什么是商议?(a deliberation?)

When a jury meets to decide a case, it is known as a deliberation.


Jury deliberation takes place after both sides have presented their cases.

评议的典型例子是陪审团评议。一旦案件结束,陪审员被护送到一个私人房间,在那里他们讨论案件,并就判决是有罪还是无罪进行投票。陪审员审议时可能会进行多次投票,通常鼓励陪审员尝试达成一致的结果,而不是出现所谓的 "悬空陪审团",即陪审员无法就裁决达成一致。

A judge delivers a set of instructions to jurors before they begin their deliberation.


A jury is a group of citizens who are tasked with determining whether an accused party is guilty or not guilty.



  • 发表于 2022-02-17 13:46
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  • 分类:法律


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