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  • 分類:健康



隱私與安全 隱私和安全之間的區別可能有點混亂,因為安全和隱私是兩個相互關聯的術語。在資訊科技世界中,提供安全意味著提供三種安全服務:機密性、完整性和可用性。其中一個祕密或隱私。所以,隱私只是安全的一...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-25 16:20
  • 閲讀 ( 62 )

現代藝術(modern art)和後現代藝術(postmodern art)的區別

...·卡爾德、馬克·羅斯科、海倫·弗蘭肯塔勒、喬治亞·奧基夫、埃爾斯沃思·凱利、阿爾·霍爾德、布魯斯·諾曼和布里奇特·萊利。 什麼是後現代藝術(postmodern art)? 另一方面,在後現代主義時代,特別是在計算機出現之後,藝...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-27 15:29
  • 閲讀 ( 89 )


... 今天,我們來看看magnet和info hash的真正含義,它們之間的關係,以及如何將info hash轉換成magnet檔案。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-19 07:52
  • 閲讀 ( 63 )


... get-filehash FILEPATH ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-19 07:54
  • 閲讀 ( 52 )


...槽雜湊標記意味著什麼: What does it mean when a partition has hash marks on it in Windows 10? 磁碟管理中顯示的分割槽雜湊標記是什麼意思? 答案 超級使用者貢獻者Run5k和DavidPostill將為我們****。首先,跑5K: That simply indicates the partition that c...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-07 22:55
  • 閲讀 ( 44 )


...vels, the actual decoded output will be identical. You can compare the MD5 hashes of the decoded outputs with ffmpeg using the MD5 muxer. This is best shown with some examples. Create PNG Files By default, ffmpeg will use -compression_level 100 for PNG output. A quick, sloppy test showed that 100 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-11 03:50
  • 閲讀 ( 58 )


...mtak: The easiest way to determine if two discs are the same is to run a hash of both of them: sudo md5sum /dev/cdrom If the hashes match, then the disks are exactly the same. However, if the hashes do not match, then this will not tell you what is different about them. If even a single bit is d...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-11 08:53
  • 閲讀 ( 40 )


...nybody know how it is really done at a low level? I mean, does it create a hash of the source and destination content, then compares them? If so, does it store the hash of the burned content in RAM? Or does it save it in a temporary file on the hard drive? Is there a log file of what is going on? Ju...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-11 10:16
  • 閲讀 ( 49 )


...攻擊者需要什麼: If the attacker can gain access to the password hash it is often very easy to brute force since it simply entails hashing passwords until the hashes match. The hash “strength” is dependent on how the password is stored. A MD5 hash might take less time to generate then a ...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-11 18:12
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...any difference whether the compromise on site A was a plain-text leak or a hashed version? 如果假設的情況發生了,邁克爾應該擔心嗎? 答案 超級使用者貢獻者幫助邁克爾解決了這個問題。超級使用者參與者Queso寫道: To answer the last part first: Yes, it ...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 03:36
  • 閲讀 ( 55 )

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