北(north)和韩国(south korea)的区别

北(north)和韩国(south korea)的区别






北(north)和韩国(south korea)的区别




朝鲜 韩国
正式名称 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 大韩民国(韩国)
座右铭 强盛国家 "홍익인간" ((造福人类世界)
国歌 爱国歌曲 爱国歌曲
正式语文 韩国人 韩国人
官方脚本 赵恩格尔 朝鲜文
** 单一缔约国(各种解释) 统一总统制共和国
领导人 金正恩——最高领导人 朴槿惠–总统郑弘元–总理
立法机关 最高人民会议 国民议会
机构 朝鲜帝国-1897年至1910年日本领土-1910年至1945年解放-1945年8月15日朝鲜临时人民委员会成立-1946年2月朝鲜成立-1948年9月9日 朝鲜帝国-1897~1910日本领土-1910~1945解放-1945年8月15日联合国托管-1945~1948共和国宣告成立-1948年8月15日
面积 120540平方公里(46528平方英里)–世界第98位 100210平方公里(38691平方英里)–世界第109位
人口 2489.5万(2013年估计)-世界第48位 51302044(2014年估计)-世界第26位
国内生产总值(购买力平价) 400亿美元(2011年估计) 1790万亿美元(2014年估计)
货币 朝鲜元(₩) (KPW公司) 韩元(₩)(韩元)
位置 东亚朝鲜半岛北部,位于北纬37°和43°之间,东经124°和131°之间。 东亚朝鲜半岛南部,位于北纬33°至39°之间,东经124°至130°之间。
边框 北朝鲜与中国和俄罗斯有陆地边界,沿朝鲜非军事区与韩国接壤。西面是黄海和朝鲜湾,东面是日本海(朝鲜东海)。 韩国的西面是黄海,东面是日本海。它的南端位于朝鲜海峡和东海。
首都和最大城市 平壤 首尔
其他主要城市 南部为开城,西北部为新义州,东部为元山和咸雄,东北部为崇金。 釜山(人口350万)、仁川(250万)、大邱(250万)、大田(140万)、光州(140万)和蔚山(110万)。
地理 朝鲜大约80%的土地由高山和高地组成,深谷和狭谷隔开。沿海平原西部宽阔,东部不连续。绝大多数人口生活在平原和低地。森林覆盖了全国70%以上的土地,大部分在陡峭的山坡上。 韩国大致可分为四个地区:东部地区的高山和狭窄的沿海平原;西部地区,有广阔的沿海平原、河流盆地和起伏的丘陵;山脉和山谷的西南地区;东南部的一个地区,以那洞河的广阔盆地为主。
气候 大陆性气候和海洋性气候的结合,四季分明。体验温暖的夏天和寒冷干燥的冬天。在夏天,有一个短暂的雨季叫昌马。 韩国倾向于湿润的大陆性气候和湿润的亚热带气候,并受到东亚季风的影响,在一个称为jangma的短雨季,夏季降水较重(장마), 从6月底到7月底。
环境 据报道,朝鲜的环境正处于“危机”、“灾难”或“崩溃”的状态,种植、伐木和自然灾害都给朝鲜的森林带来了压力,导致土壤侵蚀、土壤枯竭和洪水风险增加。 韩国有20个国家公园和受欢迎的自然场所,如博盛茶园、新川湾生态公园和第一个国家公园日山。
军事 朝鲜人民军是朝鲜军事组织的名称。人民军现有现役部队110.6万人,预备役和准军事部队83.89万人,是世界上最大的军事机构。人民军有五个分支:地面部队、海军、空军、特种作战部队和火箭部队。 长期以来,邻国的入侵和与朝鲜的紧张关系尚未解决,促使韩国将其国内生产总值的2.6%和**支出的15%分配给军队(**占国内生产总值的比例:14.967%),同时维持男子义务征兵制。因此,韩国拥有世界第六大现役部队(2011年为65万)、世界第二大预备役部队(2011年为320万)和第十一大国防预算。韩国军方由陆军、海军、空军、海军陆战队和预备役部队组成
人口统计学的 除了一个小的华人社区和少数日本人之外,朝鲜的2485.2万人在种族上是同质的。

South Korea is noted for its population density, which is 487 per square kilometer, more than 10 times the global average. Most South Koreans live in urban areas, because of rapid migration from the countryside during the country's quick economic expansion in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. After World War II and the division of the Korean Peninsula, about four million people from North Korea crossed the border to South Korea. South Korea is one of the most ethnically homogeneous societies in the world, with more than 99% of inhabitants having Korean ethnicity. Koreans call their society 단일민족국가, Dan-il minjok guk ga, "the single race society".


