


A heart surrounded by four quotes: ”Love is a fruit, in season at all times and within the reach of every hand.” –Mother Theresa ”Love is a dog from hell."" –Charles Bukowski ”Love is a journey with water and stars, with drowning air and storms of flour…” –Pablo Neruda ”Love is a disease and disease knows no laws.” –Ivan Turgenev


"I have said before that metaphors are dangerous. Love begins with a metaphor."




"Love is a fruit, in season at all times and within the reach of every hand. Anyone may gather it and no limit is set." – Mother Teresa, "No Greater Love" "I look at you and wham, I'm head over heels. I guess that love is a banana peel. I feel so bad and yet I'm feeling so well. I slipped, I stumbled, I fell" – Ben Weisman and Fred Wise, "I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell," sung by Elvis Presley in the film "Wild in the Country" "Love is a spice with many tastes—a dizzying array of textures and moments." – Wayne Knight as Newman in the final episode of "Seinfeld" "Now that you're gone I can see That love is a garden if you let it go. It fades away before you know, And love is a garden—it needs help to grow. – Jewel and Shaye Smith, "Love Is a Garden" "Love is a plant of the most tender kind, That shrinks and shakes with every ruffling wind" – George Granville, "The British Enchanters"



"Oh, love is a journey with water and stars, with drowning air and storms of flour; love is a clash of lightnings, two bodies subdued by one honey." – Pablo Neruda, "Sonnet 12" "[Love] is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken." – William Shakespeare, "Sonnet 116" "Love is a fire. It burns everyone. It disfigures everyone. It is the world's excuse for being ugly." – Leonard Cohen, "The Energy of Slaves" "Love's fire, if it once goes out, is hard to kindle." – German proverb


库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)称爱情为“长着天鹅绒爪子的鹰”,但许多歌手、作家、作家和流行文化中的人物都将爱情比作各种动物,包括狗、鸟,甚至鳄鱼。

"Love is a dog from hell." – Charles Bukowski, "Love Is a Dog From Hell" "Love's wing moults when caged and captured, Only free he soars enraptured." – Thomas Campbell, "Love's Philosophy" Love is a crocodile in the river of desire. – Bhartṛhari, "Śatakatraya" "Happiness is the china shop; love is the bull." – H.L. Mencken, "A Little Book in C Major"



"They say it is better to travel than to arrive. It's not been my experience, at least. The journey of love has been rather a lacerating, if well-worth-it, journey." – D.H. Lawrence, "Fantasia of the Unconscious" "Love is a truck and an open road, Somewhere to start and a place to go." – Mojave 3, "Truck Driving Man" "They say love is a two-way street. But I don't believe it, because the one I've been on for the last two years was a dirt road." – Terry McMillan, "Waiting to Exhale" "Love is the master key that unlocks the gates of happiness, of hatred, of jealousy, and most easily of all, the gate of fear." – Oliver Wendell Holmes, "A Moral Antipathy" "Love is a beggar, most importunate, Uncalled he comes and makes his dear demands" – Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, "Love Is a Beggar" "I thought love would be my cure But now it's my disease." – Alicia Keyes, "Love Is My Disease" "Is it natural for a man to fall in love? Love is a disease and disease knows no laws. – Ivan Turgenev, "Diary of a Superfluous Man"

  • 发表于 2021-09-14 06:53
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什么是诗中的自负(a conceit in poetry)

...们的血液已经混合在一起了。他用这个论据来说服自己的爱情兴趣去开始一段性关系。 “你要留意这跳蚤,在这里面要留意,你所否认我的,是何等的渺小;它先吸了我,现在又吸了你,在这只跳蚤里,我们俩的血混在一起了...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 07:52
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  • 发布于 2021-07-10 11:30
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...马修·普赖尔(Matthew Prior)写道:“在争论中,明喻就像爱情歌曲:它们描述得太多,证明不了什么。”。 词源来自拉丁明喻,“相似”或“比较” 例子 安妮·泰勒当他把我抱起来时,我觉得我把所有的烦恼都丢在了脚下...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:42
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...rs are dangerous. Love begins with a metaphor." 他可能会补充说,爱情有时也以隐喻结束。就像爱本身的体验一样,隐喻也会产生联系。因此,正如下面的引文所示,人们通过各种各样的比喻来想象、检验和记忆爱情,这并不奇怪。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:53
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...有些人认为隐喻只不过是歌曲和诗歌中甜美的东西,比如爱情是宝石、玫瑰或蝴蝶。但人们在日常写作和口语中使用隐喻。你无法回避它们:它们被直接融入了英语。 称一个人为“夜猫子”或“早起的鸟”是一个常见或传统的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 07:43
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...0年7月3日) 彼得拉克式的自负 “彼得拉克式的自负是爱情诗中使用的一种形象,在意大利诗人彼得拉克的爱情诗中是新奇而有效的,但在伊丽莎白时代的十四行诗中,他的一些模仿者却对这种形象深恶痛绝。这种形象包括了...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 09:49
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...亚大学出版社,1984) 伯纳德·马拉穆德关于面包和鱼的爱情隐喻。它提供两个似乎只有一个的面包。有时它会抛进一车鱼。作为一个概念思想者,我没有天赋,但我善于使用隐喻。(伯纳德·马拉默德,接受丹尼尔·斯特恩采访...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 10:36
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...它包括以下几行: “爱是一座庙宇“爱更高的法律” 将爱情与法律相比较的概念有一段有趣的历史。根据“隐喻网络:比喻语言的比较演变”,在中世纪,“爱”一词被认为等同于“法律”一词。 爱也是债务甚至是经济的隐...

  • 发布于 2021-09-17 17:09
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...尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)的经典台词:“爱情像花朵,友谊是一棵遮荫的树”,没有直接将爱情和友谊与植物相比较;他们说,爱情和友谊的某些方面与树木的某些方面相似,例如,它们都提供了一种庇护所。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 20:23
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什么是概念领域?(a conceptual domain?)

...在隐喻研究中,概念域是任何连贯的经验片段的表示,如爱情和旅行。一个概念域被另一个概念域所理解,称为概念隐喻。 在认知英语语法(2007)中,G.Radden和R.Dirven将概念域描述为“在给定情况下,一个范畴或框架所属的一...

  • 发布于 2021-09-22 08:36
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