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至于Galaxy Z Fold 2,三星将一系列细节推迟到了9月1日。今天,三星主要讨论了第二版Fold如何解决了媒体和YouTubers(我的一个视频简短出现)所表达的所有耐用性问题。这个信息是令人耳目一新的诚实和直接:第一个不是很好,我们正在修复它。




Verge Deal of the day

Apple’s AirPods Pro are $30 off at Amazon

Normally $250, the Apple AirPods Pro wireless earbuds are down to $220 at Amazon. Compared to the standard AirPods, these feature better sound quality and noise cancellation. We’ve seen these drop a bit lower in price before, but that’s a pretty rare occurrence.

<**all>Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissi*** for products purchased via affiliate links. For more information, see </**all><**all>our ethics policy</**all><**all>. Prices displayed are based on the MSRP at time of posting.</**all>



┏三星宣布推出Galaxy Note 20和Note 20 Ultra。我把我的想法写在今天的主要设备上,Note20Ultra。我很遗憾地说,普通的20号音符似乎并不特别。

The Galaxy Note 20 Ultra is Samsung’s best attempt at offering the best you can get on Android. The regular Note 20 is a lot less ambitious but still fairly pricey, probably thanks to those 5G radios. Whether either can live up to or exceed expectati*** is a question for the review — which we’ll bring to you later this month.

┏三星Galaxy Tab S7 Plus平板电脑拥有120Hz OLED显示屏和5G。Tab S7 Plus上的屏幕听起来很神奇。

┏三星Galaxy Watch 3更薄、更轻、更贵。我真希望这些不是那么大。

┏三星宣布Galaxy Buds Live采用有源噪声消除和豆形设计。我只需要指出的是,三星自己的网站为这个产品让一个“豆”产品命名通过,证实三星原来一直叫他们豆。放弃这样优秀的、中肯的品牌是一种十足的懦弱行为。不管怎样,克里斯·韦尔奇(Chris Welch)关于三星噪音消除的这个细节很吸引人:

But with the unconventional design of the Galaxy Buds Live and their lack of in-ear tips or an actual seal, Samsung’s noise canceling works a bit differently here compared to what you’d experience from the AirPods Pro or Sony 1000XM3 earbuds. The company says that the Galaxy Buds Live are designed to cut down on very low, c***tant frequencies like the sound of an airplane cabin or the rumble of a train. But they’ll let the bulk of most sounds through — and that’s intentional.

┏三星Galaxy Note 20与前辈和竞争对手的比较。

┏三星宣布推出Galaxy Z Fold 2,屏幕更大,摄像头更好。Chaim Gartenberg公司:

The biggest question, of course, is how durable the Galaxy Z Fold 2 will be. The original Fold was infamously delayed for months after the first review units of the $1,980 phone began to fail due to the fragility of the plastic-covered panel. Samsung eventually did release the Fold after taking time to engineer a more robust model of the device, but it still had to caution users to handle the phone with kid gloves, with warnings about dust and applying “excessive pressure” to the touchscreen when tapping it.

┏微软和三星在Android的Xbox Game Pass上有特殊的合作关系。

┏如何预购三星Galaxy Note 20。


Samsung says it will happen for phones from the Galaxy S10 and newer, but that some of its lower A-series phones may not be up to it. In a statement to The Verge, Samsung clarifies that the guarantee “applies to S, N and Z Series. A Series will support until hardware allows.”

┏三星将让您提前预订Galaxy Z Fold 2。




Google is returning to having humans ****yze and rate anonymized audio snippets from its users. However, it’s also taken the major step of automatically opting every single user out of the setting that allows Google to store their audio. That’s why you might be getting an email today: Google would like you to opt back in to the program, and it’s trying to provide clearer information detailing what it’s all about.

┏Android TV的新主屏幕现在将推荐电影、电视节目和应用程序。似乎每个电视平台都需要通过这些订阅来获得一些额外的收益。

The other update arriving on Android TV is a reworked subscription flow that makes it easier to subscribe to paid subscripti***, like TV streaming services. Where you’d normally have to grab your phone to complete the process, or painstakingly use a TV remote to fill out your credentials, the new addition lets you authorize the payment and automatically set up a subscription by linking your Google account from Android TV with just a few clicks.

