什么是班图语?(the bantu languages?)

班图语是主要在非洲南部使用的一大语系。超过500种语言被归入这个家族,包括斯瓦希里语、科萨语和祖鲁语。班图语的学生有大量的资料要处理,因为他们的家庭规模很大,讲班图语的人分布在非洲各地。自1948年马尔科姆·古思里(Malcolm Guthrie)对这一语系进行了详尽的调查以来,已经发表了许多关于这些语言的研究报告。...
The Bantu family of languages are spoken throughout southern Africa.

班图语是主要在非洲南部使用的一大语系。超过500种语言被归入这个家族,包括斯瓦希里语、科萨语和祖鲁语。班图语的学生有大量的资料要处理,因为他们的家庭规模很大,讲班图语的人分布在非洲各地。自1948年马尔科姆·古思里(Malcolm Guthrie)对这一语系进行了详尽的调查以来,已经发表了许多关于这些语言的研究报告。





  • 发表于 2022-01-16 00:14
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什么是印度语言(the indian languages)


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如何快学一门语言(learn a language fast)

...好方法 与母语人士交流 Speech is the most important aspect of any language. So, the best way to learn a language is to speak it. If you can connect with a native speaker of that language, you have a good chance of learning the language fast. 先学发音 说话是语言中最重要的技能...

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...(main difference urdu) vs. 阿拉伯语(arabic) Urdu and Arabic are two languages that are usually associated with the Muslim community. Arabic, which is spoken in many regi*** of the world, can be said to be the origin of Urdu. Due to their historical connection, there are many similarities betwee...

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主要差异语言(main difference language) vs. 方言(dialect) Language is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, c***isting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Dialect is a variety of language distinguished by grammar, pronunciation, or vocab...

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...utch) vs. 德语(german) Both Dutch and German belong to the West Germanic language of Indo-European language family. Since they share common origins and are used in the same geographical area, there are marked differences between these two languages. Both German and Dutch speakers often find it eas...

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...语是一种古老的语言,被用作新语言的基础(the two popular languages is that tagalog is an old language that has been used as the basis of the new)和改进的菲律宾语。较新的语言包括从其他语言借来的词(improved filipino. the newer language includes words borrowed ...

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...h in favour of English. India has reversed its former campaign against the language of its colonial rulers, and millions of Indian parents are now enrolling their children in English-language schools—in recognition of the importance of English for social mobility. Since 2005, India has had the wor...

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...tence without using a feast of Anglo-Saxon words. Computer analysis of the language has shown that the 100 most common words in English are all of Anglo-Saxon origin. The basic building blocks of an English sentence—the, is, you and so on—are Anglo-Saxon. Some Old English words like mann, hus an...

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南非班图教育和发展部长MC Botha于1974年颁布法令,规定黑人学校从标准5开始[从小学最后一年到高中最后一年]必须使用南非荷兰语作为教学语言。非洲教师协会(ATASA)发起了一场反对这项政策的运动,但当局还是实施了这项政...

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