什么是保鲜膜?(plastic wrap?)

塑料薄膜,也称为保鲜膜或保鲜膜,是一种薄的塑料薄膜,主要用于覆盖食品以保持其新鲜。它是1953年由一位科学家发明的,他试图为他的汽车制造一层厚厚的塑料罩。快活®包装和Saran™ Wrap是世界上最知名的两个品牌,通常用作通用术语。市场上的第一个塑料包装是由聚偏二氯乙烯(PVC)制成的,商业上称为Saran,尽管今天有许多品牌,包括Saran™ 包装-由低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)制成。...
Plastic wrap is a thin plastic film used to cover food to keep it fresh.

塑料薄膜,也称为保鲜膜或保鲜膜,是一种薄的塑料薄膜,主要用于覆盖食品以保持其新鲜。它是1953年由一位科学家发明的,他试图为他的汽车制造一层厚厚的塑料罩。快活®包装和Saran™ Wrap是世界上最知名的两个品牌,通常用作通用术语。市场上的第一个塑料包装是由聚偏二氯乙烯(PVC)制成的,商业上称为Saran,尽管今天有许多品牌,包括Saran™ 包装-由低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)制成。



PVC和LDPE本身都不能很好地粘附,因此必须向薄膜中添加其他聚合物,如聚异丁烯(PIB)或聚醋酸乙烯酯(EVA)。在澳大利亚上市的第一个塑料包装,GLADD®wrap,使用了可食用的树胶粘合剂,一些较新的产品使用了类似的技术。例如,GLADD®Press'n Seal具有可食粘合剂口袋,当薄膜被压下时,这些口袋会被激活。

  • 发表于 2021-12-05 09:34
  • 阅读 ( 339 )
  • 分类:美食



... it to put a laptop in a refrigerator? Is keeping it in a sleeve case or a plastic bag enough to protect the laptop? Does the temperature and time spent in a refrigerator also matter (i.e. half an hour is an optimal time)? Is it a bad idea overall and can it quickly damage the laptop (assuming it is...

  • 发布于 2021-04-09 12:13
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...indoor environment. The protection from this is to wrap the box tightly in plastic before bringing it indoors, and leave it wrapped for a couple of hours, while it has time to warm up. 其他投稿人EdH提供了一些现场经验来证实先前的评估: No way. Unless it over heats. Trust me, I ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 05:09
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...iginally used on the US test market copies of black box games, back before plastic was used to seal each game. As Nintendo began to further establish their company in the US, their packaging was updated almost continuously. Strangely, the addition of the plastic wrap came before the box cutting die ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 12:46
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...,但我决定对他的手写笔做的快速修复是:Get one of those plastic shopping bags from the grocery store, or similar. Has to be those thin ones to work best.Cut out an approximate 1.5" square piece.Wrap it over the point of the stylus, taping down each corner one at a time. Be sure to ...

  • 发布于 2021-05-25 07:59
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...electrical tape around the tip of the Lightning end of the cable (only the plastic part). A strip of about 8-10 inches should be used.Follow the instructi*** provided with the dock to insert the cable into the avenue provided for the 30-pin cable, being sure the cable sits in the center of the plast...

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...物。 低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)-SPI代码4-耐用、灵活,用于**保鲜膜、三明治袋、购物袋等。 聚丙烯(PP)-SPI代码5-广泛用于**瓶盖、吸管、酸奶容器、电器、汽车挡泥板等。 聚苯乙烯(PS)-SPI代码6-也称为聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。用于**...

  • 发布于 2021-07-14 00:21
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...ure if you'd like.Label the paper with the cheese variety and date.A loose plastic wrap or a plastic bag over the paper generally keeps things tight (and keeps out fridge odors).奶酪有一种倾向,无论什么美妙的气味在你的冰箱,所以保持包装纸,然后塑料,让他们呼...

  • 发布于 2021-07-28 06:00
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...r and use it to trace your knife around the flattened mass of meat.Shallow Plastic Containers — Line the container with plastic wrap, press the meat into the container, then wrap for a good to go patty.从第二天为50多位客人压制肉饼的一次令人谦卑的经历和一项小小的研究...

  • 发布于 2021-07-29 00:41
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saran wrap的发明者

...膜被称为Saran薄膜。1949年,它成为第一款用于商业用途的保鲜膜。它于1953年出售供家庭使用。SC Johnson于1998年从陶氏收购Saran。 SC Johnson对PVDC的安全性有一些担忧,随后采取措施将其从Saran的成分中去除。结果,该产品的受欢迎...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 18:28
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什么是泡泡膜®?(bubble wrap®?)

自发明气泡膜®以来,它不仅被用作包装材料,而且已成为一种现象。Marc Chavannes和Alfr...

  • 发布于 2022-01-20 10:51
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