如何修复windows中的“内置管理员无法激活此应用”错误(fix the "this app can't be activated by the built in administrator" error in windows)

本wikiHow教您如何修复“内置管理员无法激活此应用”错误,当您在Windows 8和10中以管理员身份尝试启动某些应用时会出现此错误,这通常是由用户帐户控制设置问题引起的。...


  1. 1单击开始按钮。你也可以按⊞ 赢
  2. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 1
  3. 2在“开始”菜单打开时键入uac。这将搜索UAC选项。
  4. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 2
  5. 3单击更改用户帐户控制设置选项。这将打开“用户帐户控制设置”窗口。
  6. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 3
  7. 4将滑块向上移动一级。如果UAC已禁用,请将滑块向上移动一级以启用基本UAC。如果UAC已启用,请将滑块提升到下一个安全级别。
  8. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 4
  9. 5点击OK。如果UAC提示继续,请单击是。
  10. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 5
  11. 6重启电脑。为了使新的UAC更改生效,您需要重新启动计算机。
  12. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 6
  13. 7尝试再次打开应用程序。
  14. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 7
  15. 8再次降低UAC设置。如果应用程序能够启动,你应该能够回到你的UAC设置,并将其降低到你之前使用的设置。进行更改后,您需要重新启动。
  16. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 8


  1. 1按⊞ Win+R。这将打开跑步窗口。
  2. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 9
  3. 2.键入WSReset。然后按↵ 进来您将看到一个命令提示窗口出现片刻,然后Windows应用商店将打开。
  4. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 10
  5. 3尝试再次打开应用程序。重置Windows应用商店可能已修复您遇到的问题。
  6. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 11


  1. 1右键单击开始按钮。您将看到一个选项列表出现。如果您正在使用Windows 8,但没有看到开始按钮,请按⊞ 赢+X。
  2. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 12
  3. 2单击命令提示符(管理)。这将打开一个具有管理员权限的命令提示窗口。
  4. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 13
  5. 3.键入SFC/scannow,然后按↵ 进来这将启动系统文件检查器实用程序。
  6. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 14
  7. 4等待扫描完成。可以在命令提示窗口中查看扫描进度。扫描可能需要相当长的时间,尤其是对于速度较慢的系统或具有大量存储的计算机。您可以随时按Ctrl+C取消扫描。
  8. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 15
  9. 5再次尝试运行应用程序。如果扫描能够发现并修复任何问题,你的应用程序现在就可以工作了。
  10. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 16


  1. 1按⊞ Win+R。这将打开跑步窗口。只有当所有其他方法都失败时,才应尝试此方法,因为它涉及手动编辑Windows注册表项。
  2. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 17
  3. 2.输入secpol。理学硕士与出版社↵ 进来如果您收到“Windows找不到secpol.msc”消息,说明您没有运行兼容版本的Windows。此功能仅在Windows的Pro和Enterprise版本中可用。
  4. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 18
  5. 3展开“本地策略”文件夹。您将在左侧框架中看到这一点,它下面将显示几个文件夹。
  6. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 19
  7. 4点击安全选项。您将在右侧框架中看到一个策略列表。
  8. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 20
  9. 5查找用户帐户控制:管理员批准模式。。。进入你可能需要滚动才能找到它。
  10. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 21
  11. 6双击条目。
  12. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 22
  13. 7选择启用单选按钮。
  14. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 23
  15. 8.单击“确定”。
  16. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 24
  17. 9新闻⊞ Win+R。这将再次打开跑步窗口。
  18. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 25
  19. 10输入regedit并按↵ 进来
  20. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 26
  21. 11展开目录树以找到正确的条目。展开左侧框架中的目录树以打开以下位置:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→ 软件→ 微软→ 窗户→ 当前版本→ 政策→ 系统→ UIPI
  22. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 27
  23. 12双击(默认)项目。在选择UIPI文件夹后,您将在右框中看到这一点。
  24. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 28
  25. 13在值数据字段中键入0x00000001(1)。
  26. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 29
  27. 14点击OK。这将保存更改。
  28. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 30
  29. 15重启电脑。这将应用新的安全策略和注册表设置。
  30. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 31
  31. 16再次尝试运行你的应用程序。如果你的计算机的安全策略设置是导致应用程序无法运行的原因,那么它现在应该可以运行了。
  32. Image titled Fix the "This App Can't Be Activated by the Built in Administrator" Error in Windows Step 32


  • 发表于 2022-03-28 15:47
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