The 2008 census listed the entire population as literate, including those in the age group beyond 80. An 11-year free, compulsory cycle of primary and secondary education is provided in more than 27,000 nursery schools, 14,000 kindergartens, 4,800 four-year primary and 4,700 six-year secondary schools. The main deficiencies of higher education are the heavy presence of ideological subjects, which comprise 50% of courses in social studies and 20% in sciences, and the imbalances in curriculum.

Education in South Korea is regarded as crucial to financial and social success, and competition is c***equently fierce, with many participating in intense outside tutoring to supplement classes. In the 2006 results of the OECD Programme for International Student Asses**ent, South Korea came first in problem solving, third in mathematics and seventh in science. South Korea's education system is technologically advanced and it is the world's first country to bring high-speed fibre-optic broadband internet access to every primary and secondary school nation-wide.


North Korea shares the Korean language with South Korea, although some dialect differences exist within both Koreas. North Koreans refer to their Pyongyang dialect as munhwa ("cultured language") as opposed to South Korea's Seoul dialect, the p'yojuno ("standard language"), which is viewed as decadent because of its usage of Japanese and English loanwords.

South Korea shares the Korean language with North Korea, although some dialect differences exist within both Koreas. South Koreans mainly speak the p'yojuno dialect, with usage of Japanese and English loanwords. Hangul is the official script.

South Korea Religion

Freedom of religion and the right to religious ceremonies are c***titutionally guaranteed, but religi*** are restricted in practice. According to Religious Intelligence, 64.3% of the population are irreligious adherents of the Juche idea, 16% practice Korean shamani**, 13.5% practice Chondoi**, 4.5% are Buddhist and 1.7% are Christian.

As of 2005, just under half of the South Korean population expressed no religious preference. According to the 2007 census, 29.2% of the population at that time was Christian (18.3% identified themselves as Protestants, 10.9% as Roman Catholics), and 22.8% were Buddhist.


North Korea has been maintaining one of the most closed and centralized economies in the world since the 1940s. It regularly faces chronic economic problems. Industrial capital stock is nearly beyond repair as a result of years of underinvestment, shortages of spare parts, and poor maintenance. Large-scale military spending draws off resources needed for investment and civilian c***umption. Industrial and power outputs have stagnated for years at a fraction of pre-1990 levels. Frequent weather-related crop failures aggravated chronic food shortages caused by on-going systemic problems, including a lack of arable land, collective farming practices, poor soil quality, insufficient fertilization, and persistent shortages of tractors and fuel.

South Korea's market economy ranks 15th in the world by nominal GDP and 12th by purchasing power parity (PPP), identifying it as one of the G-20 major economies. It is a developed country with a high-income economy and is the most industrialised member country of the OECD. Its economy has improved greatly from the 1960s. In the 1960s, GDP per capita was comparable with levels in the poorer countries of Africa and Asia. In 2004, South Korea joined the trillion-dollar club of world economies, and is currently the world's 12th largest economy. Initially, a system of close government and business ties, including directed credit and import restricti***, made this success possible. The government promoted the import of raw materials and technology at the expense of c***umer goods, and encouraged savings and investment over c***umption. South Korea adopted numerous economic reforms following the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, including greater openness to foreign investment and imports. The South Korean economy's long term challenges include a rapidly aging population, inflexible labor market, dominance of large conglomerates (chaebols), and heavy reliance on exports, which comprise about half of GDP.


Despite a historically strong Chinese influence, Korean culture has shaped its own unique identity. North Koreans have almost no exposure to foreign influence apart from occasional performances like the New York Philharmonic Orchestra concert in February 2008. Contemporary cultural expression in the country serves a primarily didactic purpose by promoting the Juche idea and Korean reunification.

