



Christianity versus Judai** comparison chart
Christianity Judai**
目标 Christianity Judai**
Place of origin 罗马犹太省。 黎凡特
Place of worship 教堂,小教堂,大教堂,大教堂,家庭圣经研究,个人住宅。 会堂,耶路撒冷圣殿的西墙
Use of statues and pictures 在天主教和东正教。 古代:不允许,因为这被认为是偶像崇拜。今天,伟大的艺术作品受到鼓励。人们的雕像很好,但不是宗教偶像。
Practices 祈祷、圣礼(一些分支)、教堂礼拜、阅读圣经、慈善行为、圣餐。 每天祈祷3次,在安息日和节假日增加第四次祈祷。早晨祈祷,下午祈祷,晚上祈祷;Musaf是一个额外的安息日服务。
Founder 主耶稣基督。 亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各,摩西
Life after death 天堂或地狱的永恒,有时是暂时的炼狱。 来世,轮回(一些群体);与上帝合一,有不同的观点和信仰
Belief of God 一位神:父、子、圣灵。三位一体。 一个神(一神论),通常被称为哈希姆希伯来语的'名字',或阿多奈-'主'。上帝是唯一真正的创造者。上帝一直存在,没有一个在他之前存在,并且将永远存在。他超越了生死。
Clergy 牧师、主教、牧师、僧侣和修女。 古代:世袭的特权牧师阶级——科恩和利未。今天:宗教工作人员,如犹太教教士、牧师、抄写员、莫赫尔。
Means of Salvation 通过基督的**,死亡和复活。 通过信仰上帝和成年礼(善行)。
Human Nature 人类从亚当那里继承了“原罪”。人类本来就是邪恶的,需要罪的赦免。基督徒通过知道是非来选择自己的行为。人类是一个堕落、破碎的种族,需要上帝的拯救和修复。 你必须从坏中选择好的。你对自己的行为负责,而不是思想。
Followers 基督徒(基督的追随者) 犹太人
Goal of religion 爱神,遵守他的诫命,与耶稣基督建立关系,传福音,使别人也得救。 为了庆祝生命!履行与上帝的盟约。做好事。帮助修复世界。全心全意地爱上帝。强烈的社会正义伦理。
Literal Meaning 基督的追随者。 犹太人(希伯来语:יְהוּדִי,Yehudi(sl.);יְהוּדִים,叶胡迪姆(插图);拉迪诺:乔迪奥;ג׳ודיוס,Djudios(插图);意第绪语:ייִד,Yid(sl.);ייִדן,Yidn(pl.)[1]是犹太民族的一员。
Original Language(s) 亚拉姆语、希腊语和拉丁语。 希伯来语。每个单词都有一个三个字母的词根。意第绪语:部分希伯来语,部分德语/东欧语。半希伯来语,半阿拉伯语。
Marriage 神圣的圣礼。 古代:无限制的纳妾一夫多妻制。在现代,一夫一妻制从公元1310年开始正式实行。
Geographical distribution and predominance ***作为世界上最大的宗教,其信徒遍布世界各地。在欧洲、北美和南美、澳大利亚和新西兰,基督徒占当地人口的%。 在以色列存在了1500年,但罗马人在公元70年把所有犹太人赶了出去。犹太人分散在世界各地,几乎每个国家都有犹太人。现在大多数居住在以色列、美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、法国、英国。
View of the Buddha 不适用。 不适用。
Confessing sins 新**直接向上帝忏悔,天主**直接向神父忏悔死罪,而轻罪直接向上帝忏悔(东正教也有类似的做法)英国圣公会直接向神父忏悔,但被认为是可选的。上帝总是宽恕耶稣的罪。 古代:有个人的赎罪祭。今天人们各自修复自己的罪恶。在赎罪日,他们认罪,请求上帝的宽恕。但他们也必须直接向任何可能受到伤害的人请求原谅。
Scriptures 圣经 塔纳克(犹太圣经),托拉。
About ***大体上由信仰耶稣基督的人组成。它的追随者,称为基督徒,经常相信基督是“儿子”的神圣三位一体和行走地球的化身形式的上帝(“父亲”)。 犹太教是由亚伯拉罕公元前2000年和他的后裔以撒和雅各。律法:摩西(和60万离开埃及奴隶制度的犹太人)在公元前1300年被赋予十诫,要他们回到以色列,听从上帝的旨意。
Symbols 十字架,伊希提斯(“耶稣鱼”),玛丽和婴儿耶稣。 大卫之星,米诺拉。
Day of worship 星期天(大多数教派),星期六(基督复临安息日会,浸信会) 星期五日落到星期六日落,是安息日,是最神圣的一天(是的,所有52个)。每周休息一次是犹太教发明的。它比任何其他节日都神圣,在沉思和祈祷中度过。
Population 全世界有20多亿信徒。 大约1300-1600万,争论不休。人口因皈依(尽管有些类型不被以色列国承认)和“出嫁”(信仰)而不同
God's role in salvation 人类无法拯救自己或独自提升到更高的层次。只有上帝是善良的,因此只有上帝才能拯救一个人。耶稣从天上降下来拯救人类。 Divine revelation of God's law and to judge man's acti***. Good deeds, and righteousness. Each New Year, during Yom Kippur, Jews fast and pray for forgiveness from God, and if accepted, are written into the Book of Life, for the next year.
Religious Law Varies among denominati***. Has existed among Catholics in the form of canon law. Halakhah. Ethics. Commandments. 613 mitzvahs to be followed. Charity. Prayer. Rabbinical rulings with minority opini***. Debate very important part of system. Debate is encouraged in schools. Part of Bible addresses specific laws for everyday life.
Status of Muhammad 不适用。 不适用。
Second coming of Jesus Affirmed. Denied. (not part of liturgy)
Position of Mary Mother Of Jesus. Revered in all denominati***. Degree of reverence varies from denomination. Not applicable, as Jews do not believe that Jesus is their Messiah, and therefore, his Jewish mother plays no role in the Jewish religion other than history.
Belief The Nicene Creed sums up Christian belief in the Holy Trinity. Jewish central belief is that they have chosen to follow the commandments of the One True God and God will look out for them in return. Every man is equal. Jews believe a Messiah coming and proof will be an end to war and hunger all over the world.
imams identified as 不适用。 不适用。
Prophets Prophets in the Bible are venerated. Moses, and the subsequent Prophets of Israel as told in the Jewish Bible (Tanakh).
Jesus Son Of God. Second person of the Trinity. God the Son. A fellow Jew, a respected, learned scholar. Not mentioned in the Jewish texts.
Use of Statues Varies by denomination. Not used in Protestant denominati***; ic*** are used in Catholic & Orthodox denominati***. Forbidden to use in religion
Abrahamic Lineage Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are thanked every prayer day. Jacob's 12 s*** became the 12 tribes of israel. Of these, 10 were lost during Assyrian Exile.
Status of Vedas 不适用。 不适用。
Position of Abraham Father of the faithful. The first patriarch and father of the Jewish religion. His father was an idol-maker but Abraham did not believe in idolatry or polythei**.
Virtue on which religion is based upon Love and justice. Justice.
