






For ages I have watched people go on and on about how to remember passwords and how they go about it. While some right them down… others use programs or spread sheets… while others use top secret methods they never disclose. For myself, I have always used a very simple method that I invented for myself. It allows me to have a different password for every site and I have never forgotten (or written down) any of them. I call it the PATS method (passwords are that simple). Here is how it works but you can modify it to your own personal style.

First, I have a standard password that I have used since the beginning of time and for this example we will say it is my first name and my street address combined. My first name is Pat and my street address is 3245. Putting these together, I get pat3245 for my base password. Now when I go to a site that requires a password I combine my “BASE” password with something from that site. Lets say I do a password for https://www.tl80.cn. I combine my base password with the three letters from the URL of the site, in this case “how to geek” becomes “htg” and I add this to my base for the new password. Now taking the htg and combining it with my base gives me htgpat3245.

But I can also move things around for several different variati*** on this as the following will show. I can put the htg from “how to geek” in the middle of my base password to form pathtg3245 or put it at the end of my base password to form pat3216htg. Doing this allows me to have a password for each site that is different. If I go to www.discovercard.com, I can use dc (discovercard) plus my base (pat3245) and form the password dcpat3245 or patdc3245 or pat3245dc. You can devise your own scheme and I do have my own scheme that I cannot divulge but you get the idea.

I have been using this method for ages and it has never failed me. I have a different password for all my credit cards and banking. Now if someone should get into my discover card and try to use that same password for my banking, they would quickly be disappointed. While my exact method isn’t as simple as this, most people can use this as a model and add their own twist to it. I call this method the “PATS” method which stands for Passwords Are That Simple.”


Install an Alternative Windows Font Renderer从提示框:个人密码算法,windows下的linux/mac字体渲染,android的audiomanager


I’ve been looking around for a reliable substitute to gdi++ for a while. [Editor’s note: gdi++ was an alternative Windows Font rasterizer/rendering tool that has since ceased development] Yesterday I finally came across a good replacement, gdipp. It is an advanced font renderer that surpasses Microsoft ClearType in terms of a more Mac-like font render for the system and its applicati***. Works amazingly well and may be worth trying. Cheers!


对于那些不确定是否想和gdipp混在一起的读者,请查看上面的屏幕截图。从本质上讲,gdipp取代了Windows中的默认字体呈现引擎,并以类似于osx和许多Linux发行版中的方式呈现字体。当使用gdipp时,您应该注意到字体看起来比默认Windows渲染器下的字体更平滑、更强大、渲染效果更好(在上面的屏幕截图中,顶行显示Windows ClearType,底行显示gdipp)。你可以在这里读更多。

audiomananger micro管理您的android音频



After being embarrassed by the loud audio on my Android phone one too many times (loud game music in the library, starting alarm alerts at the wrong time, etc.) I finally did something about it and installed AudioManager. You can manage the audio on your phone and create custom profilers: I’ve made profiles for the library, for class, for home, for sleeping, and more. Now I don’t have to wonder if I’ve set all my settings correctly for class or turned my ringer up when I’m at home. It’s awesome. I can’t believe this wasn’t the first app I downloaded when I got a Droid.


Have a great tip to share? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and you just might see your tip on the front page.

  • 发表于 2021-04-12 20:44
  • 阅读 ( 254 )
  • 分类:互联网



在任何平台上,加密都是每个人都应该认真对待的事情。你可能认为你在Linux上比在Windows甚至macOS上更安全。但是Linux真的像你想象的那样安全吗? ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-11 16:31
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windows 10字体管理指南

...素:标题栏、菜单、消息框、调色板标题、图标名和工具提示。大小可以设置在0到20之间,字体可以是普通字体或粗体。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 06:37
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...新删除了更改标题栏、菜单、调色板标题、消息框和工具提示的系统字体大小的设置之前,Windows也这样做了。如果你正在努力阅读你的屏幕上的字体,这个便携式免费应用程序可以帮助现在。 ...

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... 方法4:从命令提示符打开它 ...

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...,也有VeraCrypt版本。要开始使用此免费工具,请访问维拉密码.fr下载并安装VeraCrypt。在安装过程中,请确保接受默认设置。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-24 11:25
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...了更改标题栏、菜单、消息框、调色板标题、图标和工具提示中的默认字体的选项。windows10使用非常熟悉的Segoe用户界面字体。但是如果你把它换成完全不同的东西,比如拉维,怎么样? ...

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...Passphrase in Chrome on Windows and Mac Add a Sync Passphrase in Chrome on Android, iPhone, and iPad 什么是chrome同步(chrome sync)? 以下是Chrome在启用同步的情况下保存到您的Google帐户的所有信息: 书签 历史记录和打开的选项卡 密码 付款信息 姓名、...

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锁定windows 10 pc的10种方法


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