


skiddy-mer-rink-a-doo cover 'Is it in the dictionary?' is a formulation suggesting that there is a single lexical authority: "The Dictionary." As the British academic Rosamund Moon has commented, "The dictionary most cited in such cases is the UAD: the Unidentified Authorizing Dictionary, usually referred to as 'the dictionary,' but very occasionally as 'my dictionary.' (Elizabeth Knowles, How to Read a Word. Oxford University Press, 2010)



For the Oxford English Dictionary, a neologism requires five years of solid evidence of use for admission. As the new-words editor Fiona McPherson once put it, "We need to be sure that a word has established a reasonable amount of longevity." The editors of the Macquarie Dictionary write in the Introduction to the fourth edition that "to earn a place in the dictionary, a word has to prove that it has some acceptance. That is to say, it has to turn up a number of times in a number of different contexts over a period of time." (Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels of English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011)



正如语言学家Ray Jackendoff所解释的,“一个词之所以成为一个词,是因为它是一段可发音的声音和一个意义之间的配对”(思想和意义用户指南,2012)。换句话说,一个单词和一系列无法理解的声音或字母之间的区别在于——至少对某些人来说——一个单词有某种意义。

如果你更喜欢一个更广阔的答案,请考虑Stephen Mulhall对维特根斯坦哲学研究的阅读(1953):

[W]hat makes a word a word is not its individual correspondence with an object, or the existence of a technique of its use considered in isolation, or its contrasts with other words, or its suitability as one component of a menu of sentences and speech-acts; it depends in the last analysis upon its taking its place as one element in one of the countless kinds of ways in which creatures like us say and do things with words. Inside that unsurveyable complex context, individual words function without let or hindrance, their ties to specific objects without question; but outside it, they are nothing but breath and ink... (Inheritance and Originality: Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Kierkegaard. Oxford University Press, 2001)


[Words] are the wildest, freest, most irresponsible, most un-teachable of all things. Of course, you can catch them and sort them and place them in alphabetical order in dictionaries. But words do not live in dictionaries; they live in the mind.

  • 发表于 2021-10-08 04:44
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  • 发布于 2021-05-15 06:37
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什么是暴政(what is the tyranny)和专制?(despotism?)的区别

...解释政治制度,专制和暴政被推到了次要位置。这样做的一个原因是两者之间无法保持明确的界限。 专制 专制一词是指一个单一实体以其支配的绝对权力统治的治理体系。这个单一的实体可以是一个类似独裁的个体,也可以是...

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善良,善良,(kind, sort,)和类型(type)的区别

...互换使用。然而,在某些语境中,这些词不能用来代替另一个词。 对于许多人来说,术语种类、排序和类型常常会让人困惑,因为这两个词在某些上下文中使用的相似,在其他上下文中使用的方式也不同。理解语境是很重要的...

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