


Bullet holes in Bonnie and Clyde's car

Bonnie Parker在1934次犯罪热潮中写了这首诗,而她和克莱德·巴罗则逃亡了。这首诗《邦妮和克莱德的故事》是她最后一次写这首诗,传说邦妮在这对夫妇被枪杀前几周把这首诗的副本送给了她的母亲。


帕克的诗是英国历史学家埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆(Eric Hobsbawm)称之为“社会强盗”的历史悠久的亡命之徒民间英雄传统的一部分。社会强盗/亡命之徒英雄是一位坚持更高法律并蔑视其时代权威的人民拥护者。社会强盗的观念是一种几乎普遍的社会现象,在历史上随处可见,关于社会强盗的民谣和传说有着一系列共同的特点。

围绕杰西·詹姆斯、山姆·巴斯、比利·基德和漂亮男孩弗洛伊德等历史人物的民谣和传说的主要特点是对已知事实的大量歪曲。这种扭曲使得暴力罪犯能够转变为民间英雄。在所有情况下,人民需要听到的“人民卫士”故事比大萧条期间的事实更重要,公众需要得到保证,有人反对被视为对他们的困境麻木不仁的政府。《大萧条之声》美国民谣歌手伍迪·古思里(Woody Guthrie)就写了这样一首关于漂亮男孩弗洛伊德的民谣,弗洛伊德在邦妮和克莱德去世六个月后被杀。



美国历史学家理查德·迈耶(Richard Meyer)确定了12个社会流氓故事的共同特征。并非所有这些故事都出现在每个故事中,但其中许多故事都来自古老的传说——骗子、受压迫者的拥护者和古代的背叛。

  1. 社会强盗英雄是一个“人民的人”,他反对某些既定的、压迫性的经济、公民和法律制度。他是一个不会伤害“小个子”的“冠军”
  2. 他的第一个罪行是通过压迫制度的代理人的极端挑衅造成的。
  3. 他从富人那里偷东西给穷人,充当“纠正错误”的人。(罗宾汉,佐罗)
  4. 尽管他的名声很好,但他心地善良,经常虔诚。
  5. 他的犯罪行为大胆而大胆。
  6. 他经常用诡计欺骗对手,经常用幽默的方式表达(骗子)
  7. 他的人民帮助、支持和钦佩他。
  8. 当局无法通过常规手段抓住他。
  9. 他的死只是因为一位前朋友的背叛((犹大)
  10. 他的死引起了他的人民的极大悲痛。
  11. 在他死后,主人公设法以多种方式“活下去”:故事说他不是真的死了,或者说他的鬼魂或精神继续帮助和激励人们。
  12. 他的行为和行为可能并不总是得到认可或赞赏,但有时会在民谣中被谴责为温和的批评,而不是对所有其他11个要素的彻底谴责和反驳。




The Story of Bonnie and Clyde You've read the story of Jesse James Of how he lived and died; If you're still in need Of something to read, Here's the story of Bonnie and Clyde. Now Bonnie and Clyde are the Barrow gang, I'm sure you all have read How they rob and steal And those who squeal Are usually found dying or dead. There's lots of untruths to these write-ups; They're not so ruthless as that; Their nature is raw; They hate all the law The stool pigeons, spotters, and rats. They call them cold-blooded killers; They say they are heartless and mean; But I say this with pride, That I once knew Clyde When he was honest and upright and clean. But the laws fooled around, Kept taking him down And locking him up in a cell, Till he said to me, "I'll never be free, So I'll meet a few of them in hell." The road was so dimly lighted; There were no highway signs to guide; But they made up their minds If all roads were blind, They wouldn't give up till they died. The road gets dimmer and dimmer; Sometimes you can hardly see; But it's fight, man to man, And do all you can, For they know they can never be free. From heart-break some people have suffered; From weariness some people have died; But take it all in all, Our troubles are small Till we get like Bonnie and Clyde. If a policeman is killed in Dallas, And they have no clue or guide; If they can't find a fiend, They just wipe their slate clean And hand it on Bonnie and Clyde. There's two crimes committed in America Not accredited to the Barrow mob; They had no hand In the kidnap demand, Nor the Kansas City depot job. A newsboy once said to his buddy; "I wish old Clyde would get jumped; In these awful hard times We'd make a few dimes If five or six cops would get bumped." The police haven't got the report yet, But Clyde called me up today; He said, "Don't start any fights We aren't working nights We're joining the NRA." From Irving to West Dallas viaduct Is known as the Great Divide, Where the women are kin, And the men are men, And they won't "stool" on Bonnie and Clyde. If they try to act like citizens And rent them a nice little flat, About the third night They're invited to fight By a sub-gun's rat-tat-tat. They don't think they're too tough or desperate, They know that the law always wins; They've been shot at before, But they do not ignore That death is the wages of sin. Some day they'll go down together; And they'll bury them side by side; To few it'll be grief To the law a relief But it's death for Bonnie and Clyde. — Bonnie Parker 1934


  • 霍布斯鲍姆,埃里克。”《强盗》,猎户座,2010年。
  • 伦德布雷德,邦妮·乔。”叛军受害者:过去与现在〉《英语杂志》60.6(1971):763-66。
  • 迈耶,理查德·E.“《亡命之徒:一种独特的美国民间类型》,《民俗学会杂志》17.2/3(1980):94-124。
  • 穆克、斯蒂芬、艾伦·拉姆齐和班卓维兰马拉。”《野鸽:历史作为文本》,《土著历史》9.1/2(1985):81-100。
  • 罗伯茨,约翰·W.“《铁路法案》和《美国不法分子传统》,《西方民俗学》40.4(1981):315-28。
  • 海豹突击队,格雷厄姆。”罗宾汉原则:民俗学、历史和社会强盗〉《民俗学研究杂志》46.1(2009):67-89。

  • 发表于 2021-09-05 23:02
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