什么是死刑?(a death sentence?)

The guillotine was invented as a quick, accurate way to decapitate a criminal, but it is rarely used in modern times.


San Quentin State Prison, which houses the only death row for male inmates in California.


An electric chair in the former Louisiana State execution chamber.


Gas chambers are commonly used as death sentence devices in North Korea.


Death sentences are usually handed out to people who commit murder or other violent crimes.



  • 发表于 2022-02-18 16:33
  • 阅读 ( 64 )
  • 分类:法律



... **、****裁判官无权判处****和**A judge has the power to give sentence of life imprisonment and death 治安法官的定义 治安官是指在某一特定地区,即地区或城镇管理法律的未成年司法官员。他/她是审理民事或刑事案件并作出判决的人...

  • 发布于 2021-07-08 19:11
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... as well as the killing of the twelve-year-old girl, and given three death sentences. 他于1989年1月被处决. 04 21岁 安德烈·奇卡蒂洛 被戏称为“罗斯托夫屠夫”的安德烈·奇卡蒂洛(andrei chikatilo)在1978年至1990年间对前苏联至少50名妇女...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 03:55
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拉尔夫·贝兹 Ralph Baze was sentenced to death February 4, 1994, in Rowan County for the 谋杀两名警官。 On January 30, 1992, Deputy Arthur Briscoe went to Baze’s home regarding outstanding warrants from Ohio. He returned with Sheriff Steve Bennett. Baze shot the two police ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 04:34
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死刑,也被称为“死刑”,是指政府有计划地对被依法定罪的人所犯下的罪行进行处死。 在美国,死刑的支持者和抗议者之间的情绪分歧很大,而且同样强烈。 双方报价 大赦国际反对死刑,认为: "The death penalty is the u...

  • 发布于 2021-09-05 02:57
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...利福尼亚州将轻罪定义为: "...a crime for which the maximum sentence is no more than one year in county jail. A misdemeanor is more serious than an infraction but less serious than a felony. Common examples are DUI, shoplifting and domestic violence that does not result in a s...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 17:33
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....16 million more per execution than a non-death penalty murder case with a sentence of life imprisonment (Duke University, May 1993). In its review of death penalty expenses, the State of Kansas concluded that capital cases are 70% more expensive than comparable non-death penalty cases. 结论 ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-12 00:48
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...义的案件,在该案件中,大多数法官裁定全国各州现有的死刑方案是任意的和不一致的,违反了美国宪法第八修正案。 快速的事实:弗曼v。格鲁吉亚 案情:1972年1月17日 决定发布日期:1972年6月29日 请愿人:威廉·亨利·弗...

  • 发布于 2021-09-17 16:29
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... (威廉·福克纳在给马尔科姆·考利的信中) "The term 'sentence' is widely used to refer to quite different types of unit. Grammatically, it is the highest unit and consists of one independent clause, or two or more related clauses. Orthographically and rhetorically, it is that u...

  • 发布于 2021-09-29 03:29
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  • 发布于 2021-10-09 01:16
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...o understand the locutionary force of the utterance—that is, what the sentence says. However, the illocutionary force of the utterance—what is intended by the utterance—is not clear unless context is taken into account." (​"Discourse and Language Education." Cambridge University Press...

  • 发布于 2021-10-16 17:44
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