

" Virgil imbues his Hades, as well as his Elysium, with a substantiated and understandable raison d'etre , and in the process corrects the notions of his predecessor [Homer in the Odyssey]. For Virgil, the Underworld must be categorized and organized as well as justified: thus the grouping of the souls of his Hades by reason or nature of punishment." Interaction and Reaction in Virgil and Homer Aeneas and children



  • 为什么埃尔彭纳对他没有被埋葬感到不安?
  • 为什么说在所有凡人中,提雷西亚被允许对凡人的事情保持清醒的头脑?
  • 为什么西西弗斯、提提俄斯和坦塔罗斯这三个被永远折磨的人的影子彼此接近?



" The striking similarities and close contrasts between the Underworlds of the two poets make it painfully obvious that Virgil was strongly affected by the ideas instilled in Homer's text. How exactly he reacted to this "burden," however, and how he attempted to justify his own work and separate it from that of Homer: these are the difficult yet ever-important questions. In re-creating Homer's Hades, and in the process facing up to his predecessor, Virgil exhibits clearly his desire to re-work Homer, to complete and perfect the vision of the earlier poet." Interaction and Reaction in Virgil and Homer



Odysseus goes to the Underworld for help getting home.


Aeneas goes to pay a duty call on his dead father Anchises.



The help Odysseus seeks comes from the prophet, Tiresias, in the Underworld and the sorceress, Circe, among the living.


Among the living, Aeneas seeks the guidance of the Sibyl at Cumae, a priestess of Apollo who speaks inspired prophetic utterances. Among the dead, he seeks the counsel of his father.



Circe calms his fears and instructs Odysseus on how to travel.


The Sibyl tells Aeneas how to proceed but warns him that while the trip to Hades is easy, the return voyage is limited to the select favorites of Jupiter. Aeneas must be divinely chosen if he is to return. This isn't all that terrifying a caveat, however, since he will know in advance whether he will be able to make the trip. In order to start the journey, the Sibyl says he must find a golden bough sacred to Proserpine. Should the gods not want him to proceed, he will fail to find it, but he does find it. In the guise of two doves, Venus, Aeneas' mother, guides him.



Misenus lay extended on the shore; Son of the God of Winds: none so renown'd The warrior trumpet in the field to sound; With breathing brass to kindle fierce alarms, And rouse to dare their fate in honorable arms. He serv'd great Hector, and was ever near, Not with his trumpet only, but his spear. But by Pelides' arms when Hector fell, He chose Æneas; and he chose as well. Swoln with applause, and aiming still at more, He now provokes the sea gods from the shore; With envy Triton heard the martial sound, And the bold champion, for his challenge, drown'd; Then cast his mangled carcass on the strand: The gazing crowd around the body stand. 162-175

与奥德修斯略有不同的是,埃涅阿斯有两个男人,他必须为他们举行葬礼,但直到西比尔把他带到冥河岸边,经过死亡的陪伴:饥荒、瘟疫、老年、贫穷、恐惧、睡眠和疾病(库雷、莫比、塞内特斯、梅特斯、法默斯、埃吉斯塔斯、勒图姆、拉波斯和索波尔),他才找到第二个男人. 在那里,埃涅阿斯在岸上找到了他最近去世的舵手帕利努鲁斯,帕利努鲁斯在接受适当的葬礼仪式之前无法跨越。因为他在海上迷路了,所以不可能进行适当的埋葬。

  • 发表于 2021-09-22 06:43
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  • 分类:历史


希腊诸神(greek gods)和罗马诸神(roman gods)的区别

...利亚特》一书中记载的希腊神话。 记载在埃涅伊德一书中的罗马神话。 神话起源 不知道。 许多罗马神借鉴了希腊神话和希腊神话中的创造神话。 神的...

  • 发布于 2021-07-05 01:31
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...最佳地点 迦太基传说 在迪多的兄弟(因在维吉尔的《埃涅伊德》中扮演的角色而闻名)杀死了她的丈夫后,迪多女王逃离了她在提尔的王宫,定居在北非的迦太基,在那里她试图为她的新定居点购买土地。她来自一个商人的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 11:11
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...琉斯随后追杀了被他归咎于死亡的特洛伊王子赫克托。 埃涅阿斯:特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯的侄子,安克西斯和女神阿佛洛狄忒的儿子。他在维吉尔(维吉尔饰)的史诗《埃涅伊德》中扮演了更重要的角色。 阿伽门农:阿契亚(...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 10:24
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...结束时,王室的表亲、女神维纳斯和凡人安切西斯的儿子埃涅阿斯王子带着他的儿子阿斯卡尼乌斯(Ascanius)离开了燃烧的特洛伊城,阿斯卡尼乌斯是家庭中最重要的神,他年迈的父亲和他们的追随者。 在经历了罗马诗人维吉...

  • 发布于 2021-09-16 15:54
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...年的深入研究后,迪奥发表了他的著作《罗马历史》。从埃涅阿斯(Aeneas)抵达意大利开始,这些卷约有1400年的历史。摘自大英百科全书: “他的罗马史由80本书组成,从埃涅阿斯在意大利登陆开始,以他自己的领事身份结束...

  • 发布于 2021-09-16 16:28
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  • 发布于 2021-09-16 18:32
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...里居住,胜过了当地的国王。后来,她款待了特洛伊王子埃涅阿斯,埃涅阿斯后来成为意大利罗马的骄傲,但在此之前,他抛弃了深受爱戴的迪多,与北非王国产生了持久的敌意。 汉诺 也许在他们的制图过程中没...

  • 发布于 2021-09-16 18:43
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...旅程象征着俄瑞斯忒斯向西飞行。这一仪式是维吉尔关于埃涅阿斯在埃涅阿斯发现一种神奇植物并进入地狱的传说的素材来源。不幸的是,对于这些有趣的故事来说,这两个故事都与尼米的仪式无关。 解释问题 埃涅阿斯和被...

  • 发布于 2021-09-18 01:44
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...尔塞福涅故事的一个版本是,她吃了一些石榴,这是一个黑社会仙女向哈迪斯报告的。哈迪斯是阿切隆的儿子阿斯卡拉福斯。为了报应,她把蜂王的水洒在他身上,把他变成一只尖叫的猫头鹰。 当埃涅阿斯冒险进入埃涅阿斯的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-20 09:14
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什么是阿尔巴龙加的位置和传说?(the location and legend of alba longa?)


  • 发布于 2021-09-21 00:04
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