


Salty Watermelon Pepsi

Every summer in Japan, Pepsi releases a ridiculous brew that no sane person in any other country would drink, much less pay money for. Japan isn't any other country, though, and trying each bottle out has become an annual ritual for me. While previous years have featured undrinkable flavors such as azuki, baobab, and shiso, 2012's was actually pretty good: Salty Watermelon. You'd think this'd be a bad combination, but it worked as surprisingly well as the real thing, with the sweetness and saltiness accentuating each other just the right amount. It was my favorite Pepsi since Ice Cucumber — and, now that the year's nearly over, I'll never get to drink it again.

Richard Lloyd Parry — 'People Who Eat Darkness'

The safety of Tokyo and Japan in general is one of the nicer parts of living here, but cram 35 million people into a single urban area and there's bound to be trouble somewhere. People Who Eat Darkness, written by the Times' Asia editor Richard Lloyd Parry, is about as good an account of Japan's dark side as you're likely to find. Starting off as an investigation into the 2000 murder of British hostess Lucie Blackman, it ultimately turns into a portrait of serial killer Joji Obara and an indictment of an incompetent police force blinded by complacency.

Adidas Adidrills

One thing about living in Japan: you sure do have to take your shoes off a lot, and that's part of the reason I've taken to wearing Adidas Adidrills all over the place. They're cheap and flimsy slip-*** that look somewhere between gym pumps and actual shoes, and I kind of love them. My only regret is that, at size 13, I can only buy more when I'm out of the country.

Ricardo Villalobos — 'Dependent and Happy'

2012 saw the return to form of Ricardo Villalobos, probably my favorite electronic music producer of all time. Villalobos had spent the last few years largely in the wilderness, releasing some good singles but never quite reaching the heights of classics such as Thé Au Harem D'Archimède or Achso. Dependent and Happy, however, is 79 minutes of exactly what he does best — snaking, claustrophobic minimal techno to give your headphones a workout. Close to a decade after his debut full-length, there's still no-one who makes drums sound like Villalobos can.


Soulver is one of those apps that you won't believe you ever lived without. What does it do? Basically, it lets you forget math. That might be a slight exaggeration, but for people like me it's the truth — finally, a calculator that works through natural language input, coming off as a cross between Wolfram Alpha, Fantastical, and Excel. In practice, it dramatically speeds up calculati***; remembering how to work out percentages might not be too difficult, for example, but I find it a whole lot easier to type in "17% of 4623" or "89257 as a % increase of 23045." The time saved when wading through dense financial reports is the only thing it finds incalculable.

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 17:41
  • 阅读 ( 170 )
  • 分类:互联网



...奇漫画即将推出的鹰眼系列从马特·弗兰奇(Matt Fraction)最爱的鹰眼漫画中找到灵感的话,那就是屋顶烧烤,早上喝咖啡,寻找新车购买。在《猎鹰与冬天的士兵》中,是萨姆在码头上帮助侄子捕鱼,还是巴基在网上约会。见鬼...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 03:49
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...游戏机(即PSP)上流行的时间要长得多。我的同事山姆·拜福德(Sam Byford)常驻日本,他在2015年写道:“在2008年至2012年间,在日本,几乎不可能走上火车车厢,却不看到男人、女人和孩子们被索尼的小塑料手持式设备惊呆。许...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 04:50
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  • 发布于 2021-04-18 14:59
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  • 发布于 2021-04-18 15:59
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...nLaura JuneScott Lowerjoseph L.Flatley大卫皮尔斯汤姆沃伦 团队 山姆·比亚福德·布莱恩主教杰夫·布拉格登蒂姆·卡莫德坦特·奥拉齐奥里利斯汉堡耶西·希克萨恩·因格拉姆·约书亚·科普斯特因马特·麦克里本·波普尔纳特·罗德格斯威...

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 Richard Ford — Canada

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 11:25
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  • 发布于 2021-04-23 12:14
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verge最爱:evan rodgers

 Adidas Climacool

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 14:53
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verge最爱:chris ziegler

 The Devil in the White City

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 19:00
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 Maurice Merleau-Ponty - The Phenomenology of Perception

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 00:38
  • 阅读 ( 142 )

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