Holy Days Christmas (celebration of the birth of Jesus), Good Friday (death of Jesus), Sunday (day of rest), Easter (resurrection of Jesus), Lent (Catholici**), saints' feast days. Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Tu BiShvat, Passover, Lag BaOmer, Shavout. Sabbath most important—one day a week no work, just peace, joy and prayer.
Ressurection of Jesus Affirmed. Denied.
No. of Gods and Godesses 1 God 1 God
Original Languages Aramaic, Common (Koine) Greek, Hebrew. Hebrew common till 500 BCE, Aramaic and Greek koine till 300 CE. Hebrew always for religious services. Local languages and different extinct and living Jewish languages like Carfati, Yiddish, Ladino, Jude**o etc
Holy days/Official Holidays The Lord's Day; Advent, Christmas; New Year, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, every day is dedicated to a Saint. Sabbath, Havdalla, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Tu BiShvat, Purim, Passover, Lag BaOmer, Shavout. Holidays given by God or historical events, Israeli holidays. Holocaust remembrance.
On Clothing C***ervative Christians dress modestly; women may wear long skirts or dresses; men may wear dress clothes that do not show the chest, legs, and arms. More moderate or liberal Christians generally reject such clothing restricti***. Orthodox men always wear hats; Orthodox women either wear hats or wigs. Orthodox dress is modest.
Praying to Saints, Mary, and Angel Encouraged in the Catholic & Orthodox Churches; most Protestants only pray directly to God. Jews only pray to God. They do not need Rabbis to pray. Each Jew can pray directly to God whenever he or she wants to.
View of other Dharmic religi*** N/A 不适用。
Revered People Varies by sect/denomination. Saints, the Pope, cardinals, bishops, nuns, church pastors, or deac***. The Patriarchs, Moses, various rabbis, and Tzaddics, down through the centuries.
On Food/Drink Jesus said, "'...Whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?' (Thus he declared all foods clean.)" Mark 7:19 Jews are required to eat kosher food. Pork is forbidden. Requirement for prayer and ritual butchery of meat. Quick and swift slaughter at single point on the throat; blood has to be completely drained.
Goal of Philosophy Objective reality. Worship of God who created life, the universe, and is eternal. Christianity has its own philosophy, found in the the Bible. That philosophy is Salvation from sin, through the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. To live a proper and Holy Life. To appreciate Life in every way. To do Good Deeds. To live Ethically. To make choice based on Free Will. Universal Education for every Jew; to study, learn. read and write.
Related Religi*** Islam, Judai**, Baha'i faith Christianity,
Religion which atheists may still be adherents of No. Yes, since Judai** emphasizes Deed over Creed; Many Jews profess to be atheists, and are committed and proud to be Jews.
Original Language Aramaic, Greek, and Latin Hebrew has always been the central language of prayer. From 500 BCE, Aramaic and Greek koine and 'Aramized' Hebrew till 300 CE. Local languages and different extinct and living Jewish languages like Carfati, Yiddish, Ladino, Jude**o.
On Race All races viewed equal in Christianity. However, Bible passages on slavery were used to support the practice in the past in the U.S. The "curse of Ham" was sometimes thought to be black skin; modern interpretati*** reject this. Jews believe they are the "chosen people" i.e. descendants of the ancient Israelites are chosen to be in a covenant with God. However, all human beings are God's people, descended from Adam and Eve who were created in the image of God.
Rites Seven sacraments: Bapti**, confirmation, Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders, matrimony (Catholic and Orthodox). Anglicans: Bapti** and Eucharist. Other denominati***: Bapti** and communion. Mitzvahs. Bar & Bat Mitvahs are the most well known, but, there are others too.
Branches Roman Catholics, independent Catholics, Protestants (Anglicans, Lutherans etc.), Orthodox (Greek orthodox, Russian orthodox). Religious: Orthodox, C***ervative, Reform, Renewel, Rec***truction. Traditi***: Sephard, (Spain, Arab countries, Turkey). Ashkenazi: (Europe, Russia). MIzrachi: (Iraq, Persia, India).