South Korea shares its traditional culture with North Korea, but the two Koreas have developed distinct contemporary forms of culture since the peninsula was divided in 1945. Historically, while the culture of Korea has been heavily influenced by that of neighboring China, it has nevertheless managed to develop a unique cultural identity that is distinct from its larger neighbor. The industrialization and urbanization of South Korea have brought many changes to the way Korean people live.


Visual arts are generally produced in the aesthetics of Socialist reali**. North Korean painting combines the influence of Soviet and Japanese visual expression to instill a sentimental loyalty to the system. Portraits and sculptures depicting Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un are classed as "Number One works"

Korean art has been highly influenced by Buddhi** and Confuciani**, which can be seen in the many traditional paintings, sculptures, ceramics and the performing arts. Korean pottery and porcelain, such as Joseon's baekja and buncheong, and Goryeo's celadon are well known throughout the world. The Korean tea ceremony, pansori, talchum and buchaechum are also notable Korean performing arts.


Because of North Korea's tumultuous history, c***truction and destruction has been repeated endlessly, resulting in an interesting melange of architectural styles and designs. Korean traditional architecture is characterized by its harmony with nature. Often brutalist architecture was championed. North Korean architects studied in Moscow or Soviet satellites, and brought back socialist worker styles and huge celebratory people's architecture on a grand and massively impressive scale. Modern Architecture is practical with nomenclatura living in Soviet-style apartment blocks, farmers and rural workers lived in traditional houses as they always had; urbanization did not occur. Grand buildings and huge public squares were developed in Pyongyang as architectural showpieces. Nearly all architecture was government sp***ored, and maintained great homogeneity of function and style.

Because of South Korea's tumultuous history, c***truction and destruction has been repeated endlessly, resulting in an interesting melange of architectural styles and designs. Korean traditional architecture is characterized by its harmony with nature. Korean architecture entered a new phase of development during the post-Korean War rec***truction, incorporating modern architectural trends and styles.


The government emphasized optimistic folk-based tunes and revolutionary music throughout most of the 20th century. Ideological messages are conveyed through massive orchestral pieces.

Until the 1990s, trot and ballads dominated Korean popular music. The emergence of the rap group Seo Taiji and Boys in 1992 marked a turning point for Korean popular music, also known as K-pop, as the group incorporated elements of popular musical genres of rap, rock, and techno into its music. Hip hop, dance and ballad oriented acts have become dominant in the Korean popular music scene, though trot is still popular among older Koreans.


Unlike the former Soviet Union, no literary underground exists and there are no known dissident writers. All publishing houses are owned by the government or the KWP because they are c***idered an important tool for propaganda and agitation. Foreign literature did not appear until 1984, when North Korean editi*** of Indian, German, Chinese and Russian fairy tales, Tales from Shakespeare and some works of Bertolt Brecht and Erich Kästner were printed.

Serious fiction is provided by the choices of some contemporary authors by the Korea Literature Translation Institute for translation into English, French, German and Spanish. Various international literature is translated into Korean. The Korea literature market is dominated by typical mass market genres, including: Popular novels, detective novels, Political fiction, Fantasy fiction, Science fiction & boundary literature. Non-fiction essayists include Chang Young-hee. Notable modern poets include Moon Deok-soo, Choi Nam-son and Kim Sowol, Ki Hyung-do, Chon Sang-pyong.


North Korean media are under some of the strictest government control in the world. According to Freedom House, all media outlets serve as government mouthpieces, all journalists are Party members and listening to foreign broadcasts carries the threat of a death penalty Government policies towards film are no different than those applied to other arts — motion pictures serve to fulfill the targets of "social education". Some of the most influential films are based on historic events (An Jung-geun shoots Itō Hirobumi) or folk tales (Hong Gildong). Most movies have predictable propaganda story lines which make cinema an unpopular entertainment. Viewers only see films that feature their favorite actors. Western producti*** are only available at private showings to high-ranking Party members, although the 1997 Titanic is frequently shown to university students as an example of Western culture. Access to foreign media products is available through **uggled DVDs and television or radio broadcasts in border areas.

