
对于Nest来说,这几天是一段动荡的日子。上周,Nest的联合创始人兼首席执行官托尼•法德尔(Tony Fadell)离职时,对公司的产品路线图、苛刻的文化要求以及在新母公司Alphabet下被剥离出谷歌后的财务表现充满了不满。这一切都让外界猜测,新CEO法瓦兹被请来是为了削减公司规模,并有可能出售公司——他之前在谷歌的工作是担任摩托罗拉Home的CEO,他。。。削价出售给阿里斯。...

对于Nest来说,这几天是一段动荡的日子。上周,Nest的联合创始人兼首席执行官托尼•法德尔(Tony Fadell)离职时,对公司的产品路线图、苛刻的文化要求以及在新母公司Alphabet下被剥离出谷歌后的财务表现充满了不满。这一切都让外界猜测,新CEO法瓦兹被请来是为了削减公司规模,并有可能**公司——他之前在谷歌的工作是担任摩托罗拉Home的CEO,他。。。削价**给阿里斯。


不过,尽管谷歌似乎对去年的一笔交易进行了轻描淡写的调查,但一位接近Alphabet executive thinking的消息人士现在表示,Nest“绝对不会**”,“我们致力于对其进行投资。”另一位消息人士刚刚给我们发来了Fawaz今天发给Nest所有员工的一封信,其中,他还明确表示“雀巢不**”,他“雀巢的唯一议程是通过创新产品进行规模化和增长”,同时指出“规模和创新并非相互排斥”。听起来,雀巢正受到更多关注,但计划将继续下去。这是信:

Joining the Nest

Hi Nesters,

It’s been a whirlwind few days! Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome on Friday. I’ve had the chance to meet many of you in passing and over GVC, and I was able to join many of my team’s direct reports for their staff meetings. Your collective passion and sense of mission are immediately apparent and contagious. It’s never easy to be the new guy, but Nesters have been incredibly welcoming.

I mentioned on Friday that my skills and passion are around scaling great companies — and products — to reach more customers. It’s what I like to think about and what I like to deliver. My only agenda for Nest is to scale and grow with innovative products. Nest is not for sale, and scaling and innovation aren’t mutually exclusive.

I’m counting on each one of you to help maintain our culture of disruption, the source of the Nest magic. This culture is how we’ll continue to lead in the connected home space, continue to attract the best talent around, and help save even more energy and lives.

Many of you have asked if there’s a change in strategy or direction. There is not. We need to focus on delivering the great roadmap we have in place, beginning with [redacted]. This is how we’ll reset the narrative about Nest, reminding our customers, partners, and compe*****s of how we became the #1 connected home brand in the first place. Nest understands design, customer needs, and the importance of home. I know you will all work hard in the coming weeks to ensure we continue to surprise and delight our customers and I’m very excited to be a part of it.

Rightfully, many of you have questi***, and I look forward to addressing them candidly and in person. We have a number of upcoming face-to-face meetings, from Lunch & Learns to office visits to department All-Hands. Stay tuned for details of upcoming opportunities to meet and share thoughts, concerns and ideas.

Thank you,



  • 发表于 2021-05-05 07:54
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  • 分类:互联网



凯文·梅耶尔上任不到四个月就辞去了TikTok的首席执行官一职。虽然他的辞职发生在特朗普**带来的持续政治动荡之中,但他离职的决定可能与政治关系不大,更多的是与收购迫在眉睫时自己的自主权有关。 梅耶尔在...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 09:26
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...。这是卡内基梅隆大学数百家初创公司之一。 Duolingo首席执行官兼联合创始人路易斯•冯•安(Luis von Ahn)本人也是危地马拉移民,他表示,特朗普**的政策将阻碍其发掘和**人才的能力。冯安本月早些时候在推特上说,“如果...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 12:53
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...新开放了工厂,这违反了该县的“留守令”,该公司首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)称这一规定为“***”。该公司的几名工人最近检测出COVID-19呈阳性。 克鲁斯决定在交付计划的同时进行定期测试,这说明视听公司面临着巨...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 02:03
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苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克在all things digital的d10大会上任命了开幕发言人

蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)可能是苹果CEO的新人,但自去年8月以来,他主持了一些惊人的里程碑式的活动,现在他将首次在非苹果公司的活动上发表演讲——库克将于5月29日启动All Things D的D10大会。史蒂夫·乔布斯曾多次出现在All Thi...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 22:49
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...多年来一直在用这一策略排挤新的竞争对手。”Nest首席执行官托尼·法德尔(Tony Fadell)说:“霍尼韦尔比专利巨魔还糟糕。”他们想勒死我们,我们不会让这种事发生。” 法德尔对专利诉讼略知一二— 作为苹果iPod...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 23:43
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 20:51
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nest首席执行官托尼·法德尔(tony fadell)在谈到谷歌收购时说:“我不想退休。我想建立这个愿景'

 Nest首席执行官托尼·法德尔(Tony Fadell)告诉我,他的目标不是钱,而是谷歌的基础设施和支持Nest发展的能力。法德尔还表示,目前,Nest的隐私政策和服务条款仍将保持原样,但...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 02:41
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苹果公司的phil schiller在twitter上发布了nest首席执行官tony fadell


  • 发布于 2021-04-25 03:28
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Nest的首席执行官托尼·法德尔(Tony Fadell)最近谈到了围绕谷歌32亿美元收购Nest的最大问题之一:隐私。在慕尼黑举行的DLD会议上,Fadell表示,未来对Nest隐私政策的任何修改都将是opt-in,公司将对用户的这些修改“透明”。

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 03:39
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...是自两个月前新任CEO上任以来的首次。Evernote的新任首席执行官克里斯•奥尼尔(Chris O'Neill)在博客中写道,他相信一支规模较小的团队“将为Evernote的明天的增长和扩张做好准备”。他打算将公司的重点放在“笔记、同步和搜...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 12:59
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