View of Jesus God in human form, "Son of God, " savior. Death by crucifixion. Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead, was taken up into heaven, and will return during the Apocalypse. Regular Jewish person, not a messiah.
Authority of Dalai Lama 不适用。 不适用。
Spiritual Beings Angels, dem***, spirits. Angels, dem***, and spirits.
Primary God(s) A single, all-powerful god known as God that is typically thought of in "trinity" form: God, the Father; Christ, the Son; and the Holy Spirit (or Ghost). The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel).
On Women Equal to men. In some denominati***, they may become nuns. Equal to men and non-binary people in Reform/Liberal Judai**.
Identity of Jesus The Son Of God. Simply not part of liturgy. Not mentioned one way or the other.
Promised Holy one. Second Coming of Christ Belief in the Coming of a Messiah.
Important Tenets The Ten Commandments, The Beatitudes. The Law of Moses.
Place and Time of origin Jerusalem, approx. 33 AD. 1500 BC, Middle East. Religion formed over several centuries; was codified during the Babylonian exile. Literacy is encouraged to read Bible. Jews replaced animal sacrifice with prayer in Diaspora, after Romans destroyed Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD
Birth of Jesus Virgin Birth, through God. Was born normally to two normal parents
Sacred Texts Christian Bible (includes Old and New Testaments). What is c***idered canon may vary slightly by sect/denomination. Torah
Most Common Sects Catholics, Protestants, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Morm*** (LDS). Askenaz and Sephardim.
Names of God God, Gud, Gott, Deo, Dios. Jehovah, YHWH, Eli Elohim, (depending on language Christians are of every language and culture around the world) HaShem, Adonai,
Death of Jesus Death by crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension to heaven. Will return. Not mentioned in Jewish texts.
Views on other religion Christianity is the True Faith. Judai** is the chosen faith, however, others are good too, provided that they follow Noahide Laws.
View on Abrahamic religi*** All worship the One God. Jews began Abrahamic religi***. Christians share early prophets.The Koran also has renditi*** of these prophets. The New Testament can be viewed as written by Jews for the Jews of that time.
Views on the afterlife Eternity in Heaven or Hell; some believe in temporal suffering in Purgatory, before admittance into Heaven. Jews beleive in a human Soul, and Orthodox believe in A World To Come and a form of Reincarnation. Differing beliefs accepted. Very little discussion on afterlife. Focus is on time on Earth now.
Use of statues, images some denominati*** regard It as forbidden and Idolatry. Anglicans and Lutherans allow pictures but forbid venerating them. Catholics encourage pictures and statues and venerate them. Orthodox encourage pictures and venerate them. Forbidden
Founders and Early Leaders Jesus, Peter, Paul, and the Apostles. Abraham, Moses, David, and many Prophets.
Legislation Varies through denomination. Prerogative of the people
On Money Tithing / charitable giving. "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." —Jesus in Matthew 19:24 Tzadaka
Virtue(s) in which religion is based upon Love and justice. Justice; strict adherence to God's law. Reading the Holy Books, and following the Commandments.
View of God One Trinity God, Who Is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is the one True Creator. God has always existed, none existed before him and will exist forever. He transcends life and death. God is one and the only holiness. God is the creator. He is beyond human understanding, he is omnipotent.
View of other Abrahamic religi*** Judai** is regarded as a True religion but incomplete (without Gospel, and Messiah) Islam is regarded as a false religion, Christianity does not accept the Qur'an as true. Believe that Christians are wrong in believing that Jesus is the Messiah; they neither believe nor di**elieve that Muhammad and/or Bah-u-llah are prophets.
Promised Holy One Second Coming Of Christ. The Messiah.
Offshoot religi*** Rastafariani**, Universali**, Dei**, Masonry and Mormoni**. Abrahamic religi*** -- Christianity and Islam.
Direction of Prayer Catholics and Orthodox usually face the Tabernacle in their prayers but it is not c***idered necessary, but recommended. God is present everywhere recent reforms have prompted many Christians to not face anywhere in their prayers. Toward Jerusalem.
