什么是制作公司?(a production company?)

Movie and television production companies may have specific directors, writers, or actors under contract.



Music production companies may stage live concerts or record albums.

该公司还可能配备某些演员、导演或电影编辑和摄影师。通常情况下,当它属于一家大型工作室时尤其如此,比如迪斯尼旗下的Touchstone Pictures。与Touchstone签订合同的董事更有可能获得Touchstone提供的工作。

有时演员会选择组建一家制作公司来追求自己的艺术目标。例如,女演员德鲁·巴里摩尔(Drew Barrymore)在她的小公司Flower Films取得了成功。她曾制作过《狂热的沥青》、《查理的天使》和《50次初次约会》等热门电影。

Production companies handle many aspects of live and recorded entertainment, including editing and distribution.



Large scale concert tours typically have a production company that oversee each shows.

制作现场节目的制作公司可能会针对某个地区进行工作。例如,在Graham去世之前,Bill Graham的礼物一直是旧金山湾地区最大的生产公司之一。这家公司将负责预订,为满足声音和视觉需求做出安排,并为某些演出雇佣员工。

Makeup artists are part of a production company.



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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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...ng to a study run by Kickstarter in 2015, roughly 1 in 10 “successful” products that reach their funding goals fail to actually deliver rewards. Of the ones that do deliver, delays, missed deadlines, or overpromised ideas mean that there’s often disappointment in store for those products that ...

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