


Skeptical office worker communicating messages without words. Skeptical office worker communicating messages without words.












"We speak with our vocal organs, but we converse with our entire bodies. ... Paralinguistic phenomena occur alongside spoken language, interact with it, and produce together with it a total system of communication. . . . The study of paralinguistic behavior is part of the study of conversation: the conversational use of spoken language cannot be properly understood unless paralinguistic elements are taken into account." — David Abercrombie "Paralinguistics is commonly referred to as that which is left after subtracting the verbal content from speech. The simple cliche, language is what is said, paralanguage is how it is said, can be misleading because frequently how something is said determines the precise meaning of what is said." — Owen Hargie, Christine Saunders, and David Dickson Loudness in Different Cultures "A simple example of the adverse effects of paralinguistics is quoted in [Edward T.] Hall concerning the loudness with which one speaks (1976b). In Saudi Arabian cultures, in discussions among equals, the men attain a decibel level that would be considered aggressive, objectionable and obnoxious in the United States. Loudness connotes strength and sincerity among Arabs; a soft tone implies weakness and deviousness. Personal status also modulates voice tone. Lower classes lower their voices. Thus, if a Saudi Arab shows respect to an American he lowers his voice. Americans 'ask' people to talk more loudly by raising their own voices. The Arab then has his status confirmed and thus talks even more quietly. Both are misreading the cues!" — Colin Lago Vocal and Nonvocal Phenomena "The more technical discussion of what is loosely described as tone of voice involves the recognition of a whole set of variations in the features of voice dynamics: loudness, tempo, pitch fluctuation, continuity, etc. . ... It is a matter of everyday observation that a speaker will tend to speak more loudly and at an unusually high pitch when he is excited or angry (or, in certain situations, when he is merely simulating anger and thus, for whatever purpose, deliberately communicating false information). ... Among the most obvious non-vocal phenomena classifiable as paralinguistic, and having a modulating, as well as punctuating, function is the nodding of the head (in certain cultures) with or without an accompanying utterance indicative of assent or agreement. ... One general point that has been continually stressed in the literature is that both the vocal and non-vocal phenomena are to a considerable extent learned rather than instinctive and differ from language to language (or, perhaps one should say, from culture to culture)." — John Lyons Detecting Sarcasm Based on Paralinguistic Cues "There was nothing very interesting in Katherine Rankin's study of sarcasm—at least, nothing worth your important time. All she did was use an M.R.I. to find the place in the brain where the ability to detect sarcasm resides. But then, you probably already knew it was in the right parahippocampal gyrus. ... "Dr. Rankin, a neuropsychologist and assistant professor in the Memory and Aging Center at the University of California, San Francisco, used an innovative test developed in 2002, the Awareness of Social Inference Test, or Tasit. It incorporates videotaped examples of exchanges in which a person’s words seem straightforward enough on paper, but are delivered in a sarcastic style so ridiculously obvious to the able-brained that they seem lifted from a sitcom. "'I was testing people’s ability to detect sarcasm based entirely on paralinguistic cues, the manner of expression,' Dr. Rankin said. ... "To her surprise, ... the magnetic resonance scans revealed that the part of the brain lost among those who failed to perceive sarcasm was not in the left hemisphere of the brain, which specializes in language and social interactions, but in a part of the right hemisphere previously identified as important only to detecting contextual background changes in visual tests. "'The right parahippocampal gyrus must be involved in detecting more than just visual context—it perceives social context as well,' Dr. Rankin said." — Dan Hurley


  • 哈利法、埃尔沙迪格·穆罕默德和法德尔、哈比卜。“使用副语言对英语教学和学习以传达有效意义的影响”,《英语教学研究》,2017年。file:///Users/owner/Downloads/934-2124-1-SM.pdf
  • 人际沟通http://faculty.seattlecentral.edu/baron/Spring_courses/ITP165_files/paralinguistics.htm
  • 表情符号和符号并没有破坏语言——它们正在彻底改变语言,劳伦·科利斯特-https://theconversation.com/emoticons-and-symbols-arent-ruining-language-theyre-revolutionizing-it-38408
  • 韦茨,雪莉。《非言语交际》,牛津大学出版社,1974年,牛津。
  • 马修斯,彼得。《简明牛津语言学词典》,牛津大学出版社,2007年,牛津。
  • 大卫,阿伯克龙比。《普通语音学要素》,爱丁堡大学出版社,1968年,爱丁堡。
  • 哈吉,欧文;《人际沟通中的社会技能》,第三版,劳特利奇,1994年,伦敦。
  • 科林·拉戈,《种族、文化和咨询》,第二版,开放大学出版社,2006年,英国伯克希尔。
  • 约翰,里昂。《语义学》,第二卷,剑桥大学出版社,1977年,剑桥。
  • 赫尔利,丹。《讽刺的科学》(你并不在乎)。《纽约时报》,2008年6月3日。

  • 发表于 2021-10-16 17:16
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  • 分类:语言



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言语的(verbal)和非言语交际(nonverbal communication)的区别

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非言语交际(non verbal communication)和准语言(para language)的区别


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