In addition to domestic c***umption, South Korean mainstream culture, including televised drama, films, and popular music, also generates significant exports to various parts of the world. This phenomenon, often called "Hallyu" or the "Korean Wave", has swept many countries in Asia and other parts of the world. Since the success of the film Shiri in 1999, Korean film has begun to gain recognition internationally. Korean television shows, especially the short form dramatic mini-series called "dramas", have also become popular outside of Korea, becoming another driving trend for wider recognition.


Korean cuisine has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditi*** in southern Manchuria and the Korean peninsula, it has gone through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends. Rice dishes and kimchi are staple Korean food. In a traditional meal, they accompany both side dishes (panch'an) and main courses like juk, pulgogi or noodles. Soju liquor is the best-known traditional Korean spirit.

Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, noodles, tofu, vegetables, fish and meats. Traditional Korean meals are noted for the number of side dishes, banchan (반찬), which accompany steam-cooked short-grain rice. Every meal is accompanied by numerous banchan. Kimchi (김치), a fermented, usually spicy vegetable dish is commonly served at every meal and is one of the best known Korean dishes. Korean cuisine usually involves heavy seasoning with sesame oil, doenjang (된장), a type of fermented soybean paste, soy sauce, salt, garlic, ginger, and gochujang (고추장), a hot pepper paste. Other well-known dishes are Bulgogi (불고기), grilled marinated beef, Gimbap (김밥), and Tteokbokki (떡볶이), a spicy snack c***isting of rice cake seasoned with gochujang or a spicy chili paste.


North Koreans have an almost obsessive sports mentality and most schools have daily practice in association football, basketball, table tennis, gymnastics, boxing and others. The DPR Korea League is popular inside the country and its games are often televised. The national football team, Chollima, competed in the FIFA World Cup in 2010,

The martial art taekwondo originated in Korea. Other Korean martial arts include taekkyeon, hapkido, Tang Soo Do, Kuk Sool Won, kumdo and subak. Football has traditionally been regarded as the most popular sport in Korea. Recent polling indicates that a majority, 41% of South Korean sports fans continue to self-identify as football fans, with baseball ranked 2nd at 25% of respondents. The national football team became the first team in the Asian Football Confederation to reach the FIFA World Cup semi-finals in the 2002 FIFA World Cup, jointly hosted by South Korea and Japan. Basketball is a popular sport in the country as well. Others include professional triathlon racing, Formula One racing, and domestic horse racing.


The birthday of Kim Jong-il is one of the most important public holidays in the country. Others include Generalissimo Day, Tree Planting Day, International Women’s Day, Seotdal Geumeum, Seollal, Kim Il-sung's Birthday, Kang Pan-sok’s Birthday, Military Foundation Day, Victory Day, Liberation Day, National Independence Day, Party Foundation Day, Kim Jong-suk's Birthday, C***titution Day, etc.

There are many official public holidays in South Korea, such as Korean New Year's Day, or "Seollal," on the first day of the Korean lunar calendar; Korean Independence Day on on March 1st; Memorial Day on June 6th; C***titution Day on July 17; Liberation Day on August 15; Every 15th day of the 8th lunar month, Koreans celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival; On October 1st, Armed Forces day is celebrated; October 3rd is National Foundation Day; Hangul Day, on October 9th. There are also unofficial holidays celebrated in Korea, such as Pepero Day.

Notable Points

North Korea is widely accused of having one of the worst human rights records in the world. North Koreans have been referred to as "some of the world's most brutalized people" by Human Rights Watch, because of the severe restricti*** placed on their political and economic freedoms

South Korea has a very technologically advanced culture. South Korean corporati*** Samsung and LG were ranked first and third largest mobile phone companies in the world in Q1/2012. An estimated 90% of South Koreans own a mobile phone. South Korea has the fastest Internet download speeds in the world, with an average download speed of 17.5 Mbit/s. It is the world's first country to bring high-speed fibre-optic broadband internet access to every primary and secondary school nation-wide.

  • 发表于 2021-07-12 10:51
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