


An exercise on modality

Martin J.Endley认为,“解释情态的最简单方法是说,它与说话人对话语中表达的某种情景所采取的立场有关……[M]情态反映了说话人对所描述情景的态度”(《英语语法的语言学观点》,2010年)。


"[Modality] is what makes the difference between a factual assertion like unicorns never existed, and a more guarded view, such as it seems unlikely that unicorns could ever have existed—or a bolder claim like the existence of unicorns must always have been a myth. Modality, then, is a resource speakers and writers use when they are staking claims to knowledge: it allows them to formulate different kinds of claims (e.g., assertions, opinions, hypotheses, speculations) and indicate how committed they are to those claims." ("The Teacher's Guide to Grammar," Oxford University Press, 2007)


正如时态表示动词的时间方面一样,用来表示情态的词表示句子的语气,即陈述的事实性或断言性,可以通过多种方式完成,包括使用形容词。Martin J.Endley在《英语语法的语言学视角》中解释道:

"Thus, a situation might be described as possible, probable, necessary, or certain. The noun counterparts of these adjectives also express modality so that a situation can be described as a possibility, a probability, a necessity, or a certainty. Moreover, it is possible to use ordinary lexical verbs to convey modality....And think about the difference between saying that you know something and saying that you believe something. Such differences are essentially a matter of modality. Finally, English also contains certain semi-fixed lexical phrases (e.g., rumor has it) that are, basically, modal expressions." (IAP, 2010)



使用情态表达的可能性范围很广,从不大可能到很可能;为了表达这些不同的层次,情态带有命名的等级,正如作者Günter Radden和RenéDirven在《认知英语语法》中所解释的:

"Modality is concerned with the speaker's assessment of, or attitude towards, the potentiality of a state of affairs. Modality, therefore, relates to different worlds. Assessments of potentiality, as in You must be right, relate to the world of knowledge and reasoning. This type of modality is known as epistemic modality. Modal attitudes apply to the world of things and social interaction. This type of modality is known as root modality. Root modality comprises three subtypes: deontic modality, intrinsic modality and disposition modality. Deontic modality is concerned with the speaker's directive attitude towards an action to be carried out, as in the obligation You must go now. Intrinsic modality is concerned with potentialities arising from intrinsic qualities of a thing or circumstances, as in The meeting can be canceled, i.e. 'it is possible for the meeting to be canceled.' Disposition modality is concerned with a thing's or a person's intrinsic potential of being actualised; in particular abilities. Thus, when you have the ability to play the guitar you will potentially do so....Modal verbs have a special status among modal expressions: they ground a situation in potential reality." (John Benjamins, 2007)

  • 发表于 2021-10-07 16:45
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应该(shall)和威尔英语语法(will in english grammar)的区别

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情态动词(modal)和助动词(auxiliary verbs)的区别

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应该(shall)和应(shall be)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-07 15:00
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应该(should)和应该是(should be)的区别

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什么是英语语法中的语义变化?(semantic change in english grammar?)

在语义学和历史语言学中,语义变化是指随着时间的推移,一个词的意义发生的任何变化。也称为语义转移、词汇变化和语义推进。常见的语义变化类型包括改进、贬义、扩展、语义缩小、漂白、隐喻和转喻。 当以另一种语...

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