


  • Cognate Adjectives: The German language has a surprising large amount of cognate adjectives in English. They differ mostly by their suffixes. There are only slight differences between these adjectives in the two languages. Even if you don't remember these differences when speaking, the adjectives resemble one another so much, that a German speaker would understand what you are trying to say : (don't forget to switch the c to a k when writing them!)
    1. English adjectives ending in -al -> same in German For Example: diagonal, emotional, ideal, normal, national, original
    2. English adjectives ending in -ant -> same For Example: tolerant, interessant, elegant
    3. English adjectives ending in -ent -> same For Example: excellent, intelligent, kompetent
    4. English adjectives ending in -al -> -ell ending in German For Example: generell, individuell, offiziel, sensationell
    5. English Adjective ending in -ic or-,ical -> isch For Example: allergisch, analytisch, egoistisch, musikalisch
    6. English adjective ending in -ve -> -iv For Example:aktiv, intensiv, kreativ, passiv
    7. English adjective endings in -y, -ly, or -ally -> -lich or -ig For Example: freundlich, hungrig, persönlich, sportlich
  • Using Present and Past Participles as Adjectives: Though you need to know how to form participles to begin with, these are easily mastered. (See Participles) Basically one changes a present or past participle into an adjective simply by adding the appropriate case ending. For Example: The present participle of schlafen is schlafend. Das schlafende Kind - The sleeping child. (See Present Participle) The past participle of kochen is gekocht. Ein gekochtes Ei - The cooked egg. (See Past Participle)
  • Adjective Combinations: These types of adjectives give a nice punch to conversation and serve to further itensify and emphasize what you are trying to say. (Just make sure to not overuse them.) The easiest ones to remember are the ones that are a literal translation from English. There are several of them and are mostly adjective combinations with colors and some with animals:
    1. Color adjectives with ...
    2. dunkel (dark), hell (light) and blass (pale)etc. For Example: dunkelblau (dark blue), hellbraun (light brown), blassgelb (pale yellow)
    3. same-colored objects For Example: schneeweiß (snowwhite) rabenschwarz (ravenblack), blutrot (bloodred)
    4. Animal Adjective Combinations: Some of these are not at all expressed in English in the same way, nevertheless the visual picture associated with these adjectives make them easy to remember. aalglatt - to be smooth like an eel bärenstark - to be strong like a bear bienenfleissig - to be busy like a bee mausarm - to be as poor as a mouse hundemüde - to be dog-tired pudelnass - to be wet like a poodle wieselflink - to be as swift as a weasel
  • 发表于 2021-10-17 03:03
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...:r(der,masc.),e(die,fem.),s(das,neu.) 缩写:adj(形容词)adv.(副词),Br((英国)(名词),v(动词),pl.(复数) 此外,您还可以在术语表中找到一些注释。很多时候,这些都指出了与德国医生和研究人员的关系,...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 07:56
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与英语相似,德语副词是修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词。它们用于表示地点、时间、原因和方式,可以在句子的各个部分找到。 例子 在这里,你可以在德语句子中找到副词: 动词之前或之后:Ich lese gern(我喜欢读书...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 01:06
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...下具有不寻常结尾的特殊男性名词的完整列表。 属格形容词词尾 在我们更仔细地研究属格格之前,让我们先谈谈属格中一个非常简单的方面:属格形容词的结尾。这一次,德语语法至少有一个方面是简单明了的!在属格短语...

  • 发布于 2021-09-08 12:58
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比较gut、besser和am besten

...被称为《最佳读物》(…澳大利亚读者文摘)。 德语形容词和副词的比较 在德语中,要形成大多数形容词或副词的比较级,只需添加-er,如inneu/neuer(new/newer)或klein/kleiner(small/small)。对于最高级,英语使用-est结尾,与...

  • 发布于 2021-09-11 00:06
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  • 发布于 2021-09-11 00:19
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...词大写感到困惑。例如,动词不定式可以变成名词,德语形容词可以变成名词。单词的这种角色变化在英语中也会发生,例如当动词变成动名词时。 德国性别 大多数人会同意,这是德语语法的最大障碍。德语中的每个名词都...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 11:52
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“瑞典赫尔”("sehr")和德语中的“viel”("viel" in german)的区别

... 副词 定义:当你可以用“very”替换sehr时,它将被放在形容词的前面。例如:Der Mann war sehr nervös。(该男子非常紧张。)Sehr将置于形容词之前,即使已经有另一个副词描述该形容词。例如:Der Mann war wirklich sehr nett。(这个人...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 12:02
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下表显示了主格的形容词结尾,包括定冠词(der、die、das)和不定冠词(ein、eine、keine)。 主格的德语形容词结尾

  • 发布于 2021-09-17 02:05
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...意震惊那些有传统价值观的人。 法波茨基特(意第绪语形容词):俚语,指完全被弄脏的东西,尤其是由于试图修复它而造成的。 菲塞利格(德语形容词):由于他人的监督或唠叨而慌乱到无能的地步。 fucha(波兰语动词):...

  • 发布于 2021-09-18 14:51
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如何用德语预约(make and keep an appointment in german)

...。”——“二月四日仍然是自由的。” 词尾的变化与形容词在句子中使用时词尾的变化是一致的。 用德语书写 用书面德语表达序数要容易得多,因为不需要根据大小写和性别调整后缀。对于日历中的日期,只需在数字后...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 00:42
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