什么是语义场分析?(semantic field analysis?)




霍华德·杰克逊(Howard Jackson)和艾蒂安·泽阿姆维拉(Etienne ZéAmvela)说:“没有一套统一的标准来建立语义场,尽管意义的“共同成分”可能是其中之一”(词汇、意义和词汇,2000年)。

尽管词汇场和语义场这两个术语通常可以互换使用,Siegfried Wyler做出了这样的区分:词汇场是“由词素构成的结构”,而语义场是“在词素中表达的潜在意义”(颜色和语言:英语中的颜色术语,1992)。


"A lexical field is a set of lexemes that are used to talk about a defined area of experience; Lehrer (1974), for example, has an extensive discussion of the field of 'cooking' terms. A lexical field analysis will attempt to establish the lexemes that are available in the vocabulary for talking about the area under investigation and then propose how they differ from each other in meaning and use. Such an analysis begins to show how the vocabulary as a whole is structured, and more so when individual lexical fields are brought into relationship with each other. There is no prescribed or agreed method for determining what constitutes a lexical field; each scholar must draw their own boundaries and establish their own criteria. Much work still needs to be undertaken in researching this approach to vocabulary. Lexical field analysis is reflected in dictionaries that take a 'topical' or 'thematic' approach to presenting and describing words." (Howard Jackson, Lexicography: An Introduction. Routledge, 2002)






"When analyzing a set of lexical items, [linguist Anna] Wierzbicka does not just examine semantic information . . .. She also pays attention to the syntactic patterns displayed by the linguistic items, and furthermore orders the semantic information in more encompassing scripts or frames, which may in turn be linked to more general cultural scripts which have to do with norms of behavior. She therefore offers an explicit and systematic version of the qualitative method of analysis for finding a close equivalent of conceptual domains. "This type of analysis may be compared with semantic field analysis by scholars such as Kittay (1987, 1992), who proposes a distinction between lexical fields and content domains. As Kittay writes: 'A content domain is identifiable but not exhausted by a lexical field' (1987: 225). In other words, lexical fields can provide an initial point of entry into content domains (or conceptual domains). Yet their analysis does not provide a full view of conceptual domains, and this is not what is claimed by Wierzbicka and her associates either. As is aptly pointed out by Kittay (1992), 'A content domain may be identified and not yet articulated [by a lexical field, GS],' which is precisely what may happen by means of novel metaphor (Kittay 1992: 227)." (Gerard Steen, Finding Metaphor in Grammar and Usage: A Methodological Analysis of Theory and Research. John Benjamins, 2007)


  • 搭配
  • 概念域
  • 上下义
  • 词汇集
  • 词汇学
  • 梅隆
  • 语义变化
  • 语义学
  • 义素
  • 词汇

  • 发表于 2021-10-08 23:24
  • 阅读 ( 360 )
  • 分类:语言



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