什么是英语语法中的主谓一致?(the subject-verb agreement in english grammar?)



subject verb agreement subject verb agreement




The girl [singular subject] reads [singular verb] mystery stories. The girls [plural subject] read [plural verb] mystery stories. Tonya [singular subject] is [singular verb] asleep. Tonya and her friends [plural subject] are [plural verb] asleep."




Incorrect High levels of mercury occurs in some fish. Correct High levels of mercury occur in some fish. Incorrect Water in the fuel lines cause an engine to stall. Correct Water in the fuel lines causes an engine to stall. Incorrect Food between the teeth result in decay. Correct Food between the teeth results in decay."

(Laurie G.Kirszner和Stephen R.Mandel,《先写后读:语境中的实践》,第三版,贝德福德/圣马丁出版社,2006年)



Five dollars is the price of that shirt. Two hundred yards is a long way to crawl.


Mumps is very uncommon in the United States today.


The gift he gave his friend was books. ( Books is the subject complement.)"




Dogs and cats love to have their ears scratched. Cream cheese and tomato are delicious on a bagel.


Bacon and eggs is my favorite breakfast. Corned beef and cabbage is an Irish tradition.


The creator and champion of the sport is injured. The cause and solution to our problems is this.




Either Fred or his his cousins are going. Either my aunts or my mother is going."

(Ronald Wardhaugh,《理解英语语法:语言学方法》,第二版,Blackwell,2003)



The family have all gone their separate ways. The whole family is celebrating the holidays at home this year. The majority of our city council members are Republicans. The majority always rules.


The remainder of the job applicants are waiting outside. The rest of the books are being donated to the library. A number of customers have come early.


Some of the books were missing. All of the cookies were eaten.


The rest of the map was found. Some of the water is polluted. All of the cake was eaten. The remainder of this chapter is especially important."




Over the building flies a solitary flag. (flag flies) Over the building fly several flags. (flags fly) There is a good reason for that deadline. (reason is) There are good reasons for that deadline. (reasons are)"

(Paige Wilson和Teresa Ferster Glazier,《你至少应该懂英语》,表格A:写作技巧,第11版,沃兹沃斯,2012年)



  • 主谓一致性错误的纠正
  • 编辑练习:纠正主谓一致性中的错误
  • 主谓一致性错误的识别与纠正
  • 主谓一致性错误的校对

  • 发表于 2021-10-21 02:27
  • 阅读 ( 308 )
  • 分类:语言


在里面(in)和英语语法中的内部(within in english grammar)的区别

...”的额外含义。 在里面(in)和英语语法中的内部(within in english grammar)的区别 如前所述,介词in描述一个特定事物或个人的位置,而in介词则表达内心深处的感觉。更重要的是,in和within这两个词在与其他词不同使用时会产生不同...

  • 发布于 2020-10-17 01:57
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一(a)和英语语法(an in english grammar)的区别

...些冠词的正确用法是非常重要的。 什么是英语语法a(a in english grammar)? 不定冠词a用于“一”的意义,它用在名词前面,作为一种数的形容词,如下面的句子中。 珍妮特今天早上吃了芒果。 在这句话中,你会想到珍妮特今天早...

  • 发布于 2020-10-27 12:13
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每个(each)和英语语法中的每一个(every in english grammar)的区别

...手组成的团体。 每个(each)和英语语法中的每一个(every in english grammar)的区别 •每一个都用作限定词和一个可数名词。 •需要注意的是,“each of”的用法特别是当存在另一个限定词时。 •另一方面,每个人都把人或事物放在一...

  • 发布于 2020-11-05 08:21
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一(a)和一个是英语语法(one in english grammar)的区别

...是你让她哭了。你去道歉' 一(a)和一个是英语语法(one in english grammar)的区别 •a和1的定义: •A是英语中不定冠词之一。 •一个是数字。有时也用作代词。 •含义: •当你使用a时,你只是指一件事。 •当你使用一个时,你指的...

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如何英语语法中的冠词用法(use articles in english grammar)

什么是文章(articles)? 英语语法中的冠词是提供名词或名词短语信息的词。英语语法中只有三个冠词;它们分为定冠词和不定冠词两类。定冠词表示特定的事物,而不定冠词表示非特定的事物‘是唯一的定冠词,’an’和...

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对象(object)和英语语法补语(complement in english grammar)的区别

...宾语,补语,句法 什么是英语语法中的宾语(an object in english grammar)? 剑桥词典将英语语法中的宾语定义为“受动词作用影响的名词或名词短语”。简言之,客体是受主体行为影响的东西。 英语语法的基本句法或句子结构是-主...

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什么是解析?英语语法中的定义与举例(parsing? definition and examples in english grammar)

句法分析是一种语法练习,包括将文本分解为其组成部分,并解释每个部分的形式、功能和句法关系,以便理解文本。“语法分析”一词来源于“词性”的拉丁语部分 在当代语言学中,句法分析通常指计算机辅助的语言句法...

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  • 阅读 ( 231 )

如何使用英语语法编写说明(use english grammar for writing instructions)

在商务写作、技术写作和其他写作形式中,说明是执行程序或执行任务的书面或口头指示。它也被称为指导性写作。 分步说明通常使用第二人称的观点(你,你的,你的)。指令通常以主动语态和命令式语气传达:直接向听...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 08:06
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什么是英语语法中的语义变化?(semantic change in english grammar?)

在语义学和历史语言学中,语义变化是指随着时间的推移,一个词的意义发生的任何变化。也称为语义转移、词汇变化和语义推进。常见的语义变化类型包括改进、贬义、扩展、语义缩小、漂白、隐喻和转喻。 当以另一种语...

  • 发布于 2021-09-17 08:07
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什么是英语语法中的名词性从句(或名词性从句)?(a noun clause (or nominal clause) in english grammar?)

...on as complete sentences." — Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar, 5th ed., Allyn and Bacon, 1998 "A Colorado study found that the average homeless person cost the state forty-three thousand dollars a year, while housing that person would cost just seventeen thousand dol...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 04:11
  • 阅读 ( 223 )

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