什么是生成语法的应用?(the applications of generative grammar?)

Generative grammar can provide the foundation for a person to learn a language.





支持者认为某些规则是普遍的,因为它们是人类意识的自然组成部分。换句话说,人类天生就对这些原则有着某种根深蒂固的认识。学习只是将这些理想带到最前沿并加强它们。诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)等早期支持者利用这一信念解释了为什么幼儿通常能够轻松学会语言,并以比成年人更快的速度学习不同的语言。因此,生成语法是强调和理解一个人从出生起就具有的自然心理能力的有用工具。。


  • 发表于 2022-01-16 07:34
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主要区别语法(main difference grammar) vs. 语法(syntax) Grammar and Syntax are two overlapping disciplines that deal with the c***truction of words, phrases and sentences in a language. Since both syntax and grammar deal with rules and structures of language, many people assume tha...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 01:01
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模棱两可的(ambiguous)和明确语法(unambiguous grammar)的区别

...比较 关键术语 含糊不清的语法 什么是歧义语法(ambiguous grammar)? 如果一个字符串有两个或两个以上的派生词,语法就被认为是不明确的。 Figure 1: Ambiguous Grammar 假设有一个语法定义如下。 G=({S},{a+b,+,*},P,S}。产生式规则...

  • 发布于 2021-06-30 21:25
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如何语法中使用的名词动词?(a denominal verb used in grammar?)

...use the new verb ring has no past-tense form, the default marker steps in, generating ringed. . . ."There is some evidence for the claim of Kim et al. (1991) that adults consider all denominal verbs to take regular past-tense forms."(Ben Ambridge and Elena V. M. Lieven, Child Language Acquisition: C...

  • 发布于 2021-09-02 13:53
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...are not used with their mathematical meaning. "Chomsky's grammar is a 'generative grammar of the transformational type.' By that he means that it makes explicit the rules for generating new sentences, not for analyzing existing sentences; the rules themselves provide the analysis. And he means t...

  • 发布于 2021-09-17 19:58
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...f language, and that children must be equipped with an innate Universal Grammar: a set of plans for the grammatical machinery that powers all human languages. This idea sounds more controversial than it is (or at least more controversial than it should be) because the logic of induction mandate...

  • 发布于 2021-09-20 14:54
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什么是英语语法中的递归?(recursion in english grammar?)

... 221-222): ... the rules of the grammar must iterate in some manner to generate an infinite number of sentences, each with its specific sound, structure, and meaning. We make use of this 'recursive' property of grammar constantly in everyday life. We construct new sentences freely and use them o...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 13:17
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什么是语法中的wh-words?('wh- words' in grammar?)

... but not *What did Albert ask whether Bertie gave—to Catherine?"—From "Generative Grammar" by E. Keith Brown 来源 莱斯特,马克;比森,拉里。《麦格劳·希尔英语语法和用法手册》,麦格劳·希尔。2005 《英语语法词汇》,爱丁堡大学出版社。20...

  • 发布于 2021-09-25 01:05
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什么是语法中的析取?(disjunction in grammar?)

...train I have no evidence as to whether it is late or not."—From English Grammar: An Outline" by Rodney Huddleston 来源 休斯,W;批判性思维〉,布罗德维尤。2004 纽斯特德,S.E。;格里格斯,R.A.《思维与推理:心理学方法》中的“分离的语言与思...

  • 发布于 2021-09-25 01:10
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...对语言的描述。 专家如何定义描述性语法 "Descriptive grammars do not give advice: They detail the ways in which native speakers use their language. A descriptive grammar is a survey of a language. For any living language, a descriptive grammar from one century will differ fr...

  • 发布于 2021-09-25 02:58
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什么是英语语法中零冠词的目的是什么?(the purpose of the zero article in english grammar?)

在英语语法中,零冠词指的是在讲话或写作中,名词或名词短语前面没有冠词(a、an或the)的场合。零冠词也称为零限定词。 一般来说,冠词不能与专有名词、指代不确定的大量名词或指代不确定的复数计数名词连用。此外...

  • 发布于 2021-09-29 05:58
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