本来会的(would have)和会是的(would have been)的区别

Would have和Would be是英语中两种必须准确理解的用法。“would have”的用法暗示了可能性,正如句子“如果他有40美元,他会买的”。在这句话中,“would have”的用法表示,如果买家有40美元,就有可能被购买。...


Would have和Would be是英语中两种必须准确理解的用法。“would have”的用法暗示了可能性,正如句子“如果他有40美元,他会买的”。在这句话中,“would have”的用法表示,如果买家有40美元,就有可能被购买。

另一方面,“would be”也暗示着“可能性”,但在一个连续的意义上,就像“他现在已经很富有了”。在这句话中,使用“would be”表示连续的意思。

“would have”的用法有时表示“可能性”,如“我本可以使它成为可能”这句话。在这句话中,使用“would have”这个词表示“可能性”。“would have be”的用法有时会伴随着“other”一词的使用,如“other it was been fine”这句话。

另一方面,“would have”这个短语有时会伴随着以“if”开头的从句,就像“如果你集中注意力更好的话,你会做的”。有时我们会发现“would have”会伴随一个从句,以过去完成动词“had”开头,就像句子“如果球员表现更好,球队本可以赢得比赛”。

  • 发表于 2020-10-23 17:30
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  • 分类:语言


能够(could)和会用英语语法吗(would in english grammar)的区别

英语语法中的can vs will 由于can和will是两个在用法上经常混淆的词,而且它们在英语中经常使用,所以有必要了解英语语法中can和will之间的区别。can是动词can的过去时形式,而will是动词will的过去时形式。在八个词类中,这两...

  • 发布于 2020-10-22 12:03
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本来可以的(could have)和本来会的(would have)的区别

...话,弗朗西斯本可以轻松完成的” 什么意思? 这个短语本来是用来描述或表达一个事件或事件的确定性。当我们在一个短语中使用would have时,我们指的是如果某个行为确实发生了,那么这个结果就会发生。就像在could have,我...

  • 发布于 2020-10-23 13:57
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威尔vs威尔 will和will的基本区别在于它们使用的时态。然而,在不同的语境中,这两个词也有其他含义。will和would这两个词由于在意思和用法上的相似性而经常混淆。然而,will这个词用于将来时态。另一方面,will是动词will的...

  • 发布于 2020-11-05 18:42
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...exactly into the “9” size, the aspect ratio is not quite 16:9 – this would require a horizontal width of 1365.33 pixels. However, at only 0.05%, the resulting error is insignificant. Citati*** are not provided, but it is a reasonable explanation. It is the closest to 16:9 that they could get ...

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...a private company, but without the government’s gift of Section 230 they would not exist for long. I predicted this would happen. We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we... ...also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform...

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... the far future, we do become a universal platform for human discourse, it would not do if in our youth, we decided to censor things simply because they were distasteful.
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...h Section 706 and Title II and I promised that in this process all opti*** would be on the table in order to identify the best legal approach to keeping the Internet open. That includes both the Section 706 option and the Title II reclassification. Recently, the Commission staff began exploring "hyb...

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...studio side and specifically requested your participation. No other studio would be involved.
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...tion. In the wrong hands, this software — which does not exist today — would have the potential to unlock any iPhone in someone’s physical possession.
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