





Expand your idea of a vacation destination

I chose my destination for the mini vacation I took last week by plugging my dates and price range into Kayak’s flight explorer. I eliminated anything that was too close (boring) or too far (I was bringing a couple of impatient children) and ended up flying to a **all town in a neighboring state that I never would have thought to visit. The destination was okay (Hagerstown, Maryland—def check out Discovery Station if you have kids) but honestly the best part was the tiny airplane that took us there. I never would have had a chance to ride it if I had chosen the destination first.

Beth skwarecki, health editor


Find a new work playlist

I’ve been listening to lots of prog rock while I work. It’s complex and loud enough to drown out office noise, and the long, often instrumental tracks are less distracting than a bunch of three-minute pop songs. I’m also getting into the rock/art/new-age work of Mike Oldfield—he has a half-dozen albums that are all variati*** on the same structure from his first album, Tubular Bells.

nick douglas, staff writer


Invest in your own development

I attended a writing workshop this weekend that has me itching to try out new ideas. It was an investment in myself, and it definitely paid off— I was feeling a bit overwhelmed the past few weeks, but now I’m energized and up for trying new and ambitious stories. Plus, I met a ton of cool women who had great ideas I can’t wait to see come to fruition.

alicia adamczyk, staff writer


Explore the wide world of canned wine

This week, I bought a can of Pinot Noir. I’m not sure I’d c***ider that an upgrade in taste, but I’ll report back once I’ve cracked it open. It is, however, a significant upgrade in terms of portability and storage. It takes up less space on my desk than a full bottle, and it’s silvery exterior is just as pretty to look at. I also upgraded my geek life by asking my parents to ship me some Star Wars posters I bought in 1997, which I’m hoping to have The Emperor sign this weekend at the Silicon Valley Comic Con. (Hi Woz.)

david murphy, senior tech editor


Treat fitness as a marathon, not a sprint

This week, I went back to the gym for the first time in years. My approach to exercise has typically been to push myself very hard at first, then inevitably peter out as I get increasingly sore and uninspired. This time, I was more lenient with myself, and I’m less discouraged and achy several days later. I decided to stop reminding myself how much I used to exercise in high school, because it’s simply not helpful. So far, I’m on course to build a prolonged, more enjoyable routine with the gym, which is more important to me than getting SWOLE.

adam powers, video producer


Step back from your elaborate skincare routine

In spite of using various elaborate serums and cleansers recently, I haven’t been loving the way my skin looked and felt. I realized that, at the moment, the problem seemed to be that I was unnecessarily fussing with my skin, then adding more stuff on to try to fix that, rather than just leaving it the hell alone. All of which is to say I’ve gone back to an old favorite: using Pond’s cold cream as a makeup remover and cleanser at night, putting some moisturizer on when I’m done, and calling it good. I’ll probably have to re-evaluate this routine once the weather gets warmer, but for now, it’s a big improvement. I wish I’d done this before springing for the fancy, ineffective retinol serum, though.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor

  • 發表於 2021-05-15 03:53
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  • 分類:網際網路



...或喜歡做細緻研究的人。這是為那些誰想要作出一個好的目的地和一個體面的地方停留快速決定。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-13 07:11
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...獨特的體驗,在你的書中看到世界。如果您將書的位置與目的地匹配,則可獲得加分。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-15 06:30
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... 看看他們飛往的一些目的地。它們都是你未來最後一刻旅行的潛在目的地。馬爾地夫聽起來怎麼樣? ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 01:18
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... 這就是為什麼你應該把你能做的一切都嵌入到你的演講中。我們展示瞭如何在PowerPoint中嵌入YouTube影片,並且可以很容易地將任何網站的截圖貼上到幻燈片中。如果你能避免離開...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 08:19
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... 我們已經討論了一些決策旅行工具,以找到一個目的地,適合您的需求。一旦你到了那裡,你需要想辦法做什麼。從在地圖上向朋友徵求建議,到免費的徒步旅行,以下是你如何充分利用假期的方法。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-20 13:53
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...裡?這些應用程式將幫助你根據獨特的過濾器找到下一個目的地,如天氣、**要求、地區等。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-22 09:45
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...。另外,如果您使用移動應用程式,那麼您也可以在到達目的地時訪問您的預訂和行程。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-24 09:19
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...你要洗的衣服。Facebook也是如此,儘管你可以在那裡漫無目的地閒逛多久(不過,我們建議不要這樣做)。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-25 06:17
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... 但是為什麼你要只選擇一張桌布呢?在Windows中設定桌布的幻燈片很容易,這樣你就可以展示你所有的收藏了。下面是方法。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-26 11:49
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... 也可以考慮提前在Instagram上安排時間。如果你想漫無目的地滾動和你的朋友開玩笑,那沒關係。每天晚上把10分鐘的時間放在日曆上,等時間到了再把注意力放在其他事情上。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 17:21
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