Authority of Pope Leader and overseer of the Catholic Church. his authority is completely rejected by Protestants, and is viewed by Orthodox as first among equals. Orthodox and Protestants reject Papal infallibility and Papal supremacy. N/A
On LGBT Varies. Christians who believe in more literal interpretati*** of the Bible rarely accept homosexuality; some see it as a crime. "Do not be deceived...men who have sex with men...will not inherit the kingdom of God." —1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Generally accepted and celebrated in Reform/Liberal branches.
View of other Oriental religi*** 不适用。 不适用。
Marriage and Divorce Explained by Jesus in Mathew 19:3-9 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. Therefore what God has put together let man not seperate.' Monogamous. Marriage permitted.
View of Animistic religi*** Pagani** is Heatheni**. Witchcraft is communication and interaction with dem***, fallen evil angelic beings. These have no real interest ultimately, in helping their worshipers. Demonic possession is common. The earliest Jewish holidays correspond to agricultural seas***. Jews uniquely developed monothei** as a God of All. They were surrounded by pagen tribes who believed in gods based on their location, or nature.
On Marriage/Divorce Definition of marriage and divorce acceptance varies by sect/denomination. Bible includes examples of polygamy and monogamy and only condones divorce in cases of *****ery. Orthodoxy only recognizes opposite-sex marriages. Only men can serve women the divorce document, known as a "get." In Reform Judai**, there's no need for the get. Civil marriages/divorces are recognized and same-sex couples can marry.
Saints Catholics and Orthodox venerate very Holy people as Saints. Most Protestants do not do this, however they do look at them as inspirational figures. Jewish holy figures are known as Tzaddics.
Resurrection of Jesus Affirmed Simply not mentioned. not part of liturgy in Judai**. C***idered authentic part of Christianity.
On Athei** Varies. Some believe atheists will go to hell because they do not believe in God; others believe God does not operate that way. "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, their deeds are vile..." —Psalm 14:1 Some Jews are atheists.
Prophet Moses, Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha, etc., as well as both Johns in the New Testament too. Moses, Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha, etc.
Belief of deities One God three forms: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One God.
Praying to Saints,Mary, and Angel Affirmed, in Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, & Anglican(Episcopalian)Christianity; most Protestants do not. 不适用。
Views about other religi*** No other religion leads to God. Judai** being a unique exception, Jews viewed as ignorant of the Messiah. The m
Virtues in which religion is based upon Love, charity, and mercy. Justice, faithfulness, charity, modesty, Tikkun Olam (improving the world), mitzvot (good deeds, following God's law), Love of the creati***. Ethics. Social Justice. Intellectual discussi***, and study.
Status of Elohim God God
Three Jewels/Trinity The Blessed Trinity: In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit God, people, and Israel
What is it? Christianity is the religion founded by Christ, to which He is central to. Judai** is the Abrahamic religion of the Jewish people, based on principles and ethics embodied in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and the Talmud (the great written opini*** of the different rabbi's and intellectuals and holy men throughout the years)
Purgatory Believed in by various denominati***. It is debated in Christianity. Believed in Judai**.
War between two churches/ major sects Catholics & Protestants used to be at war in Northern Ireland; In USA, many fundamentalist Protestants vehemently deny Catholics are Christian. Different sects agree and differ with each other. There is room for debate with no violence. Orthodox and Reform Jews greatly dislike one another.
Days of worship Sunday. Sabbath, sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. (Days start at sundown.)




























