如何更改windows上的键盘布局(change the keyboard layout on windows)



  1. 1在计算机任务栏上查找语言图标。键盘的当前语言显示在计算机任务栏上的日期和时间信息旁边。例如,如果您的键盘语言当前设置为英语,此图标将在任务栏上的时钟旁边显示英语。
  2. Image titled Change the Keyboard Layout on Windows Step 1
  3. 2单击任务栏上的语言图标。这将在弹出窗口中打开保存的可用键盘布局列表。您保存的键盘列表可能包括不同的语言、字母或英语键盘的不同布局。如果在此处看不到所需的语言,请单击弹出窗口中的语言首选项,然后下载要使用的语言或布局。
  4. Image titled Change the Keyboard Layout on Windows Step 2
  5. 3选择要使用的语言或布局。您的键盘将自动切换到所选语言、字母或布局。
  6. Image titled Change the Keyboard Layout on Windows Step 3
  7. 4按Alt键+⇧ 键盘上的Shift键。此快捷方式会将键盘切换到保存的键盘列表上的下一个可用布局。再次按组合键切换到列表上的下一个布局。如果只保存了两个布局,只需切换回第一个布局即可。
  8. Image titled Change the Keyboard Layout on Windows Step 4
  9. 5压力⊞ 获胜+⇧ 键盘上的Shift键。就像Alt一样+⇧ Shift时,此组合还会将键盘切换到下一个可用布局。
  10. Image titled Change the Keyboard Layout on Windows Step 5



... When undocking the keyboard, it now switches to the Small keyboard layout, and you can easily move the keyboard around using the gripper region at the top of the keyboard. Small and split layouts will now feature an updated symbol’s view base...

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... either L or P, it inputs 3 or an asterisk (*) instead, but the rest of my keyboard still works correctly. The problem is bad enough that I had to use my laptop’s touch screen keyboard to type this. How can I restore the correct default behavior of my keyboard? 为什么他的部分键盘输入了...

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...并轻触“语言和输入”。 在下一个屏幕上,确保“Google Keyboard”被分配到当前键盘下。否则,轻触“Current Keyboard”(当前键盘)。 选择屏幕将有您可用的键盘,您可以设置,选择“谷歌键盘”。如果你没有看到它,首先确保...

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...的键盘映射: My friend/enemy switched the mapping for the keys on my keyboard as an April Fool’s Day joke. When I press Y, Z appears on the screen. Some keys still function properly such as B, X, G, I, D, and a few others. Also, when I press Ctrl, it functi*** as the Enter key. Even the func...

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...dows 10桌面图标文本的默认外观: A cat slept on my computer’s keyboard and all of my desktop ic*** now look like what is shown in the picture below. There are three lines of text on the right side of each of the desktop ic***. How can I fix it so that the normal appearance (one line of ...

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