三星召回后,美国运营商暂停销售galaxy note 7

美国航空公司正在迅速采取行动,全球召回三星今天清晨发布的GalaxyNote7。美国电话电报公司;T、 T-Mobile和Sprint宣布,由于与三星合作处理召回流程,并照顾已经购买Note7的客户,销售已经暂停。如果客户希望完全归还设备,Verizon将在9月30日之前放弃附注7的重新进货费。...

美国航空公司正在迅速采取行动,全球召回三星今天清晨发布的GalaxyNote7。美国电话电报公司;T、 T-Mobile和Sprint宣布,由于与三星合作处理召回流程,并照顾已经购买Note7的客户,销售已经暂停。如果客户希望完全归还设备,Verizon将在9月30日之前放弃附注7的重新进货费。





Samsung has notified us that they have identified a battery cell issue in certain Galaxy Note 7s. They have asked all retailers, including AT&T, to stop selling the device. We are in the process of determining the exchange process for our customers and how they can replace their current Note7 as quickly as possible. We will have more information later today.


Sprint has suspended sales of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 immediately following Samsung’s announcement to discontinue sales of the device globally.

We are working closely with Samsung to ensure those customers who already have purchased the device are taken care of. For those customers that previously purchased the Note 7 we will offer them a similar device until the issue is resolved. Customers should go to a nearby Sprint store to exchange their Note 7 device.

We will share more details when they are available..


Earlier today, Samsung announced that it has stopped sales globally of the Galaxy Note 7. T-Mobile has suspended sales of the device in all channels.

We will work closely with Samsung to ensure T-Mobile customers who have already purchased the device are well taken care of.

We’ll have more details for our customers as soon as possible.


This morning, Samsung announced a voluntary recall of the Galaxy Note7 in resp***e to an issue with the device’s battery. Because customer safety is our top priority, Verizon has stopped selling the Galaxy Note 7. Additionally, through September 30, 2016, Verizon is waiving the restocking fee for any customers who purchased a Galaxy Note 7 and wish to return or exchange it.

三星galaxy note 7评论

  • 发表于 2021-05-07 11:05
  • 阅读 ( 227 )
  • 分类:互联网


三星:立即关闭galaxy note 7的电源

...仍然是我们的首要任务”。因此,“三星将要求全球所有运营商和零售合作伙伴在调查期间停止销售和交换Galaxy Note 7”。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 05:48
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三星杀了galaxy note 7,因为砰!

...召回期间发行的Galaxy Note 7**出现爆炸性增长。所有主要的运营商现在都在邀请他们的客户把GalaxyNote7换成一个不那么危险的替代品。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 05:55
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把你的三星galaxy note 7换成不那么危险的东西

目前,美国四大运营商都在允许客户**三星Galaxy Note 7。对Galaxy Note 7的负面影响感到厌倦的客户可以将他们的设备换成一个不那么危险的替代品。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 06:04
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据报道,三星将在全球范围内召回galaxy note 7

 韩国联合通讯社称,三星目前正在与已经推出Note7的运营商讨论召回过程如何处理。Note7中提到了Verizon Wireless的名...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 10:54
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三星因担心电池爆炸在全球召回galaxy note 7

...韩国联合通讯社说,三星正在与包括Verizon Wireless在内的运营商讨论如何处理召回过程。

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 10:59
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三星最早将于下周更换美国galaxy note 7设备


  • 发布于 2021-05-07 11:19
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三星召回的galaxy note 7被指是吉普车和车库火灾的罪魁祸首


  • 发布于 2021-05-07 12:59
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美国联邦航空局强烈建议乘客不要在飞机上携带三星galaxy note 7

针对三星Galaxy Note 7出现爆炸性电池故障的报道,美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)发表声明,建议飞机乘客在空中旅行时不要使用,甚至不要打包智能**。”鉴于三星最近发生的事件以及对其Galaxy Note 7设备的担忧...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 13:01
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在美国,超过70块三星galaxy note 7电池过热

...司此前报告的全球范围内过热事件数量的两倍。9月1日,三星上一次就Note 7存在的问题提供数据时,声称已在全球范围内收到35份电池故障通知,这些报告促使三星暂停销售Note 7,并在全球范围内召回已售出的**。

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 14:05
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如何判断三星galaxy note 7是否安全

编者按,美国东部时间2016年10月12日05:00:00:2016年9月2日,三星发布召回Galaxy note 7,原因是电池存在安全隐患。该公司停止销售并召回了其**的所有250万台设备。随后,三星和美国消费者产品安全委员会(usc***umerproductsafety Commission...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 14:10
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