諾基亞n8(nokia n8)和諾基亞c7(nokia c7)的區別


諾基亞n8(nokia n8)和諾基亞c7(nokia c7)的區別


The N8 is Noki’s top of the line **artphone. But with the release of the C7, many are wondering what the difference between the N8 and C7 is. Obviously, there is the price as the C7 is the cheaper and scaled down version of the N8. Many of the top-end features of the N8 are missing in the C7.

Despite having the same screen, there is one major difference between the two; Gorilla glass. Gorilla glass is a special type of glass that is used on the N8. It is virtually indestructible and should protect the N8’s screen against scratches and accidental impacts. The C7’s screen is more likely to show scratches and is more prone to breaking when dropped or banged against a hard object.

The prime selling point of the N8 is its camera. At 12 megapixels, and coupled with autofocus and Carl Zeiss optics, it competes with many digital cameras available today. The C7 is not as good as that on the N8 as its sensor is has a resolution of 8 megapixels and it lacks autofocus. The photos that the C7 takes are still comparable, if not better, to most other **artphones. Memory is also another aspect where the C7 has less. The N8 has 16GB of internal memory while the C7 only has 8Gb. But once you run out of space on you internal memory, it is possible with both models to add a microSD memory card for even more. The N8’s camera is also supported by the addition of the HDMI port. The port allows the N8 to connect to HDTVs and output 高畫質video directly. The C7 does not have an HDMI port but it does have a TV-OUT. It is still able to output video, but not of HD quality.

Usually, the feel of the device gives a general idea whether it is a pricey phone or not; it is no different between the N8 and C7. The N8’s anodized body gives it a hefty and sturdy feel while the 塑膠body of the C7, though not really flimsy, is no compe***** to that of the N8.


  1. C7是N8的較便宜版本
  2. N8使用gorilla玻璃,而C7則沒有
  3. N8的攝像頭比C7好得多
  4. N8比C7有更多的記憶體
  5. N8有一個HDMI埠,而C7沒有
  6. N8採用金屬機身,而C7採用塑膠機身
  • 發表於 2021-06-23 09:10
  • 閱讀 ( 46 )
  • 分類:通用


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