everything in between.

  • 发表于 2021-09-08 12:25
  • 阅读 ( 62 )
  • 分类:数学




  • 发布于 2021-03-12 09:02
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...上唯一的游戏。有许多其他所谓的轻量级标记语言类似于Markdown,但具有不同的特性集。其中之一就是Asciidoc。如果你喜欢Markdown,但正在寻找更多的引擎盖下,这是值得考虑的。以下是一些原因。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-13 03:23
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... Markdown-All-In-One——这个插件为您提供键盘快捷键,并支持Markdown中的目录和列表。您还可以打开第二个窗格,在键入文本时预览文本。要安装的命令是:ext install markdown all...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 07:11
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... 安装后,可以开始使用命令行程序转换文件。擅长处理Markdown和其他轻量级标记语言,如果您有一个.MD文件,可以使用以下命令将其转换为HTML: ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 18:46
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microsoft word如何成为您最喜爱的降价编辑器

... Markdown is a simple way to format plain text that can be easily converted to HTML. ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-16 08:40
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... 什么是降价(markdown)? ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-21 08:59
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2004年,dandarifireball的johngruber创建了Markdown,一种用于在web上发布内容的轻量级标记语言。它使用易于理解的纯文本格式语法,通过使用简单的Perl脚本创建整洁的HTML或XHTML。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-23 11:39
  • 阅读 ( 233 )


Markdown是一种轻量级标记语言,它使格式化和呈现web内容变得容易。它使用纯文本和简单的语法来保持一切简单明了——我们有一个方便的降价备忘单,你可以打印出来作为参考。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-23 11:57
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...杰出的编辑器,是因为它非常适合那些刚刚学会如何使用Markdown进行写作的人。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-23 12:13
  • 阅读 ( 338 )


Markdown是一种易于学习的标记语言,用于格式化纯文本文档。即使你以前没有这方面的经验,减价是如此简单,它可以在10分钟内学会。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-24 06:50
  • 阅读 ( 226 )

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