  • 犹太人和基督徒:探索过去,现在和未来的各种贡献者和编辑詹姆斯H。查尔斯沃思
  • 维基百科:犹太历史
  • 维基百科:犹太人#谁是犹太人
  • 维基百科:***
  • 维基百科:***

  • 发表于 2021-07-07 09:50
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  • 分类:宗教



***与犹太教 虽然他们的教义看起来相似,但***和犹太教之间有区别。***和犹太教在信仰和信仰上似乎是一样的。人们会说,当他们对上帝的信仰时,两者之间有很大的相似性。它们之间有区别。***与犹太教的主要区别在于他...

  • 发布于 2020-10-02 05:34
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***与印度教 印度教和***的区别对世界来说很重要。他们在观念和教条上表现出许多不同。《牛津词典》将***定义为“基于耶稣基督的个人和教义,或其信仰和实践的宗教”。另一方面,印度教被认为是“南亚的主要宗教和文...

  • 发布于 2020-11-03 16:36
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... God, but in his Son. This is one of primary differences of the religi***. Christianity also has no counterpart to the biological lineage that is at the core of the Jewish peoples. Christ opened his arms and the doors of Heaven to everyone. 尽管这两种宗教之间存在着根本性的差异,...

  • 发布于 2021-06-22 10:56
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救世主犹太人(messianic jews)和基督教徒(christians)的区别

...声称,即使在我们的现代,托拉仍然应该忠实地遵循。 Christians:Christians mainly 坚持***教义。他们的教导完全基于耶稣基督的生命和教导。名字本身,“基督徒”,最初来自“基督”这个希腊名字,是弥赛亚的名字。他们坚信耶稣...

  • 发布于 2021-06-23 15:33
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东正教(orthodox)和革新犹太教(reform judaism)的区别

东正教vs犹太教改革 犹太教是犹太人信奉的宗教。犹太教分为东正教和改革派,它们有着非常鲜明的信仰和特点。 其中一个主要的差异是在解释的神圣文本。东正教犹太教的追随者严格相信弥赛亚,死后的生活,并恢复应许之...

  • 发布于 2021-06-23 20:01
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  • 发布于 2021-06-25 01:57
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***和犹太教是两个亚伯拉罕的宗教有相似的起源,但有不同的信仰,实践和教义。 对比图 Christianity versus Judai** comparison chart ChristianityJudai**目标Place of origin...

  • 发布于 2021-07-07 09:50
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东正教(orthodox christianity)和基督教(protestant christianity)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-11 02:54
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基督教圣经(christian bible)和犹太圣经(jewish bible)的区别

世界上有如此多的国家和国家,有如此多的宗教是全球性的。这些不同的宗教都有自己的宗教圣书,向他们的信徒们展示了正确的人生道路。在这些神圣的书籍中有两本书叫做《***圣经》和《犹太圣经》。***圣经(christian bible) vs....

  • 发布于 2021-07-11 03:00
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基督教的(christian)和新教圣经(protestant bible)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-11 07:32
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