┏微软将Android应用程序与新**更新整合到Windows 10中。微软对Android的拥抱,以及这种拥抱在Windows上变成真正有用的功能的速度之快,令人惊叹。

┏微软很早就削减了xCloud iOS测试,因为它在苹果设备上的未来仍不明朗。汤姆·沃伦:

The future of xCloud on iOS remains unclear and potentially out of Microsoft’s hands. The issues appear to be related, in part at least, to Apple’s rules on in-app purchases through its App Store. Microsoft is avoiding in-app purchases with the Google Play Store version of Xbox Game Pass that will include game streaming (xCloud).



Apps that automate the contact tracing process can help flag people who were near someone with COVID-19, even if they may not remember interacting. They can also provide instant notification of a possible virus exposure. But they’re not a replacement for manual contact tracing, because they’re only able to monitor the contacts between people who have **artphones and decide to use the app. The VDH said it’s not using the app as part of its own contact tracing process, but that it offers a way for users to track their own potential exposures.


“I did record some audio of it, but it doesn’t sound like a machine. It sounds like an animal coming through the atmosphere with all the puffs that are happening from the thrusters and the atmospheric noise,” Behnken said during a press conference following the landing. “It just continues to gain magnitude as you descend down through the atmosphere.”

  • 发表于 2021-04-18 04:40
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  • 分类:互联网



...苹果的智能扬声器业务带来什么样的未来。 此外,本周三星宣布推出更新速度更快、存储容量可扩展、摄像头稳定的新型中端三星**。Nilay和Dieter讨论了当中端**变得越来越复杂时,“旗舰”**所扮演的角色。 您可以在这里或您...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 04:03
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三星预计的无包装2020年活动已经全部打包完毕。Galaxy Note 20和Note 20 Ultra现在是真的了,Galaxy Tab S7平板电脑、Galaxy Watch 3和Galaxy Buds Live(FKA“豆子”)也是真的。此外,它还宣布了新的星系Z折叠2。如果你错过了演示,或者只是...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 03:38
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三星承诺将为Galaxy**“支持三代Android更新”,但这并不适用于它生产的所有**。三星表示,Galaxy S10及更高版本的**将出现这种情况,但其部分较低的A系列**可能无法满足这一要求。在一份即将发表的声明中,三星澄清,该保证“...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 04:28
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三星galaxy s20活动的所有重大公告

三星的无包装2020活动已经结束。该公司推出了Galaxy Z Flip可折叠**,并推出了三星Galaxy S20、S20 Plus和S20 Ultra。 如果你想看Verge'sDieterBohn的评论,看看现场博客。但是如果你想知道事实的头条新闻,你可以在下面找到所有这些。这...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 02:20
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好!昨天是个好日子。我在博客上直播了三星Unpacked的主题演讲,其中Galaxy S20、S20 Plus和S20 Ultra与Galaxy Z Flip折叠**一起发布。如果说三星的演示有一个很大的收获的话,那就是DJ Koh已经把移动部门的控制权交给了新提拔的TM Roh。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 03:58
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为CES2020智能冰箱的决战做好准备吧,因为三星和LG今年都将推出具有附加人工智能功能的冰箱。三星最新版的家庭中心冰箱和LG的第二代InstaView ThinQ冰箱都标榜配备了可以识别食物的AI摄像头。这个想法是,摄像头可以扫描里面...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 10:47
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三星确认galaxy s11将于2月11日举行

三星的下一款Galaxy旗舰智能**确实在2月11日宣布。在今天早些时候由于未上市视频发现日期后,三星现在确认,当天将在旧金山举行未包装的活动。 在那里’毫无疑问我们’我们将看到Galaxy S11(有传言称它可能因为...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 11:27
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三星透露保密galaxy s iii的安全措施

在三星宣布推出三星Galaxy s III之前,关于该产品的信息几乎没有,而为数不多的泄密结果是变相包装——这只是三星众多严格安全措施之一。三星官方博客Samsung Tomorrow上的一份报告记录了这些措施以及工程师和其他项目人员因...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 18:47
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美国法官否认三星要求暂停美国对galaxy nexus的禁令(更新:苹果发布公告)

...cy Koh)批准苹果对Galaxy Nexus设备发出初步禁令的请求后,三星几乎立即提出了暂缓执行禁令的动议——主要是在上诉**审议上诉案情之前。柯法官目前已发布命令,否认三星的要求,从而确保禁令暂时有效。看起来,苹果需要做...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 01:41
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苹果败诉英国galaxy tab设计上诉,下令运行公告


  • 发布于 2021-04-24 09:50
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