如何未能改变美国政治(failed to change american politics)



Senate passes McCain-Feingold Bill





一些批评人士称,麦凯恩·芬戈尔德将竞选资金从政党转移到外部的第三方团体,而这些团体更为极端,关注面也更为狭隘,这让情况变得更糟。2014年,罗伯特·克尔纳(Robert K.Kelner)在《华盛顿邮报》上撰文,他是Covington&伯林LLP和马萨诸塞大学艾摩斯特分校政治学副教授Raymond La Raja:

"McCain-Feingold tilted influence in our political system toward the ideological extremes. For centuries, political parties played a moderating role: Because they comprise a broad coalition of interests, parties had to mediate among competing constituencies, looking for ­middle-ground positions that would draw maximum support. Traditionally, they used their preponderance of resources to impose discipline on extremists who threatened party comity. But McCain-Feingold pushed soft money away from parties and toward interest groups, many of which prefer to focus on highly contentious issues (abortion, gun control, environmentalism). These are not necessarily the issues of greatest concern to most Americans, especially during difficult economic times. With the parties in retreat, is it any surprise that our national political debate has taken on a more extreme tone or that fewer moderates are elected?"




  • 竞选融资中的软钱
  • 发布广告
  • 1996年联邦选举期间有争议的竞选活动
  • 提高个人政治捐款限额


众议院于2002年2月14日以240票对189票通过了HR 2356。参议院于2002年3月20日以60票对40票通过。

  • 发表于 2021-09-22 20:06
  • 阅读 ( 208 )
  • 分类:通用


政党(political parties)和利益集团(interest groups)的区别

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什么是袖珍否决权?(a pocket veto?)

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...ford to depend upon an Administration which had lost the confidence of the American people… We have had ample evidence over the years that elected representatives, especially those with great power, can easily fall into the pitfall of believing that their will is more important than